
  • 网络rad/s;Angular Velocity;rad s
  1. 用Matlab仿真分析了主球的质心速度和旋转角速度对其运动轨迹的影响,并提出了一些针对球手训练的建议。

    The influence of the velocity of the centroid of the main ball and the angular velocity on its track has been studied by simulation with Matlab and some suggestions which are useful for training are put forwarded .

  2. 光纤陀螺是一种基于萨格奈克(Sagnac)效应的光学传感器,它利用固态的全光纤结构实现对载体旋转角速度的测量。

    The Fiber Optical Gyroscope is a kind of optical sensor basing on the effect of sagnac which uses solid-state all-optical structure to measure the angular velocity .

  3. 模拟结果表明:团簇的形状和它们的分形维数都与外加磁场B的强弱,即体现在模型中离子的旋转角速度ω的大小有关;

    It is found that the pattern of clusters and their fractal dimensions depend strongly on the magnetic field which is presented by a rotation velocity of the diffusing particles ω in the model .

  4. 利用固体滞留期f和转锥旋转角速度ω所绘制的t-ω图像,来说明锥角对生物质热解液化过程的影响;

    Using the t - ω image of the time t of solid staying in rotating cone and angle speed ω of rotating cone to explain the effect to biomass pyrolysis and liquefaction process of cone angle .

  5. 谐振式光学陀螺(ROG)是通过测量Sagnac效应产生的谐振频率差来检测旋转角速度的一种新型光学传感器,在小型化和集成化上具有明显优势。

    Resonant Optic Gyro is a novel angular velocity sensor based on the Sagnac effect , which has great advantages in miniaturization and integration .

  6. Sagnac光纤干涉仪,亦称之为干涉式光纤陀螺(IFOG),是一种基于Sagnac效应,用来测量旋转角速度的设备。

    Sagnac fiber interferometer , also called interferometric fiber optic gyroscope ( IFOG ) is a device based on Sagnac effect and is used to measure the rotation velocity .

  7. 在数字调制的谐振式光纤陀螺中,其阶梯波的复位高度V2π是否精确,会对旋转角速度的测量和标度因数的线性度产生影响。

    In resonator fiber optic gyroscopes by digital modulation , imperfect serrodyne ′ s reset amplitude V_ 2 π has influence on the rotation sensing errors and the scale factor non-linearity .

  8. 他测量了人的意识中图像的旋转角速度。

    who measured the angular velocity of rotation of mental images .

  9. 根据流体动力学,大气旋转角速度随高度而减小。

    The angular velocity of atmospheric rotation decreases with height according to hydrodynamics .

  10. 沿速度矢量的旋转角速度用于旋转天平试验数据。

    The rotative speed along speed vector is used for test data of rotary balance .

  11. 弹体旋转角速度的测量

    Measurements of Sheels Rotational Angular Velocity

  12. 旋转角速度对发动机内部的压力和速度的分布有很重要的影响。

    The rotational velocity has an important impact on the distribution of pressure and temperature in SRM .

  13. 旋转角速度的其他分量用于振荡天平试验数据。在综合使用数据时提出了综合因子的概念。

    The other component of rotative speed is used for test data of oscillating raises concept of balance .

  14. 还讨论了筒式筛网的旋转角速度对颗粒抛掷运动产生的影响。

    The influence on throwing motion of granule by the rotating velocity of roller screen is discussed as well .

  15. 旋度实际上衡量的是,在任意给定点,运动旋转角速度的两倍。

    The curl actually measures twice the angular speed of a rotation part of a motion at any given point .

  16. 叶轮的旋转角速度与流量成线形关系,测得旋转角速度就可测得流量值。

    Impeller rotation angular velocity and flow into a linear relationship , the measured angular velocity of rotation can be measured flow value .

  17. 空间向量动态结构图能比较直观地表示电机内各变量相互作用的途径,和观察坐标旋转角速度的影响。

    The space vector signal flow graph of AC machine dynamics depicts the reaction between state variables and the impact of rotating frame on the system equations .

