
xīn mín xué huì
  • Society of the New Masses
  1. 第一节主要论述新民学会对中国传统文化资源的萃取。

    The first section discusses the Xinmin Institute chose Chinese traditional cultural resources .

  2. 新民学会对当代青年的启示

    The Enlightenment of Xinmin Society to the Contemporary Youths

  3. 第二节主要论述新民学会对西学东渐进程中西方思想资源的萃取。

    Section ⅱ discusses the extraction of the Xinmin Institute of Western thought in the process of Western Learning resources .

  4. 就这些因素来讲,新民学会的道路属于不可复制的特殊个案。

    In terms of these factors , the road of Xinmin Institute is belongs to the special cases that can not be copied .

  5. 第一节主要论述时代发展的需要为新民学会接受马克思主义提供的客观可能性。

    The first section discusses that the requires of the development of the times provided the objective possibility for the Xinmin Institute to accept Marxism .

  6. 作为新民学会主要的发起人和领导人,蔡和森对学会的成立、发展和成熟做出了不可磨灭的贡献。

    His shin min learn to the main sponsor the leader and the shin min to the establishment , development and mature made indelible contributions .

  7. 五四新文化运动时期,马克思主义在湖南得以迅速传播,是与新民学会的努力分不开的。

    During the new cultural movement of the May 4th Movement , Marxism in Hunan gained prompt propagation , which was tightly related with Xin Min institute .

  8. 新民学会会员群体是五四前后青年思想态度,精神状态、理想追求、价值取向等各方面的一个缩影。

    Member group of LANC is the miniature of the thought , spirit , dream and the value of the youth before or after May Fourth or so .

  9. 论文拟从道德理想主义向政治现实主义转变的视角切入对新民学会在马克思主义早期中国化进程中的个案分析。

    This paper cut into the moral idealism from the changing perspective of political realism on the case of Xinmin Institute of Marxism early in the process of analysis .

  10. 本文拟对新民学会成立的时代、社会条件,它的特点及其在湖南现代化中的地位和作用作些论述和探讨。

    The thesis is intended to expound and probe into the institute 's foundation time and ground , its traits , its place and role in the course of Hunan 's modernization .

  11. 论文正文由六章构成,具体内容如下:第一章概述了新民学会生长于斯的时代背景与其接受马克思主义的主客观条件,共分为二节。

    The paper body consists of six chapters constitute , as follows : Chapter One outlines the subjective and objective condition that the Xinmin Institute grew up and the background of Sri Lanka to accept Marxism .

  12. 如何处理中学、西学和马克思主义三者间的关系,必然成为困扰马克思主义早期中国化进程的问题,新民学会在发展的过程中不可避免地也遇到了这一难题。

    How to deal with the relationship between the Middle School , Western School and Marxism is bound to be a problem that can plagued the early process Marxism , in the process of development , Xinmin Institute also encountered this problem inevitably .