
yí huò bù jiě
  • Puzzled;have doubts;feel puzzled;be completely bewildered
疑惑不解[yí huò bù jiě]
  1. 乔用手摸了一把脸,看上去疑惑不解。

    Joe passed his hand over his face and looked puzzled .

  2. 第二天早上,我们会在电视上看到更多的塔利班杀人事件。我们疑惑不解,军队到底在山里对着什么东西开炮?为什么他们连阻止“毛拉FM”日复一日的广播节目都办不到?

    Then the morning after , on TV , we would hear of more Taliban killings and wonder what the army was doing with all its booming cannons and why they could not even stop the daily broadcasts on Mullah FM .

  3. 学生们的眼神里面写着疑惑不解,同时向着Cyndie在体育馆门前摆好的折叠桌走来。

    Eyeing her suspiciously , students start to approach the folding table that Cyndie has set up in front of the gym .

  4. 妻子很不疑惑不解,问道,你怎么知道的?

    The wife was intriguedand she asked how can you tell ?

  5. 此举令坐在他身边的两位女评委疑惑不解。

    This confused the two women judges next to him .

  6. 光思考而不学习就会疑惑不解。

    He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger .

  7. 看着襁褓中熟睡的小婴儿,阿尔伯特感到疑惑不解。

    Looking down at the tiny sleeping bundle , Albert was puzzled .

  8. “这是什么意思?”我疑惑不解地问。

    " What do you mean ?" I was puzzled and asked .

  9. 钙补充剂究竟是怎么导致心脏病呢?这个问题令心脏病学家疑惑不解。

    Exactly how calcium supplements might contribute to heart attacks baffles cardiologists .

  10. 当他们得知我的真实年龄之后,总会表现出一种疑惑不解的表情。

    When they learned that my real age , always demonstrated a puzzled expression .

  11. 我们刚才还在为你的迟到感到疑惑不解。

    We were wondering about your being late .

  12. 政府居然会允许这种事情发生,我至今仍然感到疑惑不解。

    I still find it baffling that it could ever have been allowed to happen .

  13. 一位牧羊的农户一直对他牧场中羊只的遗失感到疑惑不解。

    Seems a sheep farmer was puzzled about the disappearance of some sheep on his farm .

  14. 拉姆斯菲尔德在一次新闻发布会上发表的谈话令观察家们疑惑不解,他也因此获得了“不知所云”奖。

    Mr Rumsfeld won the prize for comments made at a news conference which left observers baffled .

  15. 林惇夫人的目光疑惑不解地跟着他:每一个动作在她心里都唤起一种新的感情。

    Mrs Linton 's glance followed him suspiciously : every movement woke a new sentiment in her .

  16. 听到他咂咂舌头的声音,她疑惑不解在想:我说错了什么?

    " What have I said wrong now ?" She wondered , as she heard he click his tongue .

  17. 有时,我们也许会感到疑惑不解,为什么化学所包含的内容与它完全适应的竟没有一个完整体系。

    At times we may wonder why there is no complete system into which all of chemistry fits perfectly .

  18. 让我疑惑不解的是这衣橱里挂着两三套衬衣短裤作展示用。

    Something that puzzled me was the two or three pairs of shirts and pants hanging in it on display .

  19. 几十年来科学家一直对海龟如何穿越大西洋感到疑惑不解,但是现在知道了。

    Scientists have been puzzled for decades by how turtles manage to navigate across the Atlantic , but now they know .

  20. 我疑惑不解,语文考得不好,妈妈不批评我,反而问我这。

    I am puzzled , the language test was not good , my mother did not criticize me , but asked me .

  21. 当我父亲第一次把这种极其繁杂象棋游戏介绍给我时,我不禁的被其繁杂性给吓倒,也同时感觉疑惑不解。

    When my father first introduced me to the wonderfully intricate game of chess , its complexity intimidated but also intrigued me .

  22. 有的粉丝对贝尔令人震惊的新形象疑惑不解,但不少粉丝觉得玩偶滑稽的脸蛋儿令人发笑。

    Some are distraught over Belle 's shocking new look , but many have found the humor in the toy 's interesting mug .

  23. 英国警方公布了一组打了马赛克的犯罪受害者照片,大家在社交网站上纷纷表示疑惑不解,因为受害者居然是绵羊。

    Social media sites have been rammed with confusion after police released blurred images of victims of crime - who happened to be sheep .

  24. 常常会有英语单词被用在不恰当的语境中,而导致接受信息一方的疑惑不解,甚至产生不该有的摩擦。

    How very often English words are used in the wrong context , thereby causing confusion to the recipient of the message , sometimes even conflicts .

  25. 令人疑惑不解的是,他们检查了房子却发现地毯上的湿脚印一直延伸到小女孩正坐着的沙发那里。

    Puzzled , the officers inspected the residence and noticed wet footprints on the carpet leading straight up to the couch where the girl had been sitting .

  26. 我们在沉没中结束了早餐,让我疑惑不解的是她怎么了,她的话什么意思。

    We finished our breakfast in total silence , with me wondering what was the matter with her and what did she meant by what she said .

  27. 我们很可能无法解释为什么同一生产力水平的国家有不同的社会政治制度,也很可能对同是资本主义国家却有不同的政治制度形式感到疑惑不解。

    We can 't explain why there are different social and political institution in the same productive forces level , and why there are different political institution form in capitalism nation .

  28. 如果你在疑惑不解为什么只重了25磅脚却变得如此之大,那么我告诉你这和与放松的韧带成配比的对脚施加的额外压力有关。

    If you 're wondering why your feet will get so big when you only gain 25 pounds , it has to do with the excess pressure on your feet paired with relaxed ligaments in your body .

  29. 苏菲有份在瑞典某银行的好工作,不过她请了四个月的长假,使她的家人大为惊恐,同事们疑惑不解,只因为她想来罗马学习讲漂亮的意大利语。

    Sofie has just taken a four-month leave of absence from her good job in a Swedish bank , much to the horror of her family and bewilderment of her colleagues , only because she wanted to come to Rome and learn how to speak beautiful Italian .