
  • 网络tourist generating country
  1. 中国已经成为韩国第二大旅游客源国,中国公民赴韩国旅游业已成为我国出境游市场的重要组成部分。

    China has become South Korea 's second tourist generating country and Chinese tourists going to South Korea have become an important component part of China 's outbound tourist market .

  2. 中国是菲律宾的第三大贸易伙伴,也是菲律宾增长最快的旅游客源国。

    China is the Philippines ' third-biggest trading partner and its fastest-growing source of foreign tourists .

  3. 从2004年起,每年邀请主要旅游客源国的50名大旅行商访问北京。

    Each year from 2004 onwards , 50 leading businessmen in the travel industry shall be invited to visit Beijing from major tourist source countries .

  4. 2012年双边贸易额达700亿美元,是10年前的8倍,中国已成为泰国第一大出口市场和最大旅游客源国。

    In 2012 , two-way trade approached US $ 70 billion , an eight-fold increase in a span of a decade . China has become Thailands top export market and biggest source of tourists .

  5. 中国旅游主要客源国分类探讨

    A Research on the Classification of the Main Tourist 's Countries of the Chinese Tourist Industry

  6. 本文从个人相关因素、旅游目的地环境感知因素、旅游客源国感知因素三个方面分析了美国旅华游客的决策行为。

    This thesis analyzes the decision-making behavior of the U.S. visitors to China from the perspectives of the personal-related factors , factors of the environmental perception of tourism destinations , factors of environmental perception of tourism-generating countries .

  7. 未来20年,中国将从亚洲第一旅游大国跃升为世界旅游强国。成为世界第一旅游目的地国和第四旅游客源输出国。

    In the future 20 years , China will leap to the big travel country of the world from the first big Asian travel country and become the first travel destination country and the fourth travel guest output country of the world .

  8. 世界旅游组织已经预测,到2020年,中国将成为世界上第一大入境旅游目的地国;同时,还将成为世界四大出境旅游的客源地国。

    World Tourism Organization predicts that China will become the largest target country of into-coming travel , and the one of the big four customer countries of out-going travel .