
  • 网络method error;methodic error
  1. 详细分析了基于菲佐(Fizeau)干涉仪测风激光雷达利用条纹重心法反演风速时的方法误差和系统噪声引起的测量误差。

    The method error of gravity method and the measurement error due to system shot noise in wind lidar based on Fizeau interferometer are analyzed in detail .

  2. 最后具体分析了引起该识别方法误差的可能因素。

    Finally , a detailed analysis of possible factors caused the recognition method error was present .

  3. 异地同步方法误差远小于同步测量环节本身的误差,后者主要由PMU的频率跟踪与测量、信号滤波延迟以及数值算法等环节引起;

    The later is mainly caused by frequency tracking and measurement of PMU , the signal filter delay and the digital algorithm .

  4. 对于轨道高度约400km的CHAMP掩星模拟数据,外推方法误差较大,改正TEC方法反演结果与模式值相符得较好。

    For CHAMP , the errors of extrapolate method are large , and inversion profiles of the calibrated TEC method are consistent with the model values .

  5. 机做静态标定的方法误差,提出了用参数估计法修正此误差的方法。

    A Parameter estimation method is proposed to correct the error .

  6. 点声源声场两种声强计算方法误差分析

    Two Error Calculation Methods of Point Sound Source Sound Field

  7. 方法误差在5%以内。

    The errors of this method have not gone beyond 5 % .

  8. 涤纶短纤维卷曲度计算方法误差探索

    Study on calculated error of crimp contraction of polyester fiber

  9. 宽带信号延迟采样方法误差分析仿真研究

    Simulation of Error Analysis of Wideband Signal Delay Sampling Method

  10. 出厂水泥不同抽样方法误差比较研究

    Research on comparisons among cement sampling methods ' error

  11. 分段等厚干涉测量直线度方法误差的探讨

    Research on method error of split range equal thickness interference method measuring straightness error

  12. 提出了方法误差的修正方法,推导出了测量误差理论公式。

    The correction technique of the method error is given , the formula of measurement error is derived .

  13. 该方法误差大多小于20%,其精确度完全能够满足土壤侵蚀研究的要求,为研究细沟侵蚀动态变化过程提供了一种可靠而有效的新方法。

    The relative errors are mostly less than 20 % for the tracing elements , which is considered satisfactory in the soil erosion studies .

  14. 分析了经典频域三点法测量直行部件运动误差时所存在的谐波抑制,直线度误差的非周期性、非封闭性以及端点不连续而引起的高阶谐波分量失真等方法误差。

    Harmonic suppression , non periodic and non closing in straightness profile error that bring about harmonic component distortion in slide error motion measurement are analyzed in detail .

  15. 射程修正系统的方法误差随着导航时间的增加而减小,但由于导航参数误差有随着导航时间增加的趋势,惯导系统工作时间要综合考虑以上两方面因素后确定。

    The range correction method error decreases with the navigation time but the instrument error increases , so the best navigation time should be chosen with both sides considered .

  16. 激光干涉法一次振动校准所用标准振动台由于在校准过程中存在谐波失真,从而给校准结果引入了一项方法误差。

    The error of method introduced in the primary vibration calibration by a laser interferometry due to the harmonic distortion existed in the standard vibrator is investigated mathematically and experimentally in this paper .

  17. 然后,采用模糊神经网络对电机的输入输出关系进行研究,得到开关磁阻电机的非线性模型,该方法误差较小,实现简单。

    Then the input and output relationship of the SRM is researched by the fuzzy neural network method . The nonlinear model of SRM is obtained . It has low error and can be performed easily .

  18. 针对传统焦距测量方法误差较大(024%)的问题,提出了一种测量航空大孔径相机焦距系统,论述了系统的测试原理和组成。

    In view of bigger error ( 0 24 % ) of conventional measuring method , this paper focuses on a bigger aperture aerial camera focus measuring system and discusses measuring principle and structure of the system .

  19. 本文叙述了利用外、遥测数据对制导误差、制导工具误差、制导方法误差、惯性仪表误差和主要外干扰进行分析、鉴定的方法;

    This paper describes the methods of analysis and evaluation for guidance error , guidance implementation error , guidance method error , error coefficient of inertial instrument and external disturbance by utilizing the exterior ballistic measuring and telemetering data .

  20. 用焦硫酸钾熔融、稀盐酸浸取使表面杂质溶解,测定残留物量即为碳化硅含量,本方法误差小、精度高,用于铸造脱氧剂中碳化硅的测定,结果满意。

    Melt by potassium pyrosulfate and steeped in diluted chlorhydric acid to dissolve skin impurities , the amount of residue determined will be content of crystolon . This is a method for determining crystolon in foundry deoxidant , which features lower error and high accuracy with satisfaction .

  21. 材料弹性模量E的计算方法及误差分析

    Calculation method of material elastic modulus and error analysis

  22. 实测数据的建模结果表明,该方法拟合误差较小,性能优于传统GP方法和最小二乘法。

    Modeling results show that the fitting error is smaller , and the performance exceeds traditional GP and least-squares algorithm .

  23. 既然任何导航系统在实现动态定位中都会产生误差,通常有两种方法减小误差:一是差分GPS技术,二是通过卡尔曼滤波。

    In that any navigation system has dynamic positioning error , there are two ways to reduce error : One is differential GPS technology , and the other is Kalman filter .

  24. 主要介绍GRIN透镜在红外波段聚焦光斑直径的测量方法及误差分析。

    The measurement method and error analysis method of GRIN lens focal spot diameter in IR wavelength are described .

  25. 本文简述了相干式CO2激光雷达角跟踪系统的工作原理,讨论了激光雷达距离方程,分析了四象限探测器跟踪方法及误差特性。

    This paper describes briefly the basic principle of angular tracking systems of coherent CO2 laser radar , discusses laser radar range equation , analyses quadrant detector tracking method and error character .

  26. 文中采用彩色CCD摄像机对炉膛火焰进行温度场计算,并对计算方法的误差进行了详尽的分析。

    The present paper deals with the calculation of a furnace flame temperature field by using a colored CCD camera with a detailed analysis of the calculation error under this method being given .

  27. 通过计算例子分析了DFT方法的误差特性:DFT分析结果在分析时间T内插值细分,或延拓出分析时间T以外者时,存在误差;

    The example results show that errors occur when the DFT output is interpolated within the analyzing time T or when it is obtained beyond the time T.

  28. 最后,借助于数值实验呈出了求解非线性延迟积分微分方程(DIDEs)的Runge-Kutta方法的误差。

    Finally , recurring to numerical test , I present the error analysis of Runge-Kutta methods for DIDEs .

  29. 同时,根据综合矢量误差提出对PMU的静态测量精度和动态响应性能的评价方法及误差计算方法。

    According to total vector error ( TVE ), the evaluation and error calculation methods for the static measurement precision and dynamic response characteristics of PMU are given .

  30. 一类矩阵的SAOR方法的误差估计

    Error Estimation in SAOR-Method of A Class of Matrix