
  • 网络certificate of insurance;insurance certificate
  1. 书面合同或保险证书。

    Written contract or certificate of insurance .

  2. 你需要有驾驶执照和汽车保险证书。

    You will need your driving licence and car insurance certificate .

  3. 保险单/证书一式两份指示tonnage发行到受益人的次序总包裹和网,而且空格支持包含的货物因为,加上不少于25pct的发票价值。

    Insurance policy / certificate in duplicate indicate total packages and net tonnage issued to beneficiary 's order and blank endorsed covering goods for , the invoice value plus not less than25pct .

  4. 求职者如持有保险经纪人员资格证书将优先考虑。

    Applicant holding insurance broker 's license will be an advantage .

  5. 出口许可证、保险单、产地证书和检验证书。

    An export licence , an insurance policy , a certificate of origin and a certificate of inspection .

  6. 为了证明此批货物短量且劣质,我们随函附上劳埃得保险公司的鉴定证书。

    To prove the shortage and inferior quality , we are enclosing a certificate of a Lloyd 's surveyor .

  7. 业主使用,作为一个健全的技术保证船级社,并作为在一个合理的成本获得保险工具颁发的证书。

    The owner uses the certificate issued by the classification society as an assurance of technical soundness and as a tool for obtaining insurance at a reasonable cost .

  8. 我们还将寄给贵方一整套提单、发票、出口许可证、保险单、产地证书和检验证书。

    Together with the draft , we 'll also send you a complete set of bill of lading , an invoice , and export license , and insurance policy , a certificate of origin and a certificate of inspection .

  9. 如为同时领有财产保险及人身保险经纪人执业证书之保险经纪人公司者,其业务员不得再登记为其它公司之业务员。

    If the companies are insurance brokerages with practice licenses for non-life insurance and insurance of the person , the solicitor shall not register as a solicitor with any other company .