
  • 网络nova;nova outburst
  1. 新星爆发是长江大洪水的一个重要根源

    Nova Eruption-An Important Source of Large Floods of the Yangtze River

  2. 太阳的引力结合能比地球更高,可能会发生里氏20级的阳震(虽然这可能会引发毁灭性的新星爆发)。已知宇宙范围内威力最大的震动发生在一颗质量极大的中子星上,震级就约为20级。

    The Sun , with its higher gravitational binding energy , could have a magnitude 20 quake ( although it would certainly trigger some kind of a catastrophic nova ) . The most powerful quakes in the known universe , which occur in the material in a superheavy neutron star , are about this magnitude .

  3. 行星躲过超新星爆发的几率总是十分渺茫。

    The chances of a planet surviving a supernova always looked terribly slim .

  4. 坍缩阶段中微子对II型超新星爆发的影响

    How the Neutrino in Collapse Phase Affect Type ⅱ Supernova Explosion

  5. 10M⊙的超新星爆发。

    10M_ ⊙ of a supernova .

  6. RM不稳定性在天体物理中的超新星爆发过程以及惯性约束核聚变中,都扮演着重要的角色。

    The RM instability plays an important role in applications ranging from the supernova in astrophysics to combustion in inertial confinement fusion ( ICF ) .

  7. 这类名为Ia型的超新星爆发由于可以在很远的距离上被观测到,并且亮度遵循可靠的模式,它们被当成测量宇宙膨胀的里程计。

    These supernovae , called Type1a , serve as cosmic mile markers to measure expansion of the universe because they can be seen at large distances , and they follow a reliable pattern of brightness .

  8. 综述了Ⅱ型超新星爆发过程中涉及到的物理因素和数值计算方法,例如电子俘获,物态方程,差分格式以及GR流体动力学方法。

    Besides , we summarized physical factors and numerical calculation method in type ⅱ supernova , such as electronic captured and the equation of state , array of difference and the general relativity hydrodynamic method .

  9. 讨论了迄今超新星爆发理论中各种爆炸性核燃烧核合成26Al的问题。

    Nucleosynthesis of ~ 26Al in explosive nuclear burning of supernovae is discussed .

  10. 恒星在超新星爆发后又如何呢?

    What will happen to the remains of the supernova explosion ?

  11. 综述了与超新星爆发机制研究中的相关理论研究进展。

    The research progress relevant to explosion mechanism is summarized .

  12. 这种情况发生的一种可能是由于附近的超新星爆发;

    One way this may happen is if a supernova explodes nearby .

  13. Ⅱ型超新星爆发物理机制的研究概况

    A Survey of Studies on the Mechanism of Type ⅱ Supernova Explosions

  14. Ⅱ型超新星爆发的中微子过程

    The neutrino processes in the explosion of type ⅱ supernovae

  15. 成团超新星爆发的热自模解

    Self-similar Solution of Thermal Conduction during Collective SN Explosions

  16. 利用超新星爆发测量电子中微子静止质量

    Measurement of electron neutrino mass by supernova neutrino bursts

  17. 在超新星爆发的复杂动力学中,电子俘获起着关键的作用。

    Electron capture plays a pivotal role in the complex dynamics of supernova explosion .

  18. 超新星爆发是非常复杂的事件。

    Supernova explosions are immensely complicated events .

  19. 通过放射性碳研究超新星爆发事件

    A study of supernova explosion with radiocarbon

  20. 恒星演化和超新星爆发理论中某些重要问题的核物理问题

    Some important questions of nuclear physics on the theoryof both stellar evolution and supernova explosion

  21. 超新星爆发发射的γ射线的能量

    The Gamma-ray Energy Output from Supernova Explosion

  22. 超新星爆发的前身星模型研究

    Studies of Progenitor Models for Supernova Explosion

  23. 超新星爆发会瓦解双星系统。

    The supernova explosion disrupts the binary .

  24. 本文解析地讨论了能量从持续点状源向外热传播的自模问题,得到成团超新星爆发的热自模解。

    We discuss explicitly the self-similar solution of thermal conduction from a point-like steady source .

  25. 有些恒星在壮观的超新星爆发中消亡,遗留下这样的残余。

    And some stars die spectacularly in a supernova explosion , leaving remnants like that .

  26. 起新星爆发与古树木年轮的关系;

    The relationship between the eruption of the supernova and the annual ring of ancient trees ;

  27. Ia型超新星爆发理论(Ⅱ):理论研究中的重要疑难问题

    On Explosion Theory of Supernova Type I_a ( II ): Important Unsolved Problems in Theoretical Study

  28. 这对恒星晚期演化和超新星爆发研究可能会有重要的影响。

    The screening effect may importantly influences the study of stellar late stage evolution and supernova burst .

  29. 尽管如此,对其他同位素的观察表明,太阳系星云形成时确有一次超新星爆发。

    Nevertheless , other isotopes suggest a supernova did go off just as the solar nebula was forming .

  30. 讨论了在以冷暗物质为主的宇宙中,超新星爆发对矮星系演化的反馈作用。

    The feedback effect of supernova explosions on dwarf galaxies in the cold dark matter dominated universe is studied .