
  • 网络unconscious memory
  1. 神经科学家也已经找到了调控情绪学习的无意识记忆系统。

    Neuroscientists have also identified unconscious memory systems that mediate emotional learning .

  2. 额叶损伤对意识及无意识记忆的影响

    Effects of frontal lobe damage on conscious and unconscious memory

  3. 内隐记忆研究揭示了无意识记忆的容量和空间巨大,具有很大的发掘潜力和利用空间。

    The study shows that implicit memory has potential space to study and develop .

  4. 目的探讨文字编码条件下,意识、无意识记忆的具体性效应。

    Objective To explore the concreteness effect of conscious and unconscious memory in the word encoding condition by PDP .

  5. 三个实验评鉴「处理层次」与「自我衍生」对隐示字干测验里意识与无意识记忆的作用。

    Three experiments were conducted to assess effects of level-of-processing and self-generation on conscious and unconscious components of memory within an implicit test of word-stem completion .

  6. 结论:不同程度脑损伤对意识、无意识记忆的影响不同。意识性记忆在脑损伤中比无意识记忆更容易受到伤害。

    Conclusion : These findings suggest that different degree brain injury has different effect on conscious and unconscious contribution memory , and the conscious memory is more easy to be impaired .

  7. 第一部分包括第一章至第三章,主要是从消费活动中的无意识和记忆错觉入手,列举了日常消费活动中无意识和记忆错觉现象。

    The first part which includes Chapter 1 to Chapter 3 mainly focuses on memory illusion by listing unconscious phenomena and memory illusion in daily consumption .

  8. 集体无意识通过种族记忆的方式遗传下来,形成一种与生俱来的心理模式,一种对客观世界的某些方面作出反应的先天倾向。

    Collective unconsciousness is a kind of mental model and inborn disposition , passing down through racial memory and responding to some aspect of the objective world .

  9. 随着心理无意识研究在记忆、学习和思维等领域的兴起,内隐时间认知也逐步成为时间心理学中的一个研究热点。

    With the rise of the study unconsciousness in terms of memory , learning , perception and thinking , the notion that time cognition is sometimes a kind of implicit process has been testified by many researches .

  10. 视障学生意识与无意识在文字材料记忆中的贡献

    The Contribution of Consciousness and Unconsciousness in Literal Material Memory of Blind Students