
  • 网络new public management;New public administration;npm;npa
  1. 新公共管理强调政治中个人自由的重要性。

    NPM make a strong point of individual liberty in politics .

  2. 相对于新公共管理理论,协作性公共管理是新公共管理的下一步。

    With respect to the NPM , CPM is the next step .

  3. WTO与新公共管理视野下我国公务员制度的创新

    WTO and Innovation of Civil Servant System of China in the New Public Management Perspective

  4. 新公共管理运动中的BOT模式及其控制体系研究

    A Research on BOT Model and Its Control System in New Public Management Reform

  5. 公共管理P途径与B途径的融合,形成了新公共管理,这表明公共管理学开始成为一个显性的学科范式。

    The melt of path P and path B in public administration forms new public administration , which implies that public administration science has become a dominant subject paradigm .

  6. 新公共管理的政策工具:PPP的理论与实践分析

    The Policy Tool of New Public Management : A Research on Theory and Practice of PPP Model

  7. PPP模式的理论依据主要为公共选择理论、委托代理理论、新公共管理理论及治理理论等。

    The theoretical basis of PPP model includes the Public Choice Theory , Principal-Agent Theory , New Public Management Theory and the Governance Theory and so on .

  8. 在此基础上,第五章着眼于英国新公共管理(NPM)及私人部门参与。

    Furthermore , chapter 5 looked at the New Public Management ( NPM ) and Private Sector Participation in the United Kingdom .

  9. 财政困难是各国融入经济全球化洪流的通病,而各国开出的治病良方就是新公共管理(NPM)。

    Financial difficulty is the common disease which all the countries suffer from when they are in the flood of economic globalization and the universal prescription is the New Public Management ( NPM ) .

  10. 新公共管理理念下的英国文官制度改革

    British Civil Service System Reform under the New Public Management Idea

  11. 新公共管理有公共政策途径和企业管理途径两种概念演进途径;

    New public management involves public policy approach and business approach .

  12. 城市营销与新公共管理的价值取向分析

    Analysis of Value Orientation of City Marketing and New Public Management

  13. 新公共管理及其对我国行政管理的启示

    New Public Management and Its Contributions to Administrative Management in China

  14. 中国改革怎样面对新公共管理

    How does the Administrative Reform in China Face to New Public Management

  15. 新公共管理与中国高等教育供给体制改革

    New Public Administration and System Reform of Chinese Higher Education

  16. 试论西方新公共管理的理论缺陷

    Ideological Critique of the New Public Management in Western Countries

  17. 基于新公共管理的政府财务报告问题研究

    The Research on Government Financial Report : Based on New Public Management

  18. 基于新公共管理理论的义务教育发展研究

    The Research of Compulsory Education Developing Problem of New Public Management Theory

  19. 试析新公共管理理论中的公共服务供给观

    An Approach to Public Service Supply in New Public Management

  20. 论新公共管理运动对行政主体理论的冲击

    On Impact of New Public Management upon Theory of Subject of Administration

  21. 新公共管理运动与官僚制

    The Movement of New Public Administration and the Bureaucratic System

  22. 新公共管理模式对公民参与的促进作用

    On the New Public Management Model Promoting the Citizen Participation

  23. 论新公共管理改革内容的国情适用性

    On the National Applicability of the Contents of New Public Management Reform

  24. 西方新公共管理变革与我国行政管理模式的改革

    New Public Management in the West and Administration Pattern Reform in China

  25. 新公共管理治理理念与政府审计机制创新

    Governance Theory of New Public Administration and Mechanism Innovation in Government Auditing

  26. 新公共管理理论在环境保护中的应用

    The Application of New Public Management Theory on Environmental Protection

  27. 新公共管理:动因、特征及影响

    New Public Management : Reasons , Characteristics and Impacts

  28. 新公共管理理念与政府财务报告的完善

    New Public Management Idea and Government Financial Report Consummation

  29. 官僚制与新公共管理:互补与融合

    Bureaucracy and Present Public Management : Complement and Combination

  30. 新公共管理范式下的地方政府改革&论政务超市的兴起与发展

    The Local Government Reform under the Background of the New Public Management Paradigm