
  1. 欧盟还呼吁成立一个承诺购买里海地区天然气的新财团,名为里海开发企业(caspiandevelopmentcorporation),以鼓励新产能的开发,投资于基础设施,其中可能包括横跨里海的管道。

    They also call for a new consortium , known as the Caspian Development Corporation , which would make a commitment to buy gas in the region , to encourage the development of new production and invest in infrastructure , which is likely to include the trans-Caspian pipeline .

  2. 后来一个新的水电开发财团成立,而乌干达政府于上周许可了该工程。

    A new consortium formed and the Ugandan government authorised the project last week .

  3. 而且,航运市场的结构在新船公司组成财团的联盟和全球的码头经营商和集装箱专用码头的不断发展中进行调整。

    The structure of the shipping market is , moreover , continuously evolving with emergency of new shipping companies form consortia and alliances and global terminal operators and dedicated container terminals .