
  • 网络Tourism advertising;tourism advertisement;Travel Advertisement
  1. 本文采用文本分析和个案分析的方法,着重研究中国旅游广告的文化传播。首先论述了旅游产业的文化营销和旅游广告的文化传播。

    This paper focused on the research of the cultural transmission of China travel advertisement . Firstly , this paper discussed the cultural marketing of tourism industry and the culture transmission of tourism advertising .

  2. 在旅游广告的张扬下,湘西形象展现出了一种吸引的魅力&吸引效应。

    Tourism advertising publicity , Xiangxi image to showa way to attract the charm-attracting effect .

  3. 规范理论视角下的旅游广告语及其翻译

    Translation of Advertising for Travel from the Perspective of Norms Theory

  4. 对中英文旅游广告的研究。

    Research on the tourism advertisement in both Chinese and English .

  5. 评价理论指导下的英语书面旅游广告分析

    The Analysis of Written English Traveling Advertisements with Appraisal Theory

  6. 格雷琴把一些印刷品和旅游广告钉在了墙上。

    Gretchen had tacked some prints and travel posters on the wall .

  7. 作一个旅游广告给自然公园或一个山村。

    Make a tourism ad for a nature park or a mountain village .

  8. 对话、殷勤之意与语篇声音&关于旅游广告语域中人际习语表达的话语分析

    Dialogue , Conviviality and Text Voices : Interpersonal Idiomatic Expressions in Travel Advertising

  9. 旅游广告文汉译英方法探讨

    On Translating Advertisements in Tourism from Chinese into English

  10. 旅游广告作为旅行社宣传促销的重要手段,是企业占领市场,争取消费者的重要途径,而旅游广告在我国旅行社业界尚未引起重视,更谈不上对其进行专业研究。

    Tourist advertisement is an important means of attracting consumers and opening market .

  11. 综上所述,旅游广告进行文化传播是有效的传播手段和途径。

    In conclusion , the tourism AD is an effective means of cultural communication .

  12. 旅游广告提升旅游城市品牌研究&以大连为例

    Tourism Brand Advertising on Upgrading Tourism City Brand : Taking Dalian as An Example

  13. 旅游广告小册子一出来你最好就去预订度假的票。

    You want to book a holiday as soon as the brochures come out .

  14. 旅游广告标语的翻译涉及众多领域。

    TAS translation involves a number of fields .

  15. 英国印刷旅游广告的体裁分析

    A Genre-Based Analysis of English Print Tourism Advertisements

  16. 论现代旅游广告的传播策略

    On Communication Tactics of Modern Tourism Advertisement

  17. 中国旅游广告发展刍议

    The Development of Tourism Advertisement in China

  18. 间接渠道营销的旅游广告研究

    Research on Tourism Advertising in Indirect Channel

  19. 客观科学地进行旅游广告效果评价是开展旅游广告活动的基础与依据。

    Tourism promotion activities are based on the rational and impersonal assessment of tourism ads effects .

  20. 客观科学地对旅游广告语的传播效果进行评价是有效投放旅游广告的基础。

    The objective and scientific evaluation on tourism slogan dissemination effect is the basis of advertising .

  21. 一个傻子看到非常便宜的旅游广告,只有100美元,于是就报名参加了。

    One stupid guy reads an ad about a vacation cruise that costs only $ 100 .

  22. 一位小旅行社的老板看到漂亮的一男一女正在他的旅游广告牌前驻足观看。

    The owner of a small travel agency saw an attractive couple gazing at his travel poster .

  23. 英语旅游广告在人们日常生活中起着重要的作用,同时也促进旅游事业的发展。

    English tourism advertisements play an important role in our daily life and in booming tourism industry .

  24. 英语旅游广告中使用的语气种类根据作者不同的需要,主要包括陈述句和祈使句。

    Mood types in English tourism advertisements are declaratives and imperatives , according to writers ' different purposes .

  25. 旅游广告作为旅游营销的重要形式,其创作、传播中体现了哪些营销原理,哪些广告法则?

    As a basic tourism marketing tool , tourist advertisement represents some vital principles in marketing and advertising .

  26. 旅游广告在旅游产品推广中的应用

    Advertising in Tourism Promotion

  27. 鉴赏资源在旅游广告的评价系统中使用的最多。

    Almost all the appraisal recourses are positive . Appreciation is used more frequently than other sub-systems in tourism advertisements .

  28. 印度所有旅游广告都贴上老虎的照片来吸引游客,因为老虎是印度的国宝级动物。

    Tourism advertisements all over India use images of the tiger , India 's national animal , to attract visitors .

  29. 第五章,探讨了工具型翻译如何指导旅游广告中的诗歌引文的翻译。

    Chapter V makes a discussion about the application of instrumental translation in the translation of poetic quotations in tourism advertisement .

  30. 本文的目的在于提出我国旅游广告的跨文化传播策略,以期望给我国旅游企业在跨文化传播中制作更加有针对性,有作用的旅游广告提供理论参考。

    This paper aims at provide a theory reference of Chinese tourism industry , promoting the Intercultural communication of tourism advertisement .