
  • 网络travel
  1. 之后使用PHP语言和织梦信息管理系统,并结合搜索引擎优化技术设计并实现了大连东北亚国际旅游网。

    And then design Dalian Northeast Asia International Travel with PHP and dream information management system , combined with search engine optimization .

  2. 雅虎旅游网就已经授与API,这是个很好的树模。它开放内容,许可其他站点经由过程API来展示各类线路的注重资料。

    Yahoo 's Travel site has adopted the API approach and is a great example of a website opening up its content to allow other websites to display detailed information about trips in this way .

  3. 旅行社是服务行业,旅游网也是服务行业。

    Travel is a service industry , tourism is also a network of service industries .

  4. 旅游网的生存取决于它在服务内容、范围、品质上的含金量。

    Tourism network 's survival depends on its service content , scope and quality of gold .

  5. 驴妈妈旅游网称,最受欢迎的是“2天1晚迪士尼门票+酒店”套餐。

    Lvmama said a two-day , one-night package with park pass and hotel accommodation has been the most popular .

  6. 配合情人节的气氛,《旅游网》为你出谋划策,指明正确的方向。

    In the spirit of Valentine 's Day , Travel has some ideas to point you in the right direction .

  7. 然后结合十渡旅游网改版实例,从优化设计的角度进行案例分析。

    Then with " Shidu Travel Network " revision instance , from the optimum design point of view case studies .

  8. 携程旅游网表示,迪士尼与周边城镇游的套餐人气也很高。

    Ctrip , Chinas largest online travel agent , said packages that combine the Disney resort with nearby towns are also popular .

  9. 美国有线电视新闻的生活旅游网称它为世界上十个最丑陋的建筑之一。

    It was named as one of the ten ugliest buildings in the world by a lifestyle and travel website owned by CNN .

  10. 四川旅游网以诚信为本,立足四川,面向全国,为广大旅游爱好者提供全方位的,多渠道的旅游服务。

    Sichuan travel to honesty , based in Sichuan , the whole country , for the majority of travel enthusiasts comprehensive , multi-channel travel services .

  11. 根据蚂蜂窝旅游网的数据统计显示,里约中心的一些五星级酒店早已被预订一空,而四星酒店的价格也在飙升。

    Statistics from Mafengwo showed that some five-star hotels in the center of Rio have long been booked out , while prices at four-star hotels surged .

  12. 只有建立与旅游网相适应的服务体系,并保证其服务质量,才能使旅游网站落到实处,也才能真正使旅游望发挥作用。

    Only with the establishment of tourism service network to adapt the system and ensure its quality of service , can carry out tourism sites , and can we truly hope to make tourism play a role .

  13. 这个旅游赞助网星期我只见过她两次。

    I only saw her twice this week .

  14. 最后在这个规划的基础上,又对河北省的旅游政务网建设设计出了一个概念性构想方案。

    Finally , on the basis of this planning , a conceptual program about thee-government network construction is designed .

  15. 建议把中国旅游线路网归入“广义合作网络”一类;

    We suggest that Chinese travel route network can be included in the so-called " extended collaboration networks " .

  16. 最后,通过《金堂县旅游道路网规划》的实例,对所作研究进行了案例实证。

    Finally , the research results of this text were demonstrated by the case of " JinTang county tourism road network planning " .

  17. 编写日常工作信息,收集整理资料维护衢州市旅游政务网等。

    He wrote and edited his daily work notes , collected and collated information , and maintained Quzhou Tourism Government Administration website , etc.

  18. 的李彦宏,还有智能手机制造商小米(Xiaomi)的雷军。尽管沈南鹏主要以投资闻名,但他也是一名互联网创业家,他是做得非常成功的中国旅游网站携程网(Ctrip)的创始人之一。

    And , while Shen is now primarily known as an investor , he , too - as one of the founders of Ctrip , the hugely successful Chinese travel website - was an internet entrepreneur .

  19. 应构建系统的全国旅游信息资源网;

    We should structure the national travel information resources network of the system .

  20. 中国的腾讯位列25位,旅游网站携程网位列28位。

    China 's Tencent was ranked the 25th , and travel services site Ctrip.com at 28 .

  21. 通过旅游文献信息网的建设阐述了图书馆实现特色馆藏建设和现代化建设的一般方法。

    Based on the construction of tourism literature network , the paper proposes some measures for libraries to realize the library modernization .

  22. 中国在线旅游公司携程网的数据显示,假期航班预订量比2019年同期增长近180%。

    Figures from Chinese online travel company Trip . com showed holiday flight bookings w by nearly 180 percent from the same period in 2019 .

  23. 然后,较为全面的研究了旅游运输线网规划,并讨论了其与公路网规划的区别和联系。

    Afterwards , the thesis researches on transit network of tourism roundly , and discusses the difference and relation between tourism transit network planning and road network planning .

  24. 他们有一名经验丰富的行业顾问——红杉资本中国基金创始人沈南鹏,他在中国因为创建旅游网站携程网(Ctrip.com)而闻名。

    They have an experienced adviser in the industry in the form of Sequoia China 's founder , Neil Shen , who is known in China for starting the Chinese travel site Ctrip.com .

  25. 首先,它在电子商务网站的基础上以智能卡作为服务载体,解决了网络旅游公司对网下旅游资源缺乏有效管理的问题。

    First of all the project which based on e-commerce website has smart cards as intermediate , which resolves the problem that tourism network company lack effective management of tour resource off network .

  26. 中国最大的在线旅游经营商携程网的一名官员表示,中国旅客选择泰国的原因是性价比高,距离相对近,签证便利,航线较丰富。

    An official with Ctrip , China 's biggest online tour operator , says Chinese tourists are choosing Thailand because of its low prices , proximity to China , easy visa procedure and more airline choices .

  27. 颜筱是中国最大的在线旅游机构携程旅行网公共事务部高级经理。

    Yan Xiao is the public affairs manager at China 's largest online travel agency Ctrip .

  28. 中国领先的在线旅游服务平台携程网,于星期四发布了春节旅游趋势展望。

    Ctrip , a leading online travel service , released its tourism outlook for Spring Festival on Thursday .

  29. 据旅游网站去哪网调查显示,超过60%的旅行者会在8月20日,也就是即将到来的七夕节期间选择短途旅行。七夕也被称为中国的情人节。

    More than 60 percent of travelers reported they will take short-distance trips during Qixi Festival , or the Chinese Valentine 's Day , which will fall on August 20 , according to travel website qunar.com .

  30. 在线旅游公司携程旅行网发布的一份报告显示,2016年国内赴海外就医的游客人数较前一年增长了5倍,人均花费5万元。

    The number of Chinese tourists going abroad for medical care in 2016 increased five times compared to a year ago , with each spending RMB50000 on average , according to a report released by online travel company Ctrip.com .