
  1. 目前各种媒体的基本新闻手段或者说报道方式无外乎两种:故事模式和信息模式。

    Basically there are two kinds of report methods : the " Story Mode " and " Information Mode " . The " story mode " reports news by telling stories ;

  2. 本文就如何策划,进行追踪报道作了有益的探索,并认为追踪报道这一新闻手段是媒体开展舆论监督的一种有效途径。

    The paper made beneficial exploration on how to plan and write tracking reports well , tracking report as a news method is an efficient way to carry out the public opinion and supervision .

  3. 如何用新闻的手段报道危机,是亟待研究的新课题。

    How to use the means of news to report the crisis is the urgent research topic .

  4. 手机等新的媒体和工具继续赋予人们更大的力量,丰富了新闻采集手段,让一度基本上处于隐秘状态的政府和工商界的运作情况昭然于世。

    New media and tools such as cell phones continue to empower individuals , enrich news-gathering and illuminate once-largely-hidden workings of government , business and industry .

  5. 另一方面,在中国特色政治气候的特殊大背景下,人物报道作为与政治紧密相联的一种新闻报道手段,旗帜鲜明地契合了建国以来各个时期的历史风貌。

    On the other hand , In the political context of Chinese characteristics , figures reported that closely linking to politics , is clearly fitting with the historic features of various periods since the founding .

  6. 英国记者通常以为了得到新闻不惜一切手段而著称。

    British reporters are known for doing almost anything to get a story .

  7. 采访是获取新闻的基本手段,是电视新闻报道的重要组成部分。

    Interview is the basic method to catch news , and the important component part of the TV news broadcast .

  8. 比如,至少80%的被访问者说,他们仍把电视作为了解当地新闻的首要手段,89%的人通过电视了解最新的气象信息,而不是通过上网。

    More than 80 percent of , for instance , said they still turn to local TV first for breaking news . And 89 percent go there , not to the Web , to get the latest weather information .

  9. 三是传媒武器在网络、卫星电视等现代信息技术领域的科技对抗;四是新闻舆论管控手段在军事保密与舆论引导中的软硬交锋。

    The third is scientific struggle of press weapon in modern information technology field , such as INTERNET , secondary planet and TV . The fourth is flexible and forcible fighting of press and consensus control means in military secrecy and consensus guidance .

  10. 在新闻的社会控制手段中,法律控制是重要的一环。

    In the social control means of the media , the law control is an important wreath .

  11. 但与以往一样,新闻国际所用手段之无情、规模之大,将竞争对手远远甩在身后。

    As always , though , News International operated with a ruthlessness and on a scale that left its rivals behind .

  12. 随着社会高速发展、科技手段的不断更新,新闻媒体的报道手段和技巧也越显得前卫。

    Along with society high-speed development , scientific means to update ceaselessly , press reports means and skills also appear less halfback .

  13. 许多报媒为了吸引更多的读者,扩大影响力,采取增大新闻信息量的手段,在报纸内容上下工夫,使报纸越做越厚。

    Many newspaper media attract more readers and expand its influence by enlarging and concentrating on newspaper content , resulting in thickening the newspaper .

  14. 而正在报道发生的事实也已经成为有条件的电视台对直播即将发生的重大新闻事件的必备手段。

    However , the live repot of the imminent event has also become the compulsory means for television stations with favourable conditions to provide live coverage of the imminent big news .

  15. 新闻语言作为电视新闻重要的表现手段,是彰显电视特色和增强画面表现力的重要补充。

    The journalistic language , as the main means of expression of television news , clearly displays the characteristics of television and also reinforces the pictures'expressive force .

  16. 它已经逐步成为广播新闻业和政治领域中重要的新闻报道手段。

    It begins to occupy a prominence in the domain of broadcast journalism and political communication .

  17. 时下,隐性采访已成为新闻记者挖掘深度新闻和时效新闻的常用手段。

    At present , hidden interviewed by journalists digging depth and timely information has become common practice .

  18. 有意制造了一个新闻事件&车祸的现场,以新闻的手段反映了当下急速发展的社会状态。

    Dramatizes a traffic accident and uses the means of " news " to reflect the social status quo of high-speed development .

  19. 典型人物报道既然是新闻报道的一种方式,它就必须以传递新闻信息为基本手段。舆论导向功能和社会化功能是典型人物报道的强势,也是典型人物报道的归宿。

    The function of orientation of public opinion and the socialization is the mightiness and also the destination of the reports on typical characters .

  20. 在信息全球化的背景下,‘新闻执政’(Governingwithnews)这最早由白宫发言人提出的新闻治国手段被广泛采纳并引起学界、业界高度关注。

    In the background of globalization information , " ' governing with news ' which was first proposed by the White House spokesman " as a means to govern the country have been widely adoption . Now , academic and industry pay attention to it .

  21. 近年来,关注普通百姓生活状况的民生新闻,从电视媒体延伸到平面媒体,从小民生扩充到大民生,成为新闻传媒时下最惯用的新闻表达手段。

    In recent years , people 's livelihood news , focusing on general people , becomes the most common used news expression method , extending from tv to plain media and from triffle livelihood to big one .