
  • 网络plug;Plug valve;Stopcock;cock valve
  1. 旋塞阀;有限元;应力集中;双线形随动强化模型;

    Plug valve ; Finite element ; Stress concentration ; Bilinear follow-up intensified model ;

  2. 然后,当旋塞阀升离阀座时,任何累积在阀塞或阀座上的吹入物质都将被吹回到管路内。

    Then as the plug valve is lifted off its seats , any accumulation below the plug or on the seats will be blown back into the line .

  3. 旋塞阀、烤炉阀、调压器已获得CSA等欧美多个国家在质量认证证明。

    Our stopcock , oven valve and booster have been certified to CSA and have gained quality certificates in America and countries in Europe .

  4. 本文对摩擦力矩进行了计算,同时利用ABAQUS仿真的方法获得了高压下方钻杆旋塞阀的密封接触分析结果,两种方法得到的结果基本吻合。

    The friction torque is calculated in this paper , and Using ABAQUS simulation method is obtained under high-pressure kelly cock sealing contact analysis results , Two results coincide .

  5. 电动自控多路旋塞阀在软水处理的应用

    Application of Electric Automatic Control Multi-way Stopcock in Soft Water Treatment

  6. 偏心旋塞阀在轧钢除鳞系统中的应用

    Application of Eccentric Stopcock in Descaling System of Steel Rolling

  7. 压电式天然气旋塞阀点火器的点火条件

    Ignition Condition of Piezoelectric Natural Gas Cock Igniter

  8. 气动球阀是由旋塞阀演变而来。

    Pneumatic valve was evolved from the plug .

  9. 其结构包括上下旋塞阀和升高短节。

    Its structure and elevates the short festival including the high and low stopcock .

  10. 旋塞阀失效后的修复

    Repair of Out of Order Plug Valves

  11. 旋塞阀的功能与应用

    Functions and Application of Cock Valve

  12. 旋塞阀密封面加工精度分析汽车密封条绒面涂料的研制

    Processing Precision Analysis on Stopcock Sealing Surface THE STUDY OF FLOCKING COATING FOR AUTOMOBILE SEALANT STRIP

  13. 大小高压旋塞阀首次在国内采用气动控制,高压测量显示设有两套装置,能充分保证压裂作业的可靠性和安全性。

    Using pneumatic controlled high pressure cock valves ensuring the reliability and safety of fracturing operation .

  14. 测试旋塞阀可能要交替开启,以阻断由于取出阀内件总成导致的任何吸力。

    Alternately the test cock may be opened to break any suction caused by lifting internal assembly .

  15. 液体或非研磨试剂开关,要采用球阀或旋塞阀调节的螺线管。

    Use solenoid operated ball valves or plug valves for on-off applications on liquids or non abrasive reagents .

  16. 本文介绍了旋塞阀的分类、密封原理和选用原则。

    The classification , seal mechanism and selection principles of the cock valve were introduced in this article .

  17. 闸阀、截止阀、节流阀、调节阀、蝶阀等阀门应处于全闭的位置。旋塞阀、球阀应完全处于全开启位置,以防止灰尘沾染密封面。

    Cock valves and ball valves should be in their unopened positions to prevent from the contamination of sealing surfaces by dust .

  18. 介绍了一种适用于球阀、蝶阀和旋塞阀双轨道旋转和升降复合动作的启闭结构。

    A type of dual slots helix hoisting composite valve switch mechanism which is suitable for ball valves , butterfly valves and plug valves is introduced .

  19. 分析了旋塞阀旋塞体与塞子锥面因加工方法与工艺不当而产生的几何偏差,给出了消除锥面加工产生偏差的几种方法。

    Based on curvilinear trajectory equations , the geometrical aberrations and their coefficients with second order approximation have been discussed , and the computational form also given in the paper .

  20. 根据燃气点火理论,结合燃气特性,分析了压电式旋塞阀点火器的点火条件及其用于天然气时较难点火的原因。

    According to the gas ignition theory , the ignition condition of piezoelectric cock igniter and the reason for difficult ignition of the igniter when using natural gas are analyzed with gas characteristics .

  21. 在低压,低温浆料管道采用截止阀,在矿石过滤厂大型管道上使用闸阀,小型管道上使用旋塞阀和球阀。

    For shut-off valves for low pressure and temperature slurry lines , use knife gate style on large lines typical for the ore leach plant and plug or ball type on small lines .

  22. 针对阀门密封面使用寿命低的的问题,采用等离子喷涂表面处理技术处理阀门密封面,研制了一种新型的陶瓷涂层密封旋塞阀。

    The reason for the valve sealing surface 's low life was analyzed . A new ceramic coatings sealing faucet valve was developed by treating valve sealing surface with plasma spray surface treatment technology .

  23. 设计了一种适应国内软水处理要求的电动自控多路旋塞阀,阐述了该阀的结构、原理、性能以及应用于软水器的工艺流程。

    An electric automatic control multi-way stopcock suited to the national requirements for soft water treatment is designed , and the structure , principle and performance of the valve and its technique process used in softener are expounded .

  24. 气动球阀和旋塞阀是同属一个类型的阀门,只有它的关闭件是个球体,球体绕阀体中心线作旋转来达到开启、关闭的一种阀门。

    Pneumatic valve and plug valve of a type is the same , only it 's shut down parts of a sphere , the sphere rotates around the body center line to achieve the opening and closing a valve .

  25. 并根据世界各国的输油及输气管线广泛采用油封式旋塞阀和压力平衡式倒锥油密封旋塞阀的情况,重点介绍其特点和应用。

    The characteristics and application of the cock valves were introduced in detail in view of the fact that oil seal cock valve and pressure equilibrium conical oil seal cock valve were in use worldwide in oil and gas transportation piping .

  26. 放出空气或浓缩或排泄的小栓或旋塞或阀。汽缸体冷却剂放油旋塞

    A small cock or faucet or valve for letting out air or releasing compression or draining . CYLINDER BLOCK COOLANT DRAIN PLUG

  27. 测试旋塞位于关闭阀的进口一侧上。

    The test cock is on the inlet side of the shutoff valve .

  28. 数控车床用于旋塞及气瓶阀锥螺纹加工

    Application of numerical control lathe in machining valves

  29. 带测试旋塞的关闭阀安装在防回流阀的进口一侧。

    The shutoff valve with the test cock is to be mounted on the inlet side of the backflow preventer .

  30. 旁路管线应该由一个水表,配置测试旋塞和隔离阀的一个小直径双止回阀总成构成。

    The bypass line shall consist of a meter , a small diameter double check assembly with test cocks and isolation valves .