
  1. 分析电视新闻拍摄美感的重要性和必要性,提出在实地拍摄过程中如何体现电视新闻的美感。

    According to analyzing the importance and necessity of the aesthetic feeling in TV news , the thesis poses the way how to express the aesthetic feeling of the TV news during taking film shoot .

  2. 电视新闻拍摄也需要美感

    The Shoot of TV News Need the Aesthetic Feeling

  3. 国外幽默新闻写作使新闻富有了幽默美感,给人以娱乐和享受。

    Writing of foreign humor news gives people humorous feeling as well as amusement and enjoyment .

  4. 本文的主要目的就是从美学的层面上,对灾难新闻进行分析,探讨如何把灾难新闻做的富有美感,在正向的意义上吸引受众。

    The intention of this thesis is to discuss how to make the disaster news aesthetic and affirmatively attractive by aesthetic theory .

  5. 文章提出,在视觉文化时代,电视新闻恰当地运用视觉语言,重视电视画面的表现力,提升电视新闻的画面美感度和信息量,是增强新闻可视性的一种有效方式。

    It is pointed out that , in the era of visual culture , TV news could be more watchable by using visual language properly and improving visual communication .