
  • 网络Tourist Town;tourist small town
  1. 第4章通过对国内优秀山地旅游小镇的实例分析得出建设启示。

    Chapter 4 through the mountain tourist town of domestic outstanding examples of analysis that the building of enlightenment .

  2. 指出加快循环经济技术研究和实施力度是保证旅游小镇循环经济建设顺利实施的重要途径。

    Pointed out that speeding up the circular economy technology research and implementation can guarantee the small tourist town circular economy development smoothly .

  3. 总体上看,本文所提出的自然山水旅游小镇景观规划思路之于龙门山地区具有一定的推广价值。

    Generally , the landscape planning ideas which proposed in this paper have some promotional value to Natural Landscape Towns Mainly for Tourism in Longmen Mountain .

  4. 乡村休闲旅游小镇旅游资源规划的探讨&以安宁市温泉镇旅游资源规划为例

    The Discussion of the Tourism Resource Plan at the Rural Leisure Tourism Town & Take the Anning City Wenquan Town 's Tourism Resource Plan as the example

  5. 虽然罗伯特塔夫斯还没开始上学前班,但已两次当选明尼苏达州北部一旅游小镇的镇长。

    Robert Tufts hasn 't made it to preschool yet , but he 's already been elected twice as mayor of a tiny tourist town in northern Minnesota .

  6. 最后对湄州岛开发模式和民俗建筑景观营造模式进行了总结,提出建设参与型旅游小镇的开发模式,对湄州岛旅游发展规划提出建议。

    Finally has carried on the summary to the Meizhou Island development pattern and the folk custom construction landscape building pattern , travelled the development project to Meizhou Island to put forward a proposal .

  7. 农业产业化是工商业生产活动在农业生产领域的延伸,旅游小镇建设是世界各国的趋势,是低碳经济的必然选择。

    Agricultural industrialization is the production industrial and commercial activities in the field of agricultural extension , tourism , town building is a trend around the world , is the inevitable choice for low-carbon economy .

  8. 旅游小镇建设将有力促进云南省城市化水平的提高,促进云南旅游业提质增效,促进农村发展中一系列深层次矛盾的解决。

    The construction of small tourism-towns would effectively accelerate the Yunnan Province urbanization level to enhance , powerfully promote the tourist industry of Yunnan to improve the quality and effectiveness , and greatly dedicate to solving a series of inter conflicts existing in the countryside development .

  9. 城郊旅游小镇因其独特的自然景观、丰富的人文资源和浓郁的乡情民风备受游客青睐,近年来发展迅猛并成为推动旅游二次创业和城镇化的助推器。

    Suburban tourist town has become popular destination to tourists for its unique natural landscape , rich cultural resources and strong folk custom . In recent years , the booming of suburban tourist towns plays an important part in urbanization and " starting a new undertaking " in tourism industry .

  10. 该事件之前,阿伯塔巴德镇曾是一座以旅游业著名的小镇,以英国军官詹姆斯.阿伯特命名。

    Before the incident , Abbottabad was a popular tourism town named after British officer James Abbott .

  11. 摩洛哥//像大多数受欢迎的摩洛哥旅游城市一样,小镇舍夫沙万(Chefchaouen)拥有不朽的清真寺、传统的茶叶店和一处熙熙攘攘的阿拉伯人聚居区。

    MOROCCO / / Like most popular Moroccan destinations , Chefchaouen has monumental mosques , traditional tea shops and a bustling medina .