
  1. 领导干部的新闻形象,往往代表着某个单位、某个部门、某个地区、甚至整个民族和国家的形象。

    The news image of leaders usually stands for the image of some units 's a region , even the whole na-tion .

  2. 电视新闻主持人形象塑造与栏目品牌化经营研究

    Research on Anchorman 's Iamge-building and the Management of Column 's Branding

  3. 新闻媒体形象策划方法探析

    An Analysis of the Method of News Media Image Planning

  4. 院校新闻高校形象的系统传播

    University & College News On the Systematic Communication of the University 's Image

  5. 形象就是旗帜&对加强新闻队伍形象建设的思考

    Image means banner : reflections on strengthening the building of journalists ' image

  6. 理清了电视新闻主持人形象塑造和栏目品牌化经营关系的内在联系以及必然趋势。

    Sort out the television news program host and brand image-building operation of the internal relations of relations , as well as an inevitable trend . 3 .

  7. 从电视上消失六个月是一段相当长的时间,分析人士表示,他很难再树立起值得信赖的晚间新闻主持人形象了。

    Six months is a long time to disappear from the television landscape , and analysts said it would be difficult for him to re-establish himself as a credible nightly presence .

  8. 通讯写作特点:包括新闻性、形象性、评论性;

    Communication writing characteristic : Including novel , iconicity , commentary ;

  9. 高校电视新闻栏目的形象设计

    Design of TV News Program in College

  10. 电视新闻的直观形象性往往给人以客观真实感。

    The visual image of TV news often gives the TV viewers the objective true sense .

  11. 首先,可以使新闻语言生动形象,也可以使抽象的内容具体化。

    First of all , you can make the news language and vivid images , you can also detail the contents of the abstract .

  12. 分析了女性在电视新闻中的形象和话语权表现,探寻电视新闻节目文本对女性形象解读产生偏差的原因及影响。

    Analyses the image of women in television news discourse , and the status of women in television advertisements in the image , and seeking for female image interpretation TV text produces deviation .

  13. 本文着眼于新闻摄影瞬间形象性的自身规律,以典型瞬间理论、瞬间形象优势两方面内容为补充,探索瞬间形象性在新闻摄影中的重要意义。

    This investigation aims at exploring the significance of twinkling figurativeness in the course of taking a news photograph via focusing on its own law and at the same time thinking of the typical twinkling theories and superiorities of twinkling figurativeness .

  14. 报纸的新闻报道对区域形象具有传播和塑造的作用。

    The news report in newspapers can spread and shape regional image .

  15. 略谈新闻摄影典型瞬间形象的捕捉

    On the Catching of Typical Momentary Image in Journalistic Photography

  16. 新闻标题中的形象类辞格

    The Image Rhetoric Space in the News Headlines

  17. 新闻摄影的瞬间形象性分析

    Analysis on Twinkling Figure of Taking News Photograph

  18. 我国电视新闻节目中女性形象塑造的失衡与应对

    The Strategy to the Unbalance of Portraying Women Images of Chinese Television News Programs

  19. 报纸娱乐新闻中的女性形象分析

    On Female Image in Newspaper Amusement News

  20. 新闻框架与国家形象

    News Frame and Nation Image

  21. 新闻策划与高校形象

    News planning and college image

  22. 你可以看看那些今天出现在各种新闻中女孩的形象。

    Well , you can see the kinds of images that are covering the newsfeeds of girls today .

  23. 政府新闻发言人是政府形象的代言人,是当下媒体与受众关注的新闻传播形式之一。

    Government spokesman is the government image spokesperson , is the media attention with the audience of one form of journalism .

  24. 我国受众对于新闻类节目主持人形象的认知也多呈现出成熟、稳重、可信甚至权威的形象。

    The audience for news programs are mostly host emerged in the cognitive image of mature , stable , reliable and even the authority of the image .

  25. 以建设山东新闻界跨世纪形象工程&山东新闻大厦为标志,大众日报社二次创业活动掀起了高潮。

    Now , Shandong News mansion has become a new image for Dazhong 's New Generation Development program , focused on thrusting Dazhong Daily forward in the21st Century .

  26. 本文认为南丁格尔在新闻传播中的形象和历史上实际存在的形象之间的差别是由于当时的社会背景和历史原因造成的。

    The dissertation holds that the differences between the images of Nightingale and her true life is created by the social background and the historical conditions of her times .

  27. 它不仅能够树立新闻媒介的组织形象,沟通媒介组织内外关系,提高新闻采编水平,而且还是一种有效的经营管理战略。

    It can build up favorable figure of media , communicate media with the other organizations , and improve the level of the interview and editing , but also being an effective management strategy .

  28. 但社论毕竟属于新闻体裁,用形象的语言完整准确如同学术语一言一样的精确表明社论的观点、立场和看法是许多社论作者孜孜以求的目标。

    But it belongs to news types , it 's the purpose of the editorial writers - that the visual language is as important as the exact to express the point view of the writer .

  29. 从新闻主持人的外观形象、语言风格和气质特点3个方面,论述了当前新闻节目主持人的个性化问题,分析了新闻节目主持人与新闻节目的关系及作用。

    From the aspects of news comperes ' appearance , language style , temperament features , this paper analyzes the characteristics of news program , so as to reflect the relationship and effect between comperes and program .

  30. 由于现实行政体制条块分割明显,部分政府官员观念依然陈旧,新闻传播及政府形象塑造的观念和知识较为缺乏,由此带来媒体运用理念滞后。

    Because the reality was fragmented administrative system , is still the old idea of some government officials , news media and shape the image of the government is more a lack of ideas and knowledge . Idea behind the use of the resulting media .