
  1. 新疆高速公路分期分幅建设模式初探

    A Brief Discussion on " Stages and Divisions " Construction Mode in Xinjiang Highway

  2. 新疆高速公路路基路面塌陷现象时有发生,轻者造成暂时性的交通堵塞,重者其影响无法预估。

    It frequently occurred collapse phenomenon in Xinjiang highway subgrade pavement , lightly caused by a temporary traffic jam .

  3. 结合具体的地质条件和试验结果,重点介绍了单管高压旋喷技术第一次在新疆地区高速公路地基病害处理中的成功应用。

    Associated with the specific conditions of geology and the result of test , the paper interprets emphatically single-pipe high pressure jet grouting technique successfully applied in the disposal of the foundations calamity of express highway for the first time in the Xinjiang area .

  4. 道路路面技术新疆界针对高速公路交通的特点,从高速公路的设计、建设与使用等方面分析了道路线形及其组合、道路路面、交通环境对道路交通安全的影响。

    Based on the characteristics of expressway traffic , this paper has analysed the influence of road line shapes and their combination , road surface and traffic environment on the expressway traffic safety from the design , construction and application of expressways .