
  • 网络university of new hampshire;UNH;University of New Hampshire-Main Campus
  1. 新罕布什尔大学(UniversityofNewHampshire)卡西学院(CarseyInstitute)的报告称,纵览所有的社会阶层,女性给家庭收入带来的贡献为47%。

    Across all social classes , women contribute 47 % of household income , reports the Carsey Institute at the University of New Hampshire .

  2. 请允许我感谢世界知识产权组织的工作人员协助世卫组织与新罕布什尔大学FranklinPierce法律中心开展合作。

    Let me thank WIPO staff for facilitating WHO collaboration with the Franklin Pierce Law Center at the University of New Hampshire .

  3. 我采访了新罕布什尔大学涉童罪行研究中心(CrimesAgainstChildrenResearchCenter)的研究员们。他们给我简要介绍了该机构从2000年起进行的一些关于儿童接触色情内容的长期研究。

    I spoke with researchers at the Crimes Against Children Research Center at the University of New Hampshire , who walked me through a number of long-term studies that the group has been conducting since 2000 on children 's exposure to pornography .

  4. 此外,新罕布什尔大学(UniversityofNewHampshire)2011年对83名10至15岁儿童所做的研究表明,记忆越具体的儿童越能够对社会问题提出更多可能的解决办法。

    Also , kids who can recall more specific memories are able to come up with more potential solutions to social problems , according to a 2011 University of New Hampshire study of 83 children ages 10 to 15 .

  5. DanRauzi:“比如,新罕布什尔大学的这份研究中,青少年所谓的性短信其实是他们自己穿着泳装的照片。”

    DAN RAUZI : " For example , the University of New Hampshire study -- what they found was that what some teens called sexting were really maybe pictures of themselves in a

  6. 新罕布什尔大学将成为美国第一所认可高考成绩(与SAT类似的标准中国大学入学考试)的州立大学,以吸引更多的外国学生。

    The University of New Hampshire will become the first state university in the U.S. to accept the Gaokao -- a standard Chinese entrance exam similar to the SAT -- in an effort to attract more foreign students .

  7. 新罕布什尔大学(UniversityofNewHampshire)表示,它将开始接受中国考试的成绩。这使该校成为了美国首个以高考结果来评估中国申请者的州立旗舰大学。

    The University of New Hampshire says it will start accepting scores from the Chinese exam , making it the first flagship state school in the United States to evaluate Chinese applicants using the results from that test , known as the gaokao .

  8. 该校发言人曼茨表示,虽然招生标准仍在进行最后的确定,但在新罕布什尔大学考虑范围内的学生的高考分数经过审查后,很可能还需要参加SAT或与之类似的ACT考试。

    Ms. Mantz , the spokeswoman , said that although admissions criteria were still being finalized , students considered for the University of New Hampshire would most likely have to take the SAT or the ACT , a similar test , after their scores on the gaokao were vetted .

  9. MarianMerritt是诺顿计算机安全公司网络安全律师,她说新罕布什尔大学的研究者在最新的研究中考虑到了这种混淆。

    Marian Merritt is the Internet safety advocate for the computer security company Norton . She says the New Hampshire researchers considered this confusion in the latest research .

  10. 肯尼斯·约翰逊(KennethJohnson)是新罕布什尔大学的社会学教授。他对美联社表示,人口自然减少的县在不断增加,这不仅是因为出生人数少于死亡人数,还有一个原因是“婴儿潮一代”中的死亡人数的增加。

    Kenneth Johnson is a professor of sociology at the University of New Hampshire.He told the Associated Press that the number of counties with natural decrease is rising not only because there are fewer births than deaths in those areas.He said another reason is an increase in the number of deaths among " baby boomers . "

  11. 新罕布什尔大学发言人埃丽卡·曼茨(ErikaMantz)表示,高考项目旨在吸引“优秀的中国高中毕业生”,他们会在六月底拿到高考成绩,这个时间超过了常规招生过程最后截止日期好几个月。

    Erika Mantz , spokeswoman for the University of New Hampshire , said the gaokao program was meant to attract " outstanding Chinese high school graduates " after they get their test results in late June , months after the deadline has passed under the regular admissions process .

  12. 根据新罕布什尔大学的调查研究,

    According to researchers at the University of New Hampshire

  13. 在第二项研究中,新罕布什尔大学研究人员发现,被警方调查的性短信案件很少被逮捕。

    In a second study , the New Hampshire researchers found that very few sexting cases investigated by police led to arrests .

  14. 新罕布什尔大学的研究人员把注意力放在了葡萄酒上,因为大多数人都喜欢喝,因此购买的人也很多。

    Researchers from the University of New Hampshire set their sights on vino because lots of people drink the stuff , so lots of people purchase it .

  15. 新罕布什尔大学创业研究中心表示,去年上半年,全国范围内,天使投资跌幅超过百分之六。

    The Center for Venture Research at the University of New Hampshire says angel investing fell more than six percent nationwide in the first half of last year .

  16. 而新罕布什尔大学的项目则可以减少一些等待的痛苦,2019年1月入学的申请截止日期给到了10月1日。

    The University of New Hampshire program would take a bit of agony out of the wait , with an Oct. 1 deadline to apply for admission in January 2019 .

  17. 这项研究发表在儿科杂志上,第二项研究中,新罕布什尔大学的研究者发现,警察调查的性短信案例中,只有少数嫌疑人被捕。

    The new study appeared in the journal Pediatrics . In a second study , the New Hampshire researchers found that very few sexting cases investigated by police led to arrests .

  18. 和其他外州学生一样,通过高考项目入读新罕布什尔大学的学生每年需要支付4.5万美元以上的学费和住宿费。

    Like other out-of-state students , students admitted to the University of New Hampshire through the gaokao program would have to pay over $ 45000 a year in tuition and housing costs .

  19. 这项研究来自新罕布什尔大学,但另一项新报告称这个比率要高些,两项研究都将“性短信”定义为发送或接受裸体图片。

    That study came from the University of New Hampshire . But another new report suggests much higher rates . Both studies defined " sexting " only to mean sending or receiving naked pictures .

  20. 除了新罕布什尔大学外,还有几十个欧洲、澳大利亚和加拿大的大学以及少部分美国私立机构使用高考录取分数线来筛选申请人。

    The University of New Hampshire joins dozens of European , Australian and Canadian universities , as well as a handful of private American institutions , that have been screening candidates using cutoff gaokao scores .

  21. 新罕布什尔州大学派出代表前往中国和印度,鼓励被录取的学生入学。

    The University of New Hampshire sent representatives to China and India to encourage students who had been admitted to actually enroll .