
  1. 论新闻角度的创新

    On Originality of News Angle

  2. 本文从英语新闻角度出发,研究了英语新闻的语言特色方面的问题。

    We examine the linguistic features of English news stories issue in this study from the English news perspective .

  3. 而且,从新闻伦理学角度研究犯罪新闻,对新闻伦理研究体系以及犯罪新闻研究体系的研究将同时起到一定的充实作用。

    Moreover , studying crime news from journalism ethic angle is not only benefit to crime news research system , but also benefit to news ethics research system .

  4. 因此从新闻专业主义角度来对其进行分析与透视,拓宽了我国灾难性报道研究的视角,丰富了我国灾难性报道研究的维度。

    So from the perspective of journalistic professionalism and perspective to their analysis , broadening the study of catastrophic coverage perspective , enrich the study of the dimensions of catastrophic coverage .

  5. 万小军称,目前,机器人还无法进行面对面的采访,不能凭直觉追问后续问题,也不具备根据采访或对话内容选取新闻报道角度的能力。

    At present , robots are unable to conduct face-to-face interviews , cannot respond intuitively with follow-up questions and don 't have the ability to select the news angle from an interview or conversation , Wan said .

  6. 不过从新闻业的角度而言,这些网站会迅速填补由于TechCrunch倒闭而留下的空白。

    But as far as journalism is concerned , these sites more than fill the space a defunct techcrunch would leave behind .

  7. 浅淡新闻采写的角度把握

    A Tentative Discussion on the Angle Grasp of News Selects for Writing

  8. 最后,本文从新闻策划的角度,以新闻价值定位、办刊宗旨、内容和读者定位为切入点分析了《知音》的叙事策略。

    Finally , the thesis analyzes the narrative tactics from the view of news-scheming .

  9. 第三部分在对经济新闻从价值角度认识之后,分析经济新闻对现代经济生活发生作用的具体形式。

    The third part analyses the practical form which economic news affect the modern economic life .

  10. 《南方日报》的改版,从新闻产品的角度来看,这是一次从内容到形式的全新改进和包装;

    It is a complete amelioration and packing from the form to the content at the angle of news product ;

  11. 许多前辈们已从新闻学、新闻心理学的角度探讨新闻敏感的形成,并取得了一定的研究成果。

    Some achievements have been attained by the experienced journalists in the formation of the nose for news from the perspectives of journalism and psychology .

  12. 这些广告从新闻之外的角度,为读者提供政治、经济、生活等信息,为边区经济建设作出了贡献。

    These advertise-ment , like the news , provided information of politics , economics and daily life for read-ers and contributed towards border district 's economics .

  13. 从新闻界的角度,本章分析了国内外新闻自律的情况,重点指出了我国网络新闻自律建设的重要性。

    In the angle of the press , this essay analyzed the press discipline in China and foreign country , pointed out the importance of press discipline .

  14. 试从报道内容、报道策略、新闻图片的角度对“抗震救灾特刊”进行分析,并对该特刊的报道特点作出总结。

    This paper analyses " feature of earthquake relief work " in the light of report content , report strategy and news pictures and generalizes the characteristics of features .

  15. 对作为一种叙事方式,本文主要从新闻实务的角度进行研究,研究的内容包括:新新闻主义中国化的表现方式和写作技巧。

    On the aspect of New journalism as a News report , it is mainly studied from the perspective of journalistic practices , involving its major features and the expressive techniques .

  16. 由于他们的职业、经历、社会地位不尽相同,他们提供的新闻来源和角度极其丰富,而且平民化的新闻报道更加符合大众的心理需求。

    Because of their different occupation , experience and social status , they provide extremely rich news and perspective , and the civilian news reports are in line with the psychological needs of the public .

  17. 延安时期的《解放日报》刊发过大量广告,这些广告从新闻之外的角度,为读者提供政治、经济、生活等信息,为边区经济建设做出了贡献。

    YanAn Liberation Daily carried a large number of advertisements . These advertisements , like the news , provided information of politics , economy and daily life for readers and contributed towards border district 's economy .

  18. 最后本文从新闻实务的角度提出了建议,力图为大众媒体实现健康传播功能时提高水平而有一定借鉴作用。

    At last , from the practical point of view , this thesis made recommendations of a certain reference seeking to promote the realization of the mass media in order to raise the level of health communication function .

  19. 阮次山:邓司长,在过去近一个月里面,从菲总统阿基诺到外长,有很多言论,从我们新闻从业员角度来看,简直不堪入目。

    Yuen : Mr. Deng , in the past month , from the Philippine President Aquino to the Philippine foreign minister , they have made a lot of remarks . From the perspective of a media practioner , some remarks are simply intolerable .

  20. 新闻的定义的角度总有一定的偏差。

    The former definitions of news are not wholly proper .

  21. 论文从网络伦理的发展和新闻伦理的转化角度界定了网络新闻伦理,指出其与传统新闻伦理的异同。第二章描述网络新闻伦理失范现象,分析失范原因。

    Papers point out its similarities and differences between traditional news ethics and network news ethics . Chapter ⅱ describes the phenomenon of online news ethics of anomie , analyzes causes of anomie .

  22. 从新闻主体方面分析,新闻角度主要包括立意角度、选材角度和表现角度。

    News perspective mainly contains approach , material selecting and expression analyzed from the news body .

  23. 新闻采写中的思维方式与新闻角度

    On the Mode of Thinking and Angles in News Writing