- 网络New Power

The new power structure is effective during the transition period , whose duration was not specified .
McKinsey first identified these four groups as the new power brokers in a report published in July 2007 a month before the financial crisis hit .
The law granted the FDA new powers to regulate tobacco advertising .
We should be able to do business with the Federal Reserve as long as all these new powers do not go to its head .
At a Senate hearing , the Treasury secretary defended his proposal to grant new systemic risk regulation powers to the Federal Reserve , an issue that is vulnerable to being overturned by sceptical lawmakers .
The EBA , he said , would need to use its new powers enshrined in a " single rule book " to take a stronger line .
This is the argument wherever and whenever governments seek new powers to monitor their citizens .
So far Germany has used its new powers rather negatively : vetoing initiatives and delaying change .
The reforms will also pose challenges for shareholders , who need to embrace the new responsibilities that come with new powers .
The Bush administration has also proposed giving the U.S. central bank sweeping new powers to more tightly regulate the country 's financial industry .
Among the issues blocking the agreement stipulates new powers for multinationals that would allow them to challenge country laws in privately run international courts .
That program would supplement the government 's new authority to purchase bad assets from struggling banks and steps the Federal Reserve has taken to boost liquidity .
New systemic risk powers for the Fed will be accompanied by tougher capital requirements for banks particularly the most important banks and moves to strengthen the infrastructure of core financial markets .
But a softer tone is just the start of the learning curve , as company bosses also adjust time-honoured practices to accommodate the new power dynamic emerging on their factory floors .
But even if artists agree to such deals , they will not hand over new rights unless they get better terms on recorded music , so the majors may not see much benefit overall .
By then , dizzied by the yeasty nationalists , the leaders of the main UK parties had vowed that a No vote would still lead to devolution of " extensive new powers " to Edinburgh .
City professionals said the practical impact would depend on how quickly and strictly national regulators get down to the task and whether they exercise their new power to impose financial penalties on banks that flout bonus rules .
Finally , the European Union this week unveiled powers to impose an all-out ban on short selling stocks .
The decision by the European Court of Justice will give Spanish courts new powers to delay or freeze the eviction of home buyers who have fallen behind on their mortgage payments .
But in 2005 , rela was given new powers as Malaysia launched a campaign to expel illegal foreign workers .
Chinese carmakers want to make sure that they not GM and VW and other foreign original equipment manufacturers with a strong China presence will benefit most from the new balance of power .
G20 sources said the new powers would not come from abolishing other groups such as the G7 or G8 , but the G20 would focus on economic issues while the G8 would deal primarily with international relations and foreign policy .
Practice Science : A Kind of New Power / Knowledge Analysis
He bestows stability , strength and renewed power after death .
The government has new powers to seize failing financial companies .
The Federal Reserve would gain new powers .
The agency could seek new powers to regulate Internet service and enforce net neutrality .
How convincing is it to suggest that security services may deploy new powers promiscuously once obtained ?
New power centres are growing rapidly and power relationships are changing and becoming fluid , he said .
Morsi is facing criticism in Egypt and from the international community for a decree granting him sweeping new powers .