
  • 网络new Iberia;New Iberia, Louisiana
  1. 马克斯自从在新伊比利亚罗比查乌克斯兽医诊所出生后,就一直看同一名兽医。

    Max has been visiting the same vet since birth at the Robichaux Veterinary Clinic in New Iberia .

  2. 的旁边。他是一家大型跨国公司的副总裁,正在新伊比利亚,进行许可证安排的谈判。

    A vice president with a large multinational , who had been in New Iberia negotiating the license arrangements .

  3. 目前,来自路易斯安那州新伊比利亚的一只名为马克斯的狗正在竞争世界最长寿狗的纪录。

    A dog from New Iberia , La . , named Max , is vying for the record of world 's oldest dog .