  18. 泵腔内液体旋转角速度等于叶轮旋转角速度的一半,这一假设有待于进一步验证。

    The premise that the angular velocity of liquid in pump chamber is equal to the half of angular velocity of the impeller has not been verified yet .

  19. 此方法构想了一种虚拟电机,以它的电枢磁势的旋转角速度作为节点的动态频率。

    In this method , the rotating angular velocity of the " virtual armature magnetic flux " is taken as the dynamic fre - quency of the node .

  20. 依据坐标系转换四元数与坐标系旋转角速度之间的关系,提出了基于视线角四元数序列的视线角速率自适应样条滤波算法。

    According to the equation of quaternion and Line-of-Sight ( LOS ) rate , this paper presents a self-adaptive spline filtering approach for LOS rate by LOS angle quaternion sequence .

  21. 本文给出了六个不同黑子暗条的旋转角速度、整体平移速度和它们的半径沿暗条轴的分布。

    The distribution of the rotational angular velocities , the integral translational velocities and the radii along the filamentary axes of six different sunspot filaments are given in this paper .

  22. 旋转角速度的其它分量用于振荡天平试验数据,综合地使用了各类试验数据。

    The component of rotation along the velocity vector is used with the rotary balance test data and other components of the rotation vector are used with the forced oscillation test data .

  23. 这些参数表明动态散斑的统计特性与圆柱体曲率半径、入射光束、表面微观形貌、物体旋转角速度、光学几何结构因素有关;

    These parameters show that the statistical properties of dynamic speckles depend on optical conditions , surface roughness , curvature radius and angular velocity of the rotating object as well as geometry structure of optical setup .

  24. 我们应用这些系数计算零雷诺数下球形粒子入孔时的轨道和旋转角速度,结果与现有实验数据完全一致。

    These coefficients are then applied to calculate the trajectory and angular velocity of a spherical particle approaching the pore at zero Reynolds number . The trajectory is in excellent agreement with the available experimental results .

  25. 结果表明,合理安装9个加速度计并适当选取捷联矩阵,则捷联方案无需高精度测量惯性测量单元相对载体旋转角速度也能大大提高载体角速度的精度。

    With the proper configuration of nine accelerometers and an appropriate definition of Strapdown Matrix , this scheme can obtain high accuracy of angular velocity with no need for high precision sensors to measure the angular velocity of the IMU .

  26. 最后对非线性运动方程在时域内进行积分,得到人-椅系统运行轨迹、运行速度和旋转角速度等性能参数,并与座椅弹射测试结果进行了比较分析。然后将座椅后倾45°重复。

    Integrals run on these nonlinear dynamic equations in time domain so that moving tracks , velocities and angular velocities of the seat are obtained . Then the seat back angle was adjusted to 45 degree , and the above procedure was repeated .

  27. 试验结果表明,离心浇注过程中,作用在熔体上的压力由静态压力和附加压力两部分组成,静态压力由金属液高度决定,附加压力主要由金属液密度以及旋转角速度来决定。

    The results showed that pressure acting on melt consists of static pressure and extra pressure during the centrifugal casting process . Static pressure is determined by melt height while extra pressure is determined substantially by density of molten metal and rotating angular velocity .

  28. 在此研究基础上,以旋转角速度、摆动角速度、曝光时间、视场角、成像尺寸等作为参数,生成在不同参数组合下的旋转运动模糊模拟图像。

    On the base of the research , using rotating angular velocity , sway velocity , exposure time , field of view angle , and image size as parameters , we generated the simulated motion-blurred images under different combinations of the parameters . 2 .

  29. 研究表明球壳上的位移和应力大小与旋转角速度的平方成正比,球面内的正应力远大于径向正应力和剪应力。

    It is shown that the absolute values of displacements and stresses in the spherical shell are directly proportional to the square of the rotating angular velocity , and the normal stresses on the spherical surface are larger than the normal stress in the radial direction and the shearing stress .

  30. 地球旋转,角速度记为ω,赤道的半径,是定值。

    So here 's the earth * rotating with angular velocity omega and here is the equator , and the earth has a certain radius .