
  • 网络The New Silk Road;New Silk Route
  1. 但他们最担忧的是新丝绸之路仅仅是单向的。

    But their main concern is that the new Silk Road is going just one way .

  2. 但是,尽管印度可能对中国的野心抱有戒心,但是分析师称,新德里需要有分寸地对待新丝绸之路,欢迎某些个别项目。

    But wary as India may be of Chinese ambitions , analysts say New Delhi needs to take a measured approach to the new Silk Road , and embrace individual components .

  3. 随着亚洲经济崛起成为这个世纪的主题,新丝绸之路(NewSilkRoad)这个概念继续吸引着政策制定者和分析人士。

    The so-called New Silk Road continues to fascinate policy makers and analysts as rising Asian economic power seals its imprint on this century .

  4. 另外还有雄心勃勃的新丝绸之路(NewSilkRoad)计划,目标是通过陆路和海路加强中国与亚洲乃至更遥远地区的连通性。

    There is also then the ambitious New Silk Road project , which aims to generate greater connectivity between Asia and beyond – by land and by sea .

  5. 南方丝绸之路上的食盐贸易新丝绸之路&记第五届亚欧经济部长会议

    Salt Trade on the Silk Road in Southern China An Important Dialogue between Asia and Europe

  6. 通往意大利的新丝绸之路&专访意大利对外贸易委员会上海代表处首席代表付泰

    New Silk Road to Italy

  7. 随着中东与亚洲之间的贸易规模大幅飙升,有人已开始谈论开辟一条新丝绸之路的话题。

    With the level of trade between the Middle East and Asia soaring , the talk is of a new silk road .

  8. 我们在新疆交通厅的邀请下,就这样于2004年8月16日踏上了采访新丝绸之路的路途。

    With the invitation from Xinjiang Department of Communications , we started our journey on the new Silk Road from 16 August 2004 .

  9. 自1999年以来,走出去政策鼓励中国企业进行海外投资,最近又加上了新丝绸之路计划。

    The Going Out policy , which since 1999 has encouraged companies to make foreign investments , has recently been joined by the New Silk Road initiative .

  10. “新丝绸之路”的说法或许是有意唤起人们对沙漠商队、古代商船以及舶来品贸易的不具威胁的浪漫联想。

    Talk of a new Silk Road may be intended to evoke romantic , non-threatening images of desert caravans , ancient ships and trade in exotic commodities .

  11. 在杜尚别以北,这个即将竣工的新丝绸之路延伸段施工工程利用了多个国家的专业技术和人力,突显出各国都在努力加强国际合作。

    Illustrating the push for more international co-operation , the new stretch of road that is being completed north of Dushanbe draws on expertise and manpower from several countries .

  12. 我们所预见的“新丝绸之路”并非单行道&这是一个南亚与中亚之间经济、运输、基础设施以及人员往来的愿景。

    The " New Silk Road ," as we envision it , is not a single path & it is a vision of economic , transit , infrastructure and human links between South and Central Asia .

  13. 合作建设新丝绸之路经济发展带,将为中国和中亚国家更好地参与经济全球化,最大程度地化解全球化风险,实现民族经济健康发展提供机遇。

    Cooperating on the New Silk Economy Development Zone , it will benefit for China and Central-Asia countries to participate in economy globalization , evade the risk of globalization and realize the sound development of national economy .

  14. 在这两个亚洲邻居之间3488千米的边界仍然处于正式纠纷状态的情况下,对于中国“新丝绸之路”项目是否对印度构成战略和经济威胁,抑或带来机遇,印度的战略政策分析人士意见分歧。

    With the 3488km border between the two Asian neighbours still a matter of formal dispute , Indian strategic policy analysts are divided on whether China 's new Silk Road project is a strategic and economic threat to their country - or an opportunity .

  15. 分析师在提到出现了新的丝绸之路时,他们指的是这两个快速增长地区之间迅速增长的贸易往来。

    Analysts point to rapidly increasing trade between the two fast-growing regions as they speak of the emergence of a new Silk Road .

  16. 北京中国&中国计划一个新的丝绸之路,其将经由中亚,进入欧洲,以促进交通及贸易的提高。

    BEIJING-China is planning a " New Silk Road " that will run through Central Asia and continue into Europe facilitating improved transport and trade .

  17. 他说,吉尔吉斯将为此作出自己的努力,使新的丝绸之路成为合作之路,友好之路。

    He said that to this end Kyrgyzstan would make its own effort to make the new silk road a road of co-operation and a road of friendship .

  18. 21世纪新丝绸塑料之路无论从哪个角度来看都充满欺骗性;但可悲的是,它照样有可能成为今后引发冲突的导火索。

    This new , 21st-century Silk and Plastic Road is full of artifice on all sides ; but , sadly , that does not prevent it from being a potential future flashpoint .

  19. 新世纪的丝绸之路正在深圳拓展&深圳丝绸纺织品交易市场开业

    Grand Opening : Shengzhen Silk Textiles Market

  20. 正在建设中的,而且很快将使缅甸公路失色的是一条新的“南方丝绸之路”,穿越缅甸北部连接印度和中国。

    Under construction , and soon to eclipse the Burma Road is a new " Southern Silk Road " , linking India to China across northern Myanmar .

  21. 1992年,一个新的大型铁路项目启动中,被称为“新丝绸之路”或“亚欧大陆桥”的项目。

    In1992 , a new large-scale rail project was launched in China , called the " New Silk Road " or " Eurasian Continental Bridge " project .

  22. 此后,在我们称之为新丝绸之路上的贸易流量,达到了新的水平。新丝绸之路是中世纪全球主要贸易通道的再现。

    Since then traffic along what we called the new Silk Road – the reincarnation of what had been the world 's dominant trade route during the Middle Ages – has reached a new level of intensity .