
  1. 首先是对新闻细节的定义进行了全面梳理和分析。

    First , give the definition of details a comprehensive summary .

  2. 新闻细节描写是重要的新闻写作形式之一。

    Detail description is one of the most important news writing forms .

  3. 第二章是对新闻细节的性质进行探讨。

    The second chapter is to discuss the nature of the details .

  4. 前两章主要是新闻细节的定性研究。

    The first two chapters are mainly qualitative research for the details of news .

  5. 然而,学术界并未对电视新闻细节的研究给予足够的重视。

    But , academe has not paid much attention to the research on the detail of TV news .

  6. 学术界对电视新闻细节的定义至今尚未达成共识。

    The academe has not come to an agreement on the definition of the detail of TV news .

  7. 本文主要从电视新闻细节的定义、分类、作用及采编几方面来展开论述。

    This essay mainly discusses the detail of TV news from the following parts : the definition , the classification , the function and the gather and edit .

  8. 虽然目前业界对新闻细节的关注有目共睹,可是我们依然能在日常的阅读中读到一些乏味的、枯燥的、过于空泛和模糊的新闻语言。

    Although the industry participants pay much attention on news details , we still find some boring , stuffy , vague and general languages in daily news reading .

  9. 对于新闻细节的定义,虽然诸多学者都有不同见解,但在这个问题上始终未能达成一致,也没有一个权威的定义可以参考。

    For the definition of details , although many scholars have different views , there is no consensus on this issue . There is no authoritative definition to reference .

  10. 关于新闻细节的采访研究,大都是业界人士结合自身的采访经验来就事论事,并没有人对细节采访给出一个全面的阐述。

    Studying the details of the interview on news , mostly people in the physical are combining their experience to judge solely on the interview , did not give a comprehensive exposition on the details of the interview .

  11. 笔者在分析、比较的基础上概括出了新闻细节的内涵,并以此作为文章的基石,这是本文的第一章。

    But the author have analyzed and compared the content of the details , basing on the general views , and as this for the basis of the article . This is the first chapter of this article .

  12. List-NewsItem用于显示单个新闻项的细节。

    List-News Item is used to display the details of the individual news item .

  13. 这篇简短的新闻报道没有详述细节。

    The brief dispatch gave no further details .

  14. 通过单击任意新闻项,用户可以查看该新闻项的细节。

    By clicking any news item , users can see the details of the news item .

  15. 如果记者只是单纯地用宏观语言概括新闻事实,而不注意捕捉新闻事实当中的细节,势必会出现语言的笼统和僵化。

    If the reporter is simply reported the fact with empty language , but not pay attention to the fact that among the details of the news , this will bring the general and empty language .

  16. 新闻就是宣传,长期的宣传便形成了一种新闻写作模式,常常把重大的事实、新闻细节、新闻人物给下意识地埋葬了。

    The long-term propaganda becomes a kind of news writing mode : always subconsciously burying the important facts , news details , and the news characters .