
  • 网络Fuse Box;Fusebox
保险盒 [bǎo xiǎn hé]
  • [fuse block] 支承电熔丝装置的一块由瓷器、石板或其他难熔材料做的盒

  1. 保险盒防止小问题变成大问题。

    The fuse box can prevent that small problems become big problems .

  2. 他走向了保险盒。

    He 's going for the fuse box .

  3. 在加入Lotus之前,Lori是IBM的顾问,为专注于决策支持应用程序的企业客户提供咨询服务,并且还是保险盒电信客户的系统工程师。

    Before joining Lotus , Lori worked at IBM as a consultant for enterprise customers focusing on decision support applications and as a systems engineer for insurance and telecommunications customers .

  4. 拿走了他保险盒的钥匙。

    Purloined the key to his safe - deposit box .

  5. 你没有真正的保险盒-只有经过仔细清洗的用过的纸盒、快餐盒、罐头瓶。

    You don 't own any real Tupperware-only a cupboard full of used but carefully rinsed margarine tubs , takeout containers , and jam jars .

  6. 租一个保险箱把黑盒存在那里

    Rent a safety deposit box , store the black box there .