
  1. 由此触发了第二阶段新恒星的形成。

    This is triggering a second stage of new star formation .

  2. 斯必泽收获的几十颗新恒星。

    Spitzer Space Observatory harvests dozensof new stars .

  3. 一架北约太空望远镜发现了围绕一个新恒星的两个快速发展的行星之间快速冲撞的迹象。

    Nasa space telescope has found evidence of a high-speed collision between two burgeoning planets orbiting a young star .

  4. 黑洞通过释放热量将星系气体排斥掉,阻碍了任何新恒星的形成。

    By emitting heat that pushes away the galactic gas , the black hole prevents any new stars from being formed .

  5. 在早期的时代,Himiko就已经以有力的步伐(每年100颗的速度)制造新恒星。

    At that early epoch , Himiko was already making new stars at a vigorous clip of about 100 per Earth year .

  6. 而被撕扯下来的气体形成新的恒星。

    This torn-out gas still gives birth to new stars .

  7. 新的恒星临边昏暗线性经验公式的意义

    Significance of new stellar limb darkening linear empirical laws

  8. 平均每年在我们的星系中诞生一颗新的恒星。

    An average of one new star is born in our galaxy each year .

  9. 马头星云:新的恒星已经在其内部形成了。

    The Horsehead Nebula : New stars have already formed inside part of it .

  10. 新的恒星继续从圆盘中的气体云中形成。

    New stars continued to come into being from the gas clouds of the disk .

  11. 星云里有许多“大象鼻子”,每一条都在孕育着一颗新的恒星。

    Nebula where there is lot of " elephant nose ", each of breeds at a new star .

  12. 太阳圆面极边缘的临边昏暗规律新的恒星临边昏暗线性经验公式的意义

    The darkening at the extreme limb of the sun significance of new stellar limb darkening linear empirical laws

  13. 哈勃望远镜发现宇宙中有绿色发光体,该奇异光可能正孕育着新的恒星。

    Hubble telescope zeroes in on green blob in space , the bizarre glowing blob is giving birth to new stars .

  14. 而就如同银河星系一样,原本螺旋状的水母星系从它的气体和尘埃中创造新的恒星。

    A jellyfish galaxy was once a spiral like the Milky Way , spawning new stars from its gas and dust .

  15. 据称,现年58岁的奥斯玛将告诉与会代表,提议增设这一职位是由于近期发现了数百个新的恒星系,极大增加了发现外星生命的可能性。

    The 58-year-old is expected to tell delegates that the proposal has been prompted by the recent discovery of hundreds of planets orbiting other stars , which is thought to make the discovery of extraterrestrial life more probable than ever before 。

  16. 天文学家认为行星是在新诞生的恒星周围绕其旋转的尘埃状物质形成的。

    Astronomers think planets are created from dusty disks of material swirling around newborn stars .

  17. 从这样的星系图片中,主要可以看到气体云团里许多新形成的恒星,体积比数倍的太阳还大,并在紫外线中不断膨胀。

    Pictures of galaxies like this one show mainly clouds of gas containing newly formed stars many times more massive than the sun , which glow strongly in ultraviolet light .

  18. 这样,寻求新的理论解释恒星光谱线的加宽成为必要。

    So it is necessary to seek new theories to explain the spectral lines broadening of stars .

  19. 当核燃烧向外进行到核心周边壳层的新物质时,恒星会膨胀成所谓的红巨星。

    As the nuclear burning moves outward to the fresh material in a shell surrounding the core , the star bloats into a so-called red giant .

  20. 那时地球将被焚毁,而曾经组成时代广场的许多分子都会被垂死的太阳吹走,这些粉尘云会在太空中飘荡,或许还会坍缩形成新的行星和恒星。

    The Earth will be incinerated , and many of the molecules that made up Times Square will be blasted outward by the dying Sun . These dust clouds will drift through space , perhaps collapsing to form new stars and planets .