
  • 网络confidential telephone;Privacy
  1. 综上,本文中的算法可用于解决商业通信、保密电话、军事指令发布中存在的安全问题。

    Therefore , the proposed algorithm can be used to solve the security issues in commercial communications , confidential telephone and military order transmission .

  2. CELP以其高质量的合成语音及优良的抗噪声和多次转接性能,在移动通信,保密电话和语音中继等中低速率上获得了广泛应用。

    CELP coders , due to its high quality of reconstructed speech and robustness against channel noise , have many applications in mobile communication , encrypted telephone and voice relay service etc .

  3. FS-1016CELP是一种典型的低速语音编码标准,在保密电话等各种通信业务中有着广泛的应用前景。

    The FS-1 016 CELP is a typical low bit rate speech coding standard and has been applied in various communication , such as secure telephoning .

  4. 数字保密电话的电磁兼容设计是项难度很大的设计,原因不仅是由于电话机人机界面的特殊性,同时机内空间狭小,形状复杂都给设计带来了很大的困难。

    EMC design for digital secret telephony is extremely difficult , because of not only the particularity of its man - machine interface , but its narrow space and complicated shape .

  5. 中国还与俄罗斯、美国建立了国家元首间直通保密电话联系。

    In addition , confidential direct redline telephone communication links have been established between the head of state of China and the heads of state of Russia and the United States .

  6. 知情者应通过保密的免费电话热线和反恐小组联系。

    Anyone with information should contact the Anti-Terrorist Squad on the confidential freephone hotline .

  7. 离这里最近的一台装有保密器的电话。

    The nearest phone with a scrambler .

  8. 所以普通电话越来越不能适合保密性更高的要求的部门使用,为此开发出高性能保密电话显得非常重要了。

    Not ordinary telephone increasingly higher for the confidentiality requirements of the occasion use . That developed high-performance telephone confidentiality is very important .