
  • 网络News Policy
  1. 同时揭露日本新闻政策的阴谋,批判国民政府的新闻统制和新闻检查制度。

    At the same time , they exposed the conspiracy of the Japanese news policy . They also criticized the news control policy and press censorship which were implemented by Nanjing National Government .

  2. 袁世凯政府时期的新闻理念、新闻政策及新闻实践

    The Period of Yuan-Shikai Government of News Idea News Policy and News Practice

  3. 联合国新闻政策和活动审查委员会

    Committee to Review United Nations Public Information Policies and Activities

  4. 论新闻政策与公民知情权

    A Study in Policies of the Press and the Citizen 's Right to Know

  5. 通讯和新闻政策国际局

    International Bureau for Communications and Information Policy

  6. 民众对政府的不信任是官方假造新闻政策的结果。

    The credibility gap is the result of a deliberate policy of artificial manipulation of official news .

  7. 政府新闻政策其中一个主要目标,是推广香港在海外的正确形象。

    A main objective of the government 's information policy is to project an accurate image of Hong Kong overseas .

  8. 本文提出了通过新闻政策的变革来促进公民知情权实现的对策。

    This article put forward some ideas to deal with the situation , by the reformation of the news policies .

  9. 党和政府的新闻政策主导着新闻传播与经济产业发生怎样的联系与作用。

    Journalistic policies made by the CPC and the government guide the relation and interaction between journalism , communication and economical industries .

  10. 制定什么样的新闻政策,就会出现什么样的传播内容,从而产生相应的媒介责任和媒介影响。

    A certain type of journalistic polices would result in a certain type of communication accordingly , and in turn result in a certain type of media responsibilities and influence .

  11. 我国目前只是依靠零星散见的法律条款和新闻政策来调整新闻信息传播活动。这就造成了新闻诉讼纠纷案例的激增。

    In our country , the activities of communication are regulated only by dispersive and sporadic articles in law and Press Policy at present , which result in more and more lawsuits about press .

  12. 本文全面梳理了在我国公民知情权伴随着新闻政策的变迁逐步得到重视和确认的过程:从公民知情权名存实亡到其逐步受到重视,并最终提上议事日程。

    This article combs out the process of the citizen 's right to know which is attached importance to and confirmed gradually along with the transition of the news policies : from its existence in name only to the state of being paid much attention .

  13. 晚清新闻出版政策的演变

    Evolution of the Policy on News and Publication during Late Qing Dynasty

  14. 亚洲和大洋洲新闻传播政策政府间会议

    Intergovernmental Conference on Communication Policies in Asia and Oceania

  15. 少数民族新闻传播政策在少数民族新闻传播事业中具有重要作用。

    The minority journalism and communication policy plays an important role in the minority journalism .

  16. 第四节对我国少数民族新闻传播政策的地位与功能进行简单概括。

    It briefly summarizes the status and function of the Chinese minority journalism and communication policy .

  17. 本章分为四节,第一节分析我国少数民族新闻传播政策所处的宏观环境。

    This chapter is divided to four sections . The first section analyses the macroscopic environment of Chinese ethnic minority news media policy .

  18. 在媒介地理学的视野下,新闻媒介政策在一定意义上可以被看做地理环境造就的延伸物。

    From the vision about geography of media , media policy in a sense may be viewed as an extension of the geographical environment .

  19. 与公共政策系统中其它政策子系统一样,新闻传播政策实践从出现之日起,就具有浓厚的政治色彩。

    Like other policy subsystems in the policy system , communication policy practice has very strong political color since the date of its birth .

  20. 第二章论述我国少数民族新闻传播政策的产生背景、发展脉络、呈现出的特点以及地位与功能。

    The second chapter discusses the background , development context and the characteristics of the position and function of the Minority Journalism and Communication Policy .

  21. 这种研究一方面是对政策文本的归纳整理,另一方面而是对少数民族新闻传播政策发展的思考。

    This study not only collates and analyzes the policy text , but also thinks about the development of the minority journalism and communication policy .

  22. 尤其是这一阶段新闻统制政策的成型,为日后新闻出版立法和实施提供了基本原则和具体指针。

    In particular this phase information control policy , it for future legislation and implementation of press and publication provided the basic principles and specific pointers .

  23. 新闻传播政策政治职能伴随着包括新闻传播政策在内的整个公共政策环境尤其是政治环境的演变而演变。

    The political function of news communication policy has been evolving with the whole surroundings of the public policy , especially the environment of news communication policy .

  24. 新闻传播政策,是政府就新闻信息传播问题对传媒及媒介组织实施管理所采取的政治行为。

    The communication policy is the political behavior implemented by the government on the news information communication in order to administrate the media and the medium organization .

  25. 抗战开始后,南京国民政府转入战时体制,其新闻统制政策、最高立法机构及立法重点均发生相应转变。

    After the War of resistance against Japan beginning , Nanjing National Government into war system , its information control policy , the highest legislative bodies and legislative investigation that all were changed .

  26. 革新新闻传播政策政治职能基调和专项政治职能,确保媒介组织的相对独立性,削减政策管控、创建施控新机制,是实现新闻传播政策政治职能政策效应优化的必由之路。

    It is the essential way to optimize policy effect of political function of news communication policy to guarantee the relative independence of the medium organization , to reduce policy control and to found new control mechanism .

  27. 在战时新闻统制政策指导下,一批战时新闻出版法律法规密集出台,在内容和程序上打破了前期新闻出版立法的成果。

    In times of war news control under the policy guidance , a group of press and publication laws and regulations introduced in wartime densely . That broke the early fruits of press and publication of legislative in the content and procedures .

  28. 本文第四章是对我国少数民族新闻传播政策的研究结论及思考,根据现存问题提出我国少数民族新闻传播政策发展的建议。

    Chapter IV is the conclusion and thought of the Chinese minority journalism and communication policy . At the end of the paper , it tables a proposal for the development of Chinese minority journalism and communication policy based on the existing problems .

  29. 新闻传播政策及其政治职能两位一体、不可分割,根本原因就在于传媒及媒介组织的新闻传播活动不仅是单纯的信息传播活动,而且是一种力量强大、影响深远的政治活动。

    Communication policy and its political function can not be divided mainly because the news information communication of the media and the medium organization is not only pure information communication but also one kind of political activities which is of strong strength and profound influence .

  30. 试论新闻媒体在政策议程设置中的作用

    The Effect of the News Media in Political Agendas ' Setting