
  • 网络new hardware
  1. windows已准备好为新硬件安装驱动程序。

    Windows is ready to install drivers for your new hardware .

  2. 需要windows搜索新硬件吗?

    Do you want windows to search for your new hardware ?

  3. 移植WINDOWSCE至新硬件平台的研究

    On the Transplantation of Windows CE to New Hardware Platform

  4. 它们是使用虚拟化管理器管理程序的API,在部署时配置虚拟机中的新硬件。

    They use hypervisor-level APIs to configure new hardware in virtual machines during deployment .

  5. 为了理解这种可扩展性,请考虑通过USB端口连接一个新硬件设备的类比。

    To understand this extendibility , consider the analogy with a new hardware device connecting through an USB port .

  6. 这让我们有时间解决新硬件的所有bug或问题。

    It essentially gave us time to shake out any bugs or issues with the new hardware .

  7. 最后,还支持在较旧的TL上使用新硬件。

    Finally , there is also now support for new hardware on older TLs .

  8. 它是一类新硬件设备,位于数据中心并将WebSphereApplicationServer拓扑分配到一个虚拟硬件的外部池(云)中。

    It is a new class of hardware appliance that sits in a data center and dispenses IBM WebSphere Application Server topologies into an external pool ( cloud ) of virtualized hardware .

  9. IBM的许多内部CIO都在自己的范围内拥有BI投资,绝大多数涉及新硬件和软件采购。

    IBM 's many internal CIOs had BI investments on their radar , and most involved new hardware and software acquisitions .

  10. TL是为AIX版本或新硬件支持所添加的一组修复程序或新特性。

    TL is a set of fixes , and new features added to an AIX version or new hardware support .

  11. 尽管很多有意向购买笔记本电脑的消费者正在等待10月26日Windows8及其配套新硬件设备的发布,但是不是每个人都等得起。

    While many potential laptop buyers are waiting for the Oct. 26 release of Windows 8 and the new hardware designed to use it , not everyone can afford to tarry .

  12. Linux社区正积极地为新硬件添加功能部件和支持、在内核中修正错误并且及时地进行常规改进。

    The Linux community is very active in adding features and support for new hardware , in fixing bugs in the kernel , and making general improvements in a timely manner .

  13. 如果你看到,不要拔掉你的设备,只要点击OK但是将消息理解成为如果一个“新硬件向导”窗体出现。

    If you do , don 't disconnect your device , just click OK but read the message and act as it says if a " New Hardware Wizard " window appears .

  14. NOVA利用新硬件平台的虚拟化功能来提高基于组件的系统的性能。

    NOVA uses the virtualization capabilities of newer hardware platforms to increase the performance of a component-based system .

  15. 要获得容量规划方面的帮助,请咨询负责为新硬件进行容量规划的IBMTechLine小组。

    For assistance with capacity planning , consult with the IBM TechLine team , which does capacity planning for new hardware .

  16. 作为一个模拟器,QEMU运行得有点慢,但不需要新硬件的虚拟化扩展。

    As an emulator , it runs a bit slower but does not require the virtualization extensions of new hardware .

  17. 有了为Linux桌面设置Xdmx多线程显示的经验,不必投资新硬件,就可以极大地提高生产率。

    With your experience setting up Xdmx multihead displays for your Linux desktop , you can greatly increase your productivity without investing in new hardware .

  18. 我们也无法在启用LPAR并运行生产工作负载之前测试新硬件是否正常。

    Nor could we test that the new hardware was functioning OK , well in advance , before activating the LPARs and running production workload .

  19. 使用Linux和Xdmx,任何具有两个显示设备和两台计算机的人,不必投资于新硬件,就可以享受多线程设置的好处。

    With Linux and Xdmx , anyone with two display devices and two computers can enjoy the benefits of multihead setups without investing in new hardware .

  20. TechLine团队为新硬件执行容量规划。

    The TechLine team does capacity planning for new hardware .

  21. 您已经在要安装、合并或迁移到的新硬件上完成了IBMLotusDomino分区服务器(DPAR)所需要的分级。

    You have just finished sizing the requirements for your IBM Lotus Domino partition servers ( DPARs ) on the new hardware to which you will install , consolidate , or migrate .

  22. 尽管不能通过vi或基于文本的编辑器来编辑ODM,但可以通过几个高级命令来控制ODM,可以添加路由、检测新硬件,等等。

    Although not directly editable by vi or text-based editors , ODM is controlled by several higher-level commands that add routes , detect new hardware , and so on .

  23. 在制订容量计划时,建议您咨询自己的硬件供应商和IBMTechLine,他们可以帮助您制订容量计划和新硬件的采购方案。

    For assistance with capacity planning , we recommend that you consult your hardware vendor and the IBM TechLine , which handles capacity planning for new hardware purchases .

  24. 在这个策略中,将把原始服务器备份到一个mksysb映像,然后放到新硬件中。

    Here , you back up the original server to an mksysb image , then lay it down onto the new hardware .

  25. 这可能允许您将两个DPAR合并为您计划购买的新硬件上的一个DPAR。

    This may allow you to consolidate two DPARs into one on a new piece of hardware that you plan to buy .

  26. 在默认情况下,当HMC发现一个新硬件时,它会自动生成和分配一个受管理系统名,此名称由硬件型号编号、型号类型和序号组成。

    By default , when the HMC discovers a new piece of hardware , it automatically generates and assigns a managed system name that is composed of the hardware model number , model type , and serial number .

  27. 分析师预计,AppleWatch在上市第一年的销量为1200万块,超过了iPhone在上市头12个月的销量,但是并未达到很多市场观察者对库克接任苹果CEO之后推出的首款新硬件产品的预期。

    Analysts have estimated that it sold 12m units in its first year , more than the iPhone during its initial 12 months on sale , but below many observers " initial expectations for the first launch into a new hardware category since Mr Cook took over as Apple 's chief executive .

  28. “添加新硬件向导”帮助您安装新的硬件。

    The add new hardware wizard helps you install new hardware .

  29. 诺基亚如何测试使用者对新硬件设计的接受度?

    How does Nokia test user acceptance of new hardware designs ?

  30. 新硬件已安装并可以使用了。

    Your new hardware is installed and ready to use .