
xīn wén shì yè
  • journalism
  1. 第二部分:新疆新闻事业的缓慢发展。

    The second part : The slow-moving development of journalism in Xinjiang .

  2. 党的新闻事业性质观念发展述略

    On the Idea of the Nature of the Journalism of the Party

  3. 默多克的长子Lachlan被广泛认为是最有可能继承默多克新闻事业的人,但是在2005年由于Lacnhlan辞去了新闻集团执行官的职位。

    Murdoch 's oldest son , Lachlan , was widely thought to be the inheritor of the empire until Lachlan 's resignation from his executive posts with News Corp.in2005 .

  4. 新闻事业与传统文化有着内在联系,新闻事业担负着传承、延续、重塑传统文化的重要使命。传统文化又从内容与形式上制约和影响着新闻事业的发展。

    There is inner connection between journalistic enterprise and traditional culture .

  5. 第三阶段,认为新闻事业是无产阶级专政工具。

    The third stage , considering it the means of proletarian dictatorship ;

  6. 民国新疆新闻事业研究

    Study on Journalism in XinJiang during the Republic of China

  7. 公共关系和新闻事业有着紧密的理论和实践联系。

    Public Relations and Journalism are close together in theory and practice .

  8. 我明白,新闻事业如今很不容易。

    I understand the news business is tough these days .

  9. 略论传统文化与新闻事业的发展

    On Traditional Culture and the Development Of Journalistic Enterprise

  10. 19世纪末是中国新闻事业蓬勃发展的时期。

    The news cause was flourishing at the end of the nineteenth century .

  11. 无产阶级新闻事业的任务、作用和宗旨。

    The task , effect and purpose of proletarian journalistic cause . 3 .

  12. 与此同时,中国的新闻事业也出现了繁荣景象。

    While at the same time , the journalism in China is booming .

  13. 论中国新闻事业的三种角色定位

    On the Three Role Identification of the Chinese Journalism

  14. 这些增长的制约力量能冲击群众新闻事业吗?

    Could these increasing restrictions impinge on grassroots journalism ?

  15. 教会报刊与近代中国新闻事业

    Church newspapers and the journalism of modern China

  16. 专门史课程教学探析&以《中国新闻事业史》为例

    A Probe into the Teaching of Specialized History

  17. 新闻事业是大众化的传播事业,与人们的生活息息相关。

    News enterprise is popular with people . It 's important for our life .

  18. 论我国台湾地区新闻事业的起源时间

    A Discussion of the Journalism Origin in Taiwan

  19. 论如何推进民族新闻事业和谐发展

    Harmonizing and Developing the Cause of Ethnic Journalism

  20. 随着微博的发展,微新闻事业也蒸蒸日上。

    With the development of micro micro-blog , also be on the upgrade of journalism .

  21. 俄国资产阶级新闻事业始末考

    A study on Russian bourgeois news industry

  22. 新闻事业的每一次发展都会有社论的变化和革新。

    The each step of the journalistic career will make the editorial change and reformation .

  23. 外国新闻事业研究的历史回顾与反思

    Retrospect and Rethinking of Foreign Journalism Study

  24. 关于外国新闻事业史教学的几点看法

    Perspectives on teaching of foreign news history

  25. 新闻事业的发展水平对新闻运作的影响;

    The developing level of news business ;

  26. 日本新闻学与新闻事业

    Japanese journalism science and news industry

  27. 大学双语教学中的第一语言问题&关于《外国新闻事业史》双语课堂教学实践的案例分析

    The First-Language during the Bilingual Education

  28. 淮南抗日根据地新闻事业的发展及其特点

    The development and characteristics of the newspapering in Huainan base in the War of Resistance Against Japan

  29. 在中国近现代新闻事业史上,民营报业曾占有重要地位。

    The private newspaper industry played an important role in the history of Chinese modern news development .

  30. 美国的公民新闻事业

    Civic Journalism in the US