
  • 网络Helmsman
  1. 企业家作为民营企业的掌舵者,其成长显得尤为重要。

    Entrepreneurs , as the helmsman of private enterprises , are of particular significance .

  2. 现代公司中,CEO作为公司的掌舵者,在公司决策和公司治理中起着十分重要的作用。

    As the leader of modern company , CEO makes a significant difference according to their decision and governance .

  3. 美国经济的掌舵者艾伦格林斯潘(AlanGreenspan)是一个天才。

    Alan Greenspan , mastermind of the US economy , was a genius .

  4. 她将跟随国际货币基金组织(IMF)主席克里斯蒂娜•拉加德(christineLagarde)的脚步,加入世界经济掌舵者的行列。

    She will join Christine Lagarde , the head of the International Monetary Fund , at the helm of the global economy .

  5. 塞普布拉特(SeppBlatter)认为,如果当初他成功实施了一项秘密计划、将世界杯(WorldCup)主办权授予美国,现在他或许仍是世界足球的掌舵者。

    Sepp Blatter believes he would still be in charge of world football if he had succeeded with a secret plan to award the World Cup to the US .

  6. 他们也受欢迎,因为所有的掌舵者每逢聚在一起的时候,个个都健谈。

    They were likewise welcome because all pilots are tireless talkers , when gathered together .

  7. 过去40年的大部分时间里,铃木修都是这家由其家族创建的公司的掌舵者。

    Said Mr Suzuki , who has run his family-founded company for most of the past four decades .

  8. 每逢一个船长用到一名名声特别高的掌舵者,他必须千方百计把他留住。

    When a captain got hold of a pilot of particularly high reputation , he took pains to keep him .

  9. 在某段时期,掌舵者的日子会比平时更加难熬:那就是危机期间。

    And there 's one time when being in charge is even more trying than usual : during a crisis .

  10. 可能是表现依然良好的公司倾向于雇佣更多的女性主管。定额制的推崇者们认为该制度能对公司和股东都有益,他们将拥有女性掌舵者的公司的优越表现作为支撑这一观点的证据。

    Proponents of quotas cite the superior performance of firms with female directors as evidence that quotas will benefit companies and their shareholders .

  11. 欧洲债务危机令全球金融市场疲于招架,突显出人们深怀的担忧:我们的金融体系已经失去了掌舵者,只能随波逐流,最终可能崩溃。

    The exhausting European crisis dominating financial markets worldwide highlights profound concerns that our financial system is rudderless , adrift and could crash .

  12. 因为人们都会感觉这些领导者同时是掌舵者,并不是因为他们喜欢指挥别人,抑或是享受众人目光的聚焦,

    because people could feel that these leaders were at the helm not because they enjoyed directing others and not out of the pleasure of being looked at ;

  13. 人不完全是诸神的傀儡,也不完全是自身命运的掌舵者;两者皆有。

    Man is neither entirely a puppet of the gods , nor is he entirely the captain of his own destiny ; he 's a little of both .

  14. 本文认为在政府公共工程委托审计中,政府审计机关从划桨者变为掌舵者,如何有效地防范和控制审计风险是搞好委托审计工作的关键环节。

    The paper also demonstrates that audit risk controlling is the key point for successful commissioned audit because the role of national audit department has changed from a rower to a steerer .

  15. 即,在现有的政府绩效评估中,作为评估对象的政府既是评估者又是被评估者,既充当掌舵者又充当划桨者。

    That is , in the existing government performance evaluation , government as the assessment object is also the assessment to be assessed , both as the helm of those and also serve as paddle .

  16. 公司的掌舵者们常常相信,保持控制的最佳而且唯一方式是让周围一群典型的“镜子经理”,即一个接受并执行命令,但几乎从不挑战他们权威的团队。

    Too often , those at the helm of companies believe that the best - and indeed , only - way to maintain control is to surround themselves with the classic " mirror image managers " : a team that listens and executes , but hardly challenges .

  17. 有一半不在你的掌控,有一半绝对取决于你,你的行动让你看见可评量的结果。人不完全是诸神的傀儡,也不完全是自身命运的掌舵者;

    Half of it you have no control over ; half of it is absolutely in your hands , and your actions will show measurable consequence . Man is neither entirely a puppet of the gods , nor is he entirely the captain of his own destiny ;