
xīn shēng ér
  • neonate;newborn baby;neonatus;stranger;brepho-
新生儿 [xīn shēng ér]
  • [newborn baby;neonate] 新生婴儿;特指未满月的婴儿

新生儿[xīn shēng ér]
  1. 血清S-100蛋白水平与新生儿脑损伤的关系

    The relationship between serum S-100 protein level and neonatus with brain injured

  2. 结论S-100蛋白可作为临床早期评价新生儿脑损伤严重程度及预后的敏感指标。

    Conclusions : S-100 may be a sensitive index in early evaluating the severity degree and the prognosis of neonatus with brain injured .

  3. 姑娘们学的正是怎样照看新生儿。

    The girls learn exactly what is entailed in caring for a newborn baby .

  4. 她的父亲完全沉浸在新生儿带来的喜悦中。

    Her father was besotted with the new arrival .

  5. 一家医院计划在新生儿身上安置电子追踪器,防止婴儿被拐卖。

    A hospital is to fit newborn babies with electronic tags to foil kidnappers

  6. 这套设备已经挽救了许多新生儿的生命。

    This equipment has saved the lives of a number of new born children .

  7. 20多年前,人们认为这么大点儿的新生儿是活不下来的。

    A generation ago , it was thought that babies born this small could not survive

  8. 新生儿出世后,其他孩子极容易受到冷落。

    When the new baby comes along it is only too easy to shut out the others .

  9. 当新生儿感到饥饿时,就学会了喊叫。

    Very early in life when the baby feels the pangs of hunger , she learns to scream .

  10. 通过观察孩子对新生儿到来的反应能很好预测在接下来的一年中他们会不会相处融洽。

    The child 's reaction to the arrival of the new baby was a very good predictor of how they would get on during the year that followed .

  11. 那个新生儿哭声很弱。

    The newborn baby gave a feeble cry .

  12. 一个原因可能是rh因子不相配引起新生儿的脑核性黄疸。

    One cause may be an RH incompatibility causing kernicterus in the newborn .

  13. 医院里所有新生儿手腕上都套着写有名字的手箍。

    All babies in the hospital have name bands on their wrists .

  14. 一项研究发现85%的新生儿父亲会在孩子刚出生之后休息一段时间——但总共仅仅几天,最多一至两个星期。

    A study found that 85 % of new fathers take some time off after the birth of a child — but for all but a few , it 's a week or two at most .

  15. “好吧,我不认识你们,但我会去那里和孩子合影,”丹尼斯回答,然后他询问了新生儿父母所在的房间。

    " Well , I don 't know you all but I will get there to take pictures with the baby , " replied Dennis before asking which room the new parents were in .

  16. 从更大范围来看,产生更多含X染色体精子的男性与产生更多含Y染色体精子的男性数量之比,影响着每年新生儿的性别比例。

    On a larger scale , the number of men with more X sperm compared to the number of men with more Y sperm affects the sex ratio of children born each year .

  17. 新生儿父母错把牛奶倒进洗衣机、把袜子放进冰箱等举动都是“宝贝时差”导致的。

    New parents who mistakenly put milk in a washing machine and socks in a fridge are suffering from ' baby lag ' .

  18. 例句今日小常识在发达国家,足月新生儿的平均出生体重大约为3.4公斤,一般范围在2.7~4.6公斤之间。

    In developed countries , the average weight of a full-term newborn baby is approximately 3.4 kg , and is typically between 2.7kg - 4.6 kg .

  19. 新生儿肺出血血栓素B2和纤维蛋白肽A的变化及其临床意义

    The changes in thromboxane B_2 and fibrinopeptide A in neonates with pneumorrhagia

  20. 新生儿窒息后脑损伤的CT及临床分析

    Clinical Analysis for the CT of Cerebral Injury after Neonatal Asphyxia

  21. 图像对诊断无影响。结论低剂量CT在早期诊断新生儿缺血缺氧性脑病有重要价值

    Conclusion low dose CT have important value in the diagnosis of HIE in neonate

  22. 应用PIVKA-Ⅱ监测新生儿早期维生素K缺乏及对策研究

    Early Monitoring and Intervention of Vitamin K Deficiency with PIVKA-II in Neonate

  23. 新生儿脐血淋巴细胞PLCγ1的表达和意义

    The expression and significance of PLC γ 1 in the cord blood lymphocytes of neonates

  24. 口服维生素K1对新生儿维生素K缺乏诱导蛋白的影响

    The effect of oral vitamin K_1 on protein induced by vitamin K absence ⅱ in newborn infants

  25. 影响新生儿出生状况的多因素Logistic回归分析

    The logistic regression analysis of the multiple factors that influence the neonatal birth conditions

  26. 17例新生儿CMV-DNA阳性,占14.3%(17/119),其中IgM阳性2例,占1.7%(2/119)。

    17 of the 119 infants were positive ( 14.3 % ) .

  27. 方法将93例高胆红素血症新生儿随机分为A、B、C组各31例。

    Methods Ninety-three newborns with hyperbilirubinemia were randomly divided into groups A , B and C ( each group having 31 newborns ) .

  28. PA水平可反映新生儿体液免疫状态及胎盘功能。

    Serum PA level can inflect the status of neonatal humoral immunity .

  29. 目的:探索Rh新生儿溶血病和脆性X综合征两种单基因疾病在胚胎植入前的遗传学检测方法。

    Objective : To develop the methods of preimplantation genetic diagnosis for two kinds of monogenic diseases .

  30. 围产期缺氧缺血(Hypoxiaischemia,HI)是造成新生儿脑损伤的首要原因。

    Perinatal hypoxia – ischemia ( HI ) is a significant primary cause of brain damage of neonates .