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  1. 艾山说,他与阿布拉相识于十多年前,当时两人都在新疆师范大学(XinjiangNormalUniversity)学画画。

    The pair met in Xinjiang Normal University more than 10 years ago , where they studied art , Mr. Aishan said .

  2. 本课题首先仔细分析和研究了MIS系统开发的几个关键技术,在此基础上,提出了新疆师范大学管理信息系统的开发方案,详细设计开发了新疆师范大学管理信息系统中的人事信息管理子系统。

    Firstly , we analyze several keyt technologies of MIS development and , on the basis of this , set forth the development scenario of Xinjiang Normal University Management Information System and detailed design and develop the personnel information management subsystem .

  3. 新疆师范大学大学生环境意识调查与初步研究

    Survey and Study on Environmental Awareness of Students in Xinjiang Normal University

  4. 新疆师范大学公共体育教学选修课程设置改革

    Reform in the Elective Course of Common Required P.E.Offered in Xinjiang Normal University

  5. 加强毕业生就业指导开创就业工作新局面&新疆师范大学就业指导工作的创新与实践

    Enhancing the Guidance for Employment of College Graduates and Creating New Situation for Employment

  6. 新疆师范大学校园植物名录

    Piants List Of Xinjiang Normal University

  7. 新疆师范大学自然科学版学报刊载论文分析基于2006年2008年数据分析

    Thesis Published Analysis on Journal of Xinjiang Normal University Natural Science Edition & Based on 2006-2008 Data

  8. 本文是对新疆师范大学中级中亚留学生的汉语副词教学方法所作探讨的实验报告。

    This paper studies the teaching approaches of Chinese adverbs to the students from Middle Asian countries of Xinjiang Normal University .

  9. 文章以新疆师范大学少数民族理科实验班学生为研究对象,使用定量的方法对其交际策略的使用进行调查。

    The thesis adopts a quantitative approach to make a survey of the communicative strategy applied by the experimental class for ethnic-minority science students .

  10. 本设计是根据新疆师范大学数理信息学院的使用需求,结合本人研究生学习阶段所学的知识,分析和解决学院在课程管理方面面临的实际问题。

    The design is according to the demand of Mathematical Information College in Xinjiang Normal University , combined with the knowledge what I have got at my graduate study stage , to analyze and solve the practical problems in the curriculum management in the college .

  11. 科学发展观对新疆高校理科学报建设的作用&以新疆师范大学自然科学版学报为例

    The Guiding Role of Outlook of Scientific Development in the Journals of Science in Higher Schools & Based on the Journal of Natural Science in Xinjiang Normal University

  12. 新疆高校与中亚五国开展科技合作模式研究&以新疆师范大学为例

    Research of the Mode of Science and Technology Cooperation between Universities and Colleges in Xinjiang and Five Countries of Central Asia & Take Xinjiang Normal University as an example