
  • 网络Background;news background;Briefings
  1. 对外新闻背景翻译初探

    Background Translation for News Reports on China for Foreign Audience

  2. 论新闻背景在消息中的运用

    On Application of News Background in News

  3. 新闻背景与电视深度报道

    News Background and Report of Television Depth

  4. 我觉得我的广播新闻背景可能对把握节奏也有所帮助。

    I think coming from a background in broadcast journalism might have helped a little with the pacing .

  5. 从孟买恐怖袭击事件中的自媒体传播看公民新闻背景下的媒介权力转移

    WE Media in Mumbai 2008 Terrorist Attacks : A case for investigating the transfer of media power with the background of Citizen Journalism

  6. 文章认为,时见报端的模糊词用于交代新闻背景或概括新闻情节时,具有诸多得天独厚的作用。

    It adopts the view that the fuzzy terms , commonly seen in the press , play unique roles in backgrounding and highlighting news events .

  7. 在此基础上,本文也探讨了在教学实践中如何提高英语新闻背景知识联想能力的问题。

    Based on the analysis , the problem on how to improve the ability in English news background knowledge association in the process of teaching and learning has also been studied .

  8. 好的新闻背景,能烘托和深化主题,帮助读者理解消息的内容,说明原因,显示意义,增加知识性和趣味性。

    The suitable news background can set off the leitmotiv by contrast and deepen its subject . It can help readers understand the content of news . It can indicate its reasons and presents its meaning .

  9. 在编辑手段方面也有独到之处,灵活运用新闻背景链接,注重标题的制作,创新报道文体,这些都是事件栏目不同于传统深度报道的独到之处。

    Editing means unique , flexible use of the news background link , pay attention to the title of the production , innovation reported stylistic , these are the " event " is different from the traditional depth coverage unique .

  10. 本文以互联网上报道的突发事件新闻为背景,以提供个性化的信息过滤系统为目标,研究了特定领域的信息处理的关键技术即用户模型的表示。

    The paper puts emphics on the user profile in the background that the accident news is reported in the Internet and aims to filtering system .

  11. 本文主要从新闻的背景,标题,上位和下位目的,主要和次要人物,原因推理和结果推理以及示例和工具推理几个方面入手。

    This text is analyzed through the background , the title , superordinate goal subordinate goal , main character secondary character , casual antecedent inference causal consequent inference , instantiation instrument inference .

  12. 由于忽略或误解新闻文化背景因素而导致英语新闻汉译文本给读者带来的理解层面的不解和错觉不一而足。

    Because of ignoring or misunderstanding culture background factors in the news , the translation text of English news will bring puzzlements and wrong impression in various way on the comprehension-level to Chinese readers .

  13. 许多网络上的消息只是一带而过,甚至是谣言、假消息,而传统媒体能够深入挖掘其中的内容,找出事件的原委,查明新闻的背景,辨别消息的真伪,引导正确的社会舆论。

    Even there are lots of rumors and false news online . But the traditional mass media have the ability to excavate and find out the truth , identify the context , distinguish the real one and guide the public opinion .

  14. 其实,正因为新闻的专业背景,让他对市场的敏感度比其他人更胜一筹。

    In fact because of his NEWS major he is more sensible to the market than other peoples .

  15. 以我大学念新闻系的背景,以及我对人际和沟通的技巧,使我十分适合做公关主任的工作。

    My undergraduate background in journalism and my interpersonal and communication skills make me ideally suited for the post of PR director .

  16. 在新闻全球化的背景下,全面洞察国际风云动态,到目前为止已经发展成为在中国颇具影响力的全球时事新闻刊物。

    With the news globalization , it has developed into a rather influential news journal on international affairs in China , having an insight into the trend of world events comprehensively .

  17. 但是,国家利益和意识形态会潜移默化地发生作用,影响其对新闻事实和背景材料的选择与组织、消息来源的引用以及语言的使用。

    However , national interests and ideology will play a role that subtly influences the selection and organization of news facts and background material , the citation of sources and the use of language .

  18. 透过对新闻频道成立背景的剖析、对历次改版表象的罗列分析,本文试图从一个时间的纬度&新闻频道的改版轨迹来阐释央视新闻频道在实践中所面临的机遇与挑战。

    The penetration to the news channel establishment background analysis , to all previous edition correction representation display analysis , this article attempts from a time latitude - - news channel edition correction path to explain the opportunity and the challenge which CCTV news channel faces in reality .

  19. 教授历史很重要,因为学生要能理解新闻时事发生的背景。

    Teaching history is important because students should be able to understand the background to current issues in the news .

  20. 其次,分析了社区新闻兴起的社会背景。

    Second , the news of the rise of community and social backgrounds .

  21. 新闻听力中的背景知识联想与语篇构建

    Background Knowledge Association and Text Construction in News-listening

  22. 公共新闻:崛起的背景与前景

    The Public Journalism : the Background and Prospect

  23. 因此,编译时要充分考虑新闻受众的文化背景、接受能力、交际需求以及阅读习惯等。

    Hence , their culture-specific knowledge , reception capability , communicative needs and reading habits should be taken into consideration .

  24. 近年来,新闻媒体市场化背景下的商业利益驱动和国家卫生主管部门对于社会公众健康的干预,使得同性恋群体正逐渐透过报纸媒体的媒介再现,走入社会大众的视野。

    In recent years , the media market-driven context of commercial interests and national health authorities for public health intervention , making the gay community is gradually through the medium of newspapers , media representation , into public view .

  25. 本文结合新闻炒作的案例分析新闻炒作的背景、意义、失范现象及其成因,提出遏制失范新闻炒作的应对之策。

    The paper analyzes the background , meaning , abnormity and reasons combine with the cases of news sensationalization , and present the solution to limit the news sensationalization .

  26. 《数字化时代的新闻理论与实践》一书以全球性网络新闻为背景,以中国互联网新闻传播研究为主线,对相关的理论和实践问题进行系统整合。

    The book , News Theory and Practice in a Digital Era , systematically integrates related theoretical and practical problems of the Internet news communication in China under the background of global network news .

  27. 中央电视台新闻节目直播的发展是在中国电视新闻改革的大背景下展开的,也是电视新闻报道方式的变革。

    CCTV news live broadcasts grew under the big picture of China TV news reform as well as the reform of ways of TV news broadcast .

  28. 一是新时期都市报时政新闻的特点与变化,概括总结都市报时政新闻在新时期背景下,除了其本身具有的特性,还因其服务对象及受众需求而形成的时代特定性。

    First , the characteristics of the new era city paper political news and changes summed up the metropolitan context of political news in the new era , in addition to its inherent characteristics , its target audience needs and the formation of specific age .

  29. 譬如关于网上新闻写作学习区的设计样例,着重介绍了选择新闻写作话题的背景、意义和设计旨趣。

    Take the sample designing of the On-line Learning Field for Journalism Writing as an example , it concentrates on the choice , the significance , and the designed purpose of a writing topic . ( Chapter 7 )

  30. 中国报纸侧重报道正面新闻,而西方记者则喜欢报道负面新闻。因此,中国有些新闻往往缺乏必要的新闻背景知识,而西方记者重视新闻背景的作用,为新闻提供了足够的新闻背景。

    Chinese newspapers focus on the positive reports while western journalists focus on negative reports , as a result , some Chinese news stories lack necessary background information while western journalists attach importance to the role of background , providing sufficient background .