
  • 网络feature;NEWS FEATURE;Feature story
  1. 分析表明文本分析理论在新闻特写翻译中占有重要地位。

    The analysis indicates that Text Typology Theory plays an important role in the news feature translation .

  2. 新闻特写的兴起和跨文化交流的发展呼唤更多更好的新闻特写翻译。

    The emerging popularity of news feature and the strengthened intercultural communication call for more translations in this field .

  3. KatharineSanderson在《自然》杂志的这篇新闻特写中报道,阿富汗的鸦片业在可能到来的合法化种植边缘步履蹒跚,而它可能成为发展中国家新的阿片类(麻醉剂)药物来源。

    Afghanistan 's opium industry is teetering on the brink of legalisation , and could provide a source of opiates for the developing world , reports Katharine Sanderson in this Nature article .

  4. 《美国女巫》(WitchesOfAmerica),阿历克斯·马尔(AlexMar)著(SarahCrichton/FarrarStraus&Giroux出版社,26美元)。马尔带来一本搜寻者的回忆录,透过面纱讲了下面的故事:一组关于奇妙的现代神秘学修习者们的新闻特写。

    WITCHES OF AMERICA . By Alex Mar. ( Sarah Crichton / Farrar , Straus & Giroux , $ 26 . ) Mar presents a seeker 's memoir told through a quilted veil : a collection of strong journalistic profiles of fascinating modern practitioners of the occult .

  5. 你又是新闻特写记者?

    Are you another one of them hard copy guys ?

  6. 新闻特写那则消息次日刊登在头版上了。

    feature story The news appeared next day on the front page .

  7. 每个电视网都有新闻特写、戏剧、喜剧和体育报导。

    Each network has news features , dramatic presentations , comedies and sports events .

  8. 由于新闻特写翻译不同于传统的对等翻译观,特写翻译注重目的语。

    The news feature translation differs from the traditional equivalence-based translation practice and it focuses on the target audience .

  9. 其次,在有关地震的新闻特写中,作者多采用正面的和非作者的情感。

    Secondly , the writers adopt more positive and non-authorial affect in the feature story about the big earthquake .

  10. 文本分析有助于确定新闻特写的类型和选择适当的翻译方法。

    Text type analysis is helpful to identify the type of news feature and select a proper translational method .

  11. 新闻特写不仅提供了新闻报道,而且通过可读性吸引读者的兴趣。

    News feature is not merely to provide events , but to improve the readability to arouse readers ' interest .

  12. 本文对新闻特写的汉英翻译策略进行了初步研究,为他人继续深入研究提供借鉴。

    This thesis does primary research into C-E translating strategies of features so as to provide reference for further study .

  13. 新闻特写吸引读者的地方在于新鲜的题材,鲜明的特色,细腻的写作技巧。

    It has attracted many readers because it provides with fresh ideas , vivid characters , and delicate writing skills .

  14. 事实上,得益于小说创作的丰富经验,萧乾的新闻特写创作更具开拓意义。

    In fact , thanks to the extensive experience of the novels , Xiao Qian News Feature creation of more ground-breaking .

  15. 如果讲述的是一个比较长的故事,需要加入更多的信息和背景资料,那么撰写一篇新闻特写或许更好些。

    If there is a longer story to be told that requires more information and background , a feature may be better .

  16. 因此,如果新闻特写的翻译质量上乘,译者就能提供给读者鲜活和生动的画面。

    Therefore , if translators translate it well enough , they will be able to show the reader more vivid and touching information .

  17. 根据其报道内容,新闻特写可以分为人物特写,事件特写,风光特写和亲身经历特写等。

    According to the content , feature can be divided into profile , WHAT-feature , locality feature or personal experience feature and so on .

  18. 他的新闻特写具有很强的文学植入意识和审美追求,呈现简约生动的语言风格和鲜明跃动的景物刻画。

    His news feature article works had implanted a strong sense of literary and aesthetic pursuit , showing simple vivid language style and distinctive characterization of features .

  19. 变译理论在新闻特写汉译英中的应用&从《今日中国》的一篇特写谈起

    The Application of Theory of Translation Variation on Chinese-English Feature Translation & A case study on a piece of feature translation from China Today , August , 2008

  20. 三是论文初步提炼了萧乾新闻特写所包含的新闻思想,进一步拓展了萧乾新闻特写的思想与文学价值。

    Third , the paper initially refined thinking of Xiao Qian news features include news , and further expand the value of the idea of Xiao Qian News Feature .

  21. 他的新闻特写采写活动,充满着开拓精神,对我国国内外报道和对外宣传,做出了突出贡献。

    His news feature written was full of pioneering spirit . The reports at home and abroad , as well as external propaganda , had made outstanding contributions to news works .

  22. 所以,在本文中,作者把主要精力放在新闻特写的分析上,并且选用六篇新闻特写作为自己的语料。

    Therefore , in this thesis , the author will mainly focus on an analysis of the feature story of the news report and choose six feature stories as her data base .

  23. 德国功能主义学者费米尔提出的目的论三大原则为具体的翻译行为提供指导,适用于新闻特写的汉英翻译。

    The three principles of the Skopos theory put forward by the German functionalist Vermeer provide guidance for specific translating activities , and are proved to be applicable to C-E translation of features .

  24. 它在坚持以人为本的同时,集中于消息、资讯、新闻特写、深度报道和新闻评论,以现场性、参与性和接近性取胜。

    The content of the TV civil news concentrate on the news , information , news feature , in-depth reporting and news analysis while insisting " people-orientedness " and win with scene , the property of participation and closing .

  25. Dickson说,在科学与发展网络发表的大多数新闻和特写文章已经翻译成中文,能够通过如下站点访问:/chinese/gateway。

    Most of SciDev . Net 's recent news and feature articles relating to China have been translated in Chinese and can be viewed online at : / chinese / gateway .

  26. 新闻大特写采访研究

    The Extreme Feature of News Interview Research Big and Good Matter

  27. 阿拉伯电视新闻和和特写交流中心

    Arab Centre for Exchanges of News and Features for Television

  28. 论新闻大特写的兴起与发展

    Rising and Development of the Extreme Feature of News

  29. 连续不断的信息、新闻、特写和宣传材料将被充分准备并提供给媒体受众。

    A consistent flow of information , news , features and materials will be prepared and provided to media audiences .

  30. 从20世纪80年代后期至今,新闻大特写在我国绝大多数晚报、都市报、周末报上表现非常活跃。

    From the late 1980s to this day , the Extreme Feature of News has appeared in most of the Evening Newspaper , Urban Newspaper and Weekend Newspaper frequently .