
  • 网络immediately
旋即 [xuán jí]
  • [soon] 马上;立刻

  • 刚才太阳还照着,旋即下起雨来

  1. 联队开球后旋即得分。

    United kicked off and scored almost immediately .

  2. 股市旋即暴跌107点。

    The market immediately dropped 107 points .

  3. 入场券旋即发完。

    All the tickets were soon distributed .

  4. 接着,我听见刀剑的响声,旋即我看见黑狗肩上淌着血没命地往外跑。

    Next , I heard the sound of swords8 , then out ran Black Dog with blood running down his shoulder .

  5. 他们签署一项条约,成立了欧洲经济共同体(EuropeanEconomicCommunity),旋即演变成广为人知的欧洲共同市场。

    They signed a treaty to establish a European Economic Community ( EEC ), soon to become known as the common market .

  6. J.K.萝琳发表她的小说《哈利波特》之后,旋即获得媒体大篇幅报导。

    J.K. Rowling captured the headlines shortly after the release of her novel Harry Potter .

  7. 上月,新英格兰医学杂志发表文章认为文迪雅增加了心肌梗死的风险,GSK公司股票旋即大跌。

    The company 's stock fell sharply last month , after the New England Journal of Medicine published an analysis suggesting that Avandia increases the risk of heart attack .

  8. 周三早些时候,福岛第一核电站(FukushimaDaiichi)的辐射量跃升至正常水平的1万倍,东京电力公司(Tepco)旋即命令其50名留守员工暂时撤离该核电站内的6座核反应堆。

    Earlier on Wednesday Tokyo Electric Power ordered its skeleton crew of 50 remaining workers to move away temporarily from the six reactors inside the Daiichi Fukushima plant after radiation levels jumped to 10,000 times normal levels .

  9. 她旋即走到电话机旁,向警方呼救。

    Quickly she went to the telephone and called the police .

  10. 他们重逢时,昔日之明争暗斗旋即死灰复燃。

    Their old rivalry soon surfaced when they met again .

  11. 上证综指出现短暂飙升,但旋即回落。

    The Shanghai index surged briefly but soon fell back .

  12. 她旋即来到他身边。

    Quick as a flash she was at his side .

  13. 他无意说下去,旋即回到自己的舱室休息去了。

    He was silent and presently retired to his cabin .

  14. 用户趋之若鹜,致使系统旋即崩溃。

    Customers were so enthusiastic that the system promptly crashed .

  15. 它们会旋即跳到我的脑海,有点像是这个样子

    And they just kind of come up , kind of like this .

  16. 他们一离开,谈判旋即恢复。

    But when they left , the talks resumed .

  17. 小伙子一愣,旋即笑了:“给五块钱吧。”

    The young man was surprised , and then smiled ," o.k.five yuan . "

  18. 来自各大陆的候鸟,终于在北极回合,旋即分离。

    Coming from every continent the migrant birds converge upon the Arctic and disperse .

  19. 加拿大太平洋铁路公司旋即意识到了加拿大洛基山脉的重大旅游价值。

    The Canadian Pacific Railway soon recognized the tourist value of the Canadian Rockies .

  20. 如果仍被否决,他的出访计划旋即告吹。

    If the plan is vetoed again , then his trip will be cancelled .

  21. 孩子旋即在父母出门后观赏这套卡通。

    One day , the excited child watches the cartoons when the parents go out .

  22. 但我旋即放下了这个念头。

    But I quickly dismissed this thought .

  23. 我旋即吹灭了灯,

    I blew out the light ,

  24. 该公司刚刚迈进竞争公司的部分股份后旋即遭遇不测。

    The company suffers a blow right after buying part of its rival company 's stake .

  25. 很多新会员在加入不久后,皆因个人因素旋即消失。

    Several new club members also disappeared shortly after joining , for reasons of their own .

  26. 收费规定开始后申请人数略有下降,但旋即强烈反弹。

    The number of applicants fell slightly when the fees kicked in , but then recovered strongly .

  27. 亨特离职后,美国在线旋即取消了她所牵头的一个1000万美元的品牌推广项目。

    Upon her departure , the company cancelled a $ 10 million branding campaign that she spearheaded .

  28. 之前有人提出了上升天蝎,旋即被否决了。

    There was a Scorpio rising mentioned on this forum and rejected immediately , as " impropriate " .

  29. 1860年12月20日,南卡罗来纳州脱离联邦,其他十个蓄奴州旋即效仿。

    December 20 , 1860.South Carolina secedes from the Union . The ten other slave states soon follow .

  30. 旋即,她收到一条短信,来自一个她中学毕业后就没见过的人的,

    and straightaway there was a message from somebody that she hadn 't spoken to since high school ,