
  1. 新闻需要概念的理性实质及其意义

    The Rational Substance and its Significance on the Concept of News Wants

  2. 显而易见,主体的新闻需要是新闻价值得以产生的重要根源。

    Obviously , the news demand of the subject is an important source in news value .

  3. 试论新闻需要的内容和地位

    Content and Position of News Need

  4. 新闻需要作为主体的一种积极摄取新闻信息的趋向,在本质上是自为的,本性是自主的、能动的;

    The news wants , as a kind of initiative inclination that the subject incepts news information , in essence , is an active ?

  5. 公众科技传播国际会议上的代表们被告知,发展中国家的科学新闻需要与当地更加相关,而且如果科学新闻要产生影响,就必须利用当地文化。

    Science journalism in developing countries needs to be more locally relevant and use local culture if it is to have an impact , delegates at a science communication conference were told .

  6. 在受众(读者、听众、观众、网民)需要中,新闻需要有着重要的地位,是一切新闻活动的出发点和归宿。

    The need of the news has an important position in the recipients ( readers , audience , viewers and net citizens ) and it is the starting point and the end-result of all news activities .

  7. 封面、封底或其他指定版位之广告,如遇当日新闻需要,本报有权调至其他版面刊登,广告费则按所刊之版位订价收费。

    The Newspaper has the right to shift all advertisements on the front page , back page or in any other specified positions to any other pages in case there is a need arising from the news .

  8. 而把以主体能动性为基本内容的人的本性看成是新闻需要的本质内容,也就等于说新闻需要是以人类理性为其实质内涵的。

    And when we regard man 's essentiality whose basic content is man 's logos as the substantial content of news wants , that is to say , news wants ' essential connotation is man 's logos .

  9. 做新闻记者需要有很强的沟通能力。

    As a journalist , one must have strong communication ability .

  10. 新闻集团需要道歉的事情显然有很多。

    There is evidently much that News Corp needs to apologise for .

  11. 源于论文的科技新闻发布需要第四媒体支持&建设专业化网络平台迫在眉睫

    Science News Release Needs the Support of Professional Web Platform

  12. 可知新闻网站需要再加强品牌联想对整体品牌权益的影响力。

    As a result , the news websites need to enhance brand association more .

  13. 成功的电视新闻报导需要多方面配合,您认为哪一方面是最重要?

    Which of the following is the most important to make a news reporting successful ?

  14. 这是什么样的新闻我们需要知道,会尽快把事情。

    This is the kind of news we need to know as soon as it happens .

  15. 为了避免负面效果的产生,新闻工作者需要守住新闻报道的度。

    In order to avoid the negative effects , journalists need to hold the " degree " of news reporting .

  16. 如果监管机构批准该交易,那么新闻集团需要找到一个可以说服两家公司股东同意交易的收购价格。

    If regulators approve the deal , News Corp then needs to find a price that persuades shareholders in both companies to go along .

  17. 在价值定位上,网络新闻编辑需要在新闻报道的基础上发挥组织、升华与解读的作用。

    In value orientation , the network news editors need to play based on the news organization , and interpretation of the role of sublimation .

  18. 但是新闻媒体需要这个故事的时间、空间和承诺,因为它不会消失。

    But the news media need to make the time , space and commitment to stay with this story because it 's not going away .

  19. 新闻媒体需要在受害者和犯罪嫌疑人的权益与公众知情权两者之间保持平衡。

    The news media should balance the rights and interests of both victims and criminal defendants with the right of the public to be informed .

  20. 一个新闻不需要两个以上的访谈,但是如果这个新闻有争议或者需要额外的观点,你可能要把访谈数量增加到3个。

    For a news story you don 't need more than two interviews , but you can probably stretch to three if the story is controversial or needs additional perspectives .

  21. 如果卡梅伦等政界人士处理不当,英国可能被打回新闻业需要政府发放许可证的时代。

    If it is mishandled by Mr Cameron and other politicians , the UK could be returned to the days of state licensing of the press , which was abolished in 1694 .

  22. 在可以阅读新闻组之前需要提供以下信息。

    The information below is needed before you can read newsgroups .

  23. 电视新闻拍摄也需要美感

    The Shoot of TV News Need the Aesthetic Feeling

  24. 与订阅杂志不同,订阅新闻组不需要注册和任何花费。

    Unlike a magazine subscription , subscribing to a newsgroup doesn 't require you to sign up or spend any money .

  25. 精品新闻的构建需要新闻内容方面的精品、新闻载体的精品与新闻从业人员的精品三个维度的同时存在才能形在。

    The establishment of fine news requires the co-existence of the three dimensions : fine news of contents , fine news carrier and fine news workers .

  26. 因此,我们需要新闻,更需要新闻的解读,了解新闻背后的新闻。

    Therefore , we need news , but what we need much more is the interpretation of the news and the deep information behind the news .

  27. 学院网站管理的工作量大并且繁琐,各种新闻、文章需要频繁更新,栏目也经常需要变更。

    School Web site management , heavy workload and cumbersome , a variety of news , articles , frequently updated , often need to change columns .

  28. 党报要生存且生存得更好,就必须加强对内容的改进,证券新闻就是其中需要改进的一个组成部分。

    The party newspaper wants to exist and exist better , it has to improve the contents , the security news is a constitute part that needs to be improved .

  29. 供撰写评论用的图书、音乐或影片等赠阅样品应捐给慈善机构,除非出于新闻工作的需要留作今后报道的素材。

    Review copies of books , music , or movies should be donated to charity unless there is a journalistic reason to retain them as a resource for future reporting .

  30. 广播要适应现代新闻报道的需要,必须充分发挥优势,突出广播传播迅捷、音响丰富等特色。

    It should cater to the modern needs of news report , must give full play to its advantages , give prominence to its features of being quick in transmission and rich in sound effect .