
  • 网络bunker
  1. 试验研究表明,加设填充墙及赘余杆件后,使柱承式方仓上下刚度趋于均匀,延性得到改善,从而有效地提高了方仓的抗震能力。

    Research and test prove that infilling brickwork and adding superfluous poles bring about uniform stiffness and increased extensibility of reinforced concrete columns supported bunkers , thus remarkably improving the bunkers ' seismic behavior .

  2. 在以色列和菲律宾分别进行了PVC方包仓、筒仓露天储藏小麦、玉米和稻谷试验。

    PVC cube store and PVC silo were used for outdoor storage of wheat . corn and paddy in Israel and Philippines respectively . Seal storage .

  3. 非资产型第三方物流提供者合同仓租赁决策研究

    Analysis of Non-asset Third-party Logistics Provider Leasing Contract Warehouse