
xīn yuè xínɡ shā qiū
  • crescent dune
  1. 风洞实验条件下形成的新月形沙丘形态(其尺度比床面沙纹大一个数量级),有助于新月形沙丘形成机制的了解。

    In wind tunnel , the formation of crescent dune form ( its size is bigger one order of magnitudes than the ripples on the sand bed ) will be helpful to understand the formation mechanism of the barchan dunes .

  2. Bagnold(1941)全面论述了新月形沙丘的起源、运动特征和沉积构造。

    A. Bagnold ( 1941 ) overall discussed the origin , moving feature , and depositional structure of the barchan . E.

  3. 新月形沙丘研究进展综述

    A comprehensive review on progress in study of barchan dune

  4. 新月形沙丘迎风坡形态及沉积物对表面气流的响应

    Response of Morphology and Deposits to Surface Flow on Windward Slope of Barchan Dune

  5. 新月形沙丘形态的模拟实验研究

    Simulated study on barchan dune forms

  6. 乌兰布和沙漠新月形沙丘迎风坡风速变化的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on Variation in Wind Velocity and Sediment Transport Rate on Windward Slope of Barchan Dune

  7. 沙丘呈现边缘以新月形沙丘及沙丘链为主,越向沙漠内部沙丘形态越复杂的格局特征。

    Barchan dune mainly appears the edge of desert . the more internal the more complex dunes are . 4 .

  8. 非沙质床面零星分布的单个新月形沙丘具有明显的移动性和形态的不稳定性(高大新月形沙山除外)。

    The scattered single barchan dunes on the non sand bed possess movability and form unstability except the high large crescent sand mountain .

  9. 地表粗糙度越大,迎风坡坡度越陡。新月形沙丘迎风坡气流加速模拟

    On the rough surface the dune windward flank is steeper than on the smooth surface . Simulation of Flow Accelerating on the Windward of Barchan

  10. 其二为黄河两岸阶地和湖盆滩地的新月形沙丘丘顶沙粒粗于其它部位但分选仍然最好。

    The second , the crest sand is coarser but still better sorted than any other position of dunes in the banks of the Yellow River .

  11. 新月形沙丘是风沙地貌基本形态之一,一般为高浓度非饱和风沙流所塑造。

    Barchan dunes is a fundamental pattern of aeolian landform . Generally speaking , it is moulded by non saturated wind sand flow which is the high concentration .

  12. 主沙丘链高30~40m,顺岸线分布,与其斜交数列新月形横向沙丘链。

    The dominant dune chain is 30 ~ 40 m high and distributed along coastline and intersects multiple oblique crescentic transverse dunes .