
  • 网络transmission capacity
  1. 然而伴随着HVDC系统电压等级与输送容量的增长,直流输电线路的谐波污染也变得日益严重,影响了系统的运行并且对通信造成干扰。

    However , along with the growth of voltage grade and transmission capacity of HVDC systems , increasingly serious harmonic contamination has been brought into DC transmission lines , which causes deterioration in system operation and interference to communication .

  2. 提高输电线路输送容量系统中空气密度的求取

    Calculation of air density on system of increasing transmission capacity

  3. 利用灵活交流输电系统(FACTS)技术不仅可以提高电力系统的输送容量,还可对电力系统潮流进行灵活控制。

    With the flexible AC transmission systems ( FACTS ) technique , the power flow in transmission line can be flexibly controlled .

  4. 提高导线允许温度增加线路输送容量的研究及在500kV线路上的应用

    Technology of increasing current-carrying capacity of overhead conductors by raising their allowable temperature and its application to 500 kV lines

  5. ±800kV直流输电工程的电压等级高、输送容量大,出现故障时对交流系统的影响较大,在电力系统中的地位非常重要,对可靠性要求很高。

    The ± 800 kV DC power transmission project requires high reliability , because its high voltage level and large capacity will significantly affect the AC system if malfunction occurs .

  6. 运用新型耐热导线提高线路输送容量

    Transmitted Capacity Improvement of Transmission Line with New Heat Resistance Wire

  7. 三峡输电线路工程采用大导线截面增加输送容量的研究

    Feasibility Study About Large Cross-Section Conductor Used in Three Gorge Transmission Lines

  8. 伦敦将建成世界上输送容量最大的交联聚乙烯电缆线路

    The Biggest XLPE Cable Project Will be Completed in London

  9. 动态提高输电线路输送容量技术的导线温度模型

    A Conductor Temperature Model Based on Dynamic Line Rating Technology

  10. 提高输电线路输送容量动态监测增容技术的研究

    Research on improving the transmitting capacity of transmission line based on dynamic monitoring

  11. 提高广东架空送电线路输送容量研究

    Study on Raising Transmission Capacity of Overhead Transmission Line in Guangdong Power Grid

  12. 提高导线允许温度,是提高输电线路输送容量的主要途径之一。

    Improving the conductor allowable temperature is one of the main ways to improve the Transmission Line Capacity .

  13. 提高西电东送通道输送容量的技术研究及建议

    Research & Advice on the Technology to Enhance the Power Transmission Capability of the West to East Channel

  14. 某一电压等级的输电距离,受输电线路的电压损失及输送容量限制。

    The transmission distance at certain voltage level , is restricted by power line 's voltage loss and transmission capacity .

  15. 提高现有输电线路的输送容量有两种方法,即静态提温增容技术和动态监测增容技术。

    There are two methods for improving the transmission capacity of lines , static temperature-raising capacity-increase technology and dynamic monitoring capacity-increase technology .

  16. 经济的发展,使电网建设向着长距离、大规模、超高电压等级发展,为提高单位走廊输送容量,减少土地占用,节约投资,同杆并架双回线输电方式在我国已得到推广。

    With development of economic in the country , the electric power network is built towards long distance , large scale and EHV level .

  17. 为了减小输电线路的能耗和增加电网的输送容量,有必要采用特高压输电线路。

    It is necessary to apply ultra-high voltage transmission line in order to reduce the energy losing and increase the capability of transmission line .

  18. 随着电压等级的不断提高、输送容量的不断增大,随之而来的诸多电磁环境问题的影响越来越明显,并引起人们的关注。

    With the increase of both voltage level and the transmission capacity , many electromagnetic environmental issues have become increasingly evident and have aroused widespread concern .

  19. 高温超导电缆通流能力强,输送容量大,为了保证电力系统的稳定运行,不易频繁地将其从电力系统中切除。

    In order to ensure the stable operation of the power system , it is not allowed to cut the cable from the power system frequently .

  20. 近年来,为了减少输电线路的能耗和提高电网的输送容量,特高压输电线路的应用越来越广泛。

    In order to reduce the energy losing and increase the capability of transmission line , the ultra-high voltage transmission line has been widely applied in these years .

  21. 为了减少走廊用地,节约成本,提高输送容量,建设安全可靠的输电线路,采用多回路同杆架设的方法成为近年研究热点。

    In order to reduce the corridor land , save costs and improve the transmission capacity , adopting multi-circuits on a single tower has become research focus in recent years .

  22. 从直流系统模型、直流系统输送容量、直流调制和小水电机组建模四个方面总结了南方电网小干扰稳定分析的影响因素。

    Factors which affect small signal stability of Southern Power Grid are summarized , including the HVDC model , HVDC transmission line capacity , HVDC modulation and small hydropower unit modeling .

  23. 随着电网建设速度的加快,输电线路输送容量及电压等级不断提高,高压输电走廊用地日益紧张。

    Along with speeding up of the power grid construction and the increase of transmission capacity and voltage level , the land use of high-voltage transmission corridor is getting increasingly tense .

  24. 用电量的迅速增长引发了线路输送容量扩容的问题,这在经济发达地区的迎峰度夏输电运行工作中尤为突出。

    To add increments of capacity for transmission line is a problem when the electricity consumption increases rapidly , which is serious especially during peak load of summer in economic developed area .

  25. 鉴于高温超导电缆输送容量大,为了提高其供电可靠性和整个电网并列运行的稳定性,有必要增设自动重合闸装置。

    HTS cable has a huge power transmission capacity , so the auto-reclosure device must be installed in the transmission line of HTS cable to improve the reliability and stability of power grid .

  26. 根据电力系统输送容量不断增加、电压等级不断提高的现状,分析了传统的互感器对电网进行测量和监控存在的缺陷。

    According to the continual increase of transportation capacity of electric power system and continual elevation of pressure grade , analyzes the limitation which traditional transformer measures , supervises and control electric network .

  27. 在当前线路走廊日趋紧张的情况下,为尽可能增加单位宽度走廊的输送容量,减少线路建设费用,同塔双回输电线路越来越多地被采用。

    With the rapidly growth of construction-land price , double-circuit transmission lines on the same tower are widely used to increase the transmission capacity in the same width of the transmission corridor at present .

  28. 为了提高输电线路的输送容量,在理论分析、试验研究和对现场进行可行性分析后,提出了采用动态监测技术提高输电线路的输送容量。

    For improving the transmitting capacity of transmission line , the method of applying dynamic monitoring technology was presented after theoretical analysis , test and research in lab , and feasibility study based on field conditions .

  29. 配电网合理的无功补偿方式,能够有效地维持系统的电压水平,降低有功网损,提高网络输送容量,减少发电费用。

    Reasonable reactive power compensation methods in distribution networks can effectively maintain the system voltage level , reduce the active power losses , increase the feeding capabilities of networks , and cut down the generating cost .

  30. 通过增加每一条线路路径的导线回路数,通过采用碳纤维复合芯导线增加每回路的输送容量,就可以改善和缓解线路路径走廊资源紧张问题。

    By adding a route wire loop number , through the use of carbon fiber composite core conductor increases with each loop of the conveying capacity , can improve and alleviate the route corridor resources shortage .