
  • 网络Xinjiang Petroleum Administration Bureau
  1. 论文最后介绍了系统在新疆石油管理局的初步实施情况,验证了面向供应链的网络化合同管理模式及系统的合理性和可行性。

    Finally , the instance of primary system implementation in Xinjiang Petroleum Administration Bureau is introduced to demonstrate the rationale and feasibility of supply chain oriented web-based contract management pattern .

  2. 新疆石油管理局克拉玛依至乌鲁木齐的克乌复线529×7(8)mm输油管道改为输气管道属国内首例。

    The double pipeline from Karamay to Urumqi of Xinjiang Petroleum Administration is an oil transmission line of I529 × 7 ( 8 ) mm and is the first oil pipeline transformed into gas pipeline in China .

  3. 运用G管理模式理论,设计新疆石油管理局基于G管理模式的人力资源规划、制度重构及创新管理模式;

    The human resources plans , the system reconstruction and the innovation management are designed based on the G ( general ) management system .

  4. 最后,以新疆石油管理局物业管理总公司的CS管理为应用背景,对以上研究结果进行了验证,取得了较好的应用效果。

    Finally , with the background of " CS management " of Property Management Company of Oil Management Bureau of Xinjiang , an above-mentioned study result is validated , which proved to be successful .

  5. 以新疆石油管理局机械制造总公司PDM系统为例,介绍了企业在实施PDM系统前面临的问题、实施目标的确立、软件的选择和实施步骤与体会。

    The paper takes the PDM system of Xinjiang National Machinery Corporation of Petroleum Administration ; as an example to introduce the existing problems , the aim establishment , the software selection , the work steps and experience .

  6. 新疆石油管理局钻井工艺研究院通过大量的实验研究,开发出一种适于新疆油田多种泥浆体系的矿渣MTC高效促凝剂。

    Through large number of experimental research on MTV , a new and effective slag MTV accelerator being fit for different drilling fluid systems in Xinjiang oil field is developed by the Drilling Technology Research Institute of Xinjiang Petroleum Administration .

  7. 新疆石油管理局采油工艺研究院;

    Oil Production Technology Research Institute , CNPC Xinjiang Petroleum Administration ;

  8. 新疆石油管理局钻井公司;

    Drilling Company , Xinjiang Petroleum Administration ; and2 .

  9. 最后,以新疆石油管理局为应用背景,设计了非法人单位领导干部综合激励方案。

    At last , to meet the application requirements in XinJiang Petroleum Management Office , the author has designed the integrated prompting scheme of leaders in unregistered corporation .

  10. 长期以来,在新疆石油管理局,井下作业作为一项原油生产的必需的辅助手段,一直被认为是原油生产的一个环节。

    It has been a long time that downhole operation , a necessary and supplementary means for crude oil production , is regarded as a link in the oil production chain .

  11. 希望能对整个新疆石油管理局引进现代化的管理理念,更好地开展服务运作起到一定的借鉴作用。

    In that way , reference will be offered to the Xinjiang Petroleum Management Bureau , by which modern management ideas can be introduced to that bureau and better service will be provided to the oil-extraction units .