
  1. 当于浅表部位扪及无痛性肿块或健康体检发现腹、盆腔等部位孤立的类似良性肿瘤的影像学表现且提示血供丰富者,应考虑到Castleman病,并应重视鉴别诊断。

    Castleman disease may be considered in the differential diagnosis on imaging mimicking benign neoplasms of superficial tissue , the abdomen and pelvis .

  2. 主要临床表现是关节附近的无痛性肿块和轻微的膝(或踝)外(内)翻畸形。

    The main clinical features were painless bony mass and slight genu valga ( or vara ) deformity .

  3. 结论口腔颌面颈部恶性淋巴瘤的临床表现呈多样性,以无痛性肿块和面颈部肿胀为多见。

    Conclusion The clinical manifestations of ML in oral and maxillofacial and neck quite vary but most have painless turnouts .

  4. 结果:临床上多发于中年妇女,初始为孤立性无痛性肿块。

    Results : The MALT lymphomas of breast commonly occur in adult women and presented with isolated and painless masses in clinic .

  5. 结论颈部出现无痛性肿块是本病唯一早期症状,手术切除肿块是治疗本病的有效方法。

    Conclusion Tumour found in neck is the early symptom for cervical ganglioneuroma , the effective method for treating cervical ganglioneuroma is surgery .

  6. 结果:主要症状为睾丸无痛性肿块或仅有隐痛不适,组织学上均为弥漫型非霍奇金氏恶性淋巴瘤。

    Results : The main symptoms occurred in testis with no pain or secret anguish , and histological feature was diffuse Non-Hodgkin s Lomphoma .

  7. 对原因不明发热、进行性贫血、骨痛,尤其在婴儿腹部出现无痛性肿块时应首先考虑此病。

    It was necessary to suspect of it whenever there was an unexplained fever , progressive anemia with bone ache , especially accompanied with a painless mass in abdomen of infant .

  8. 结果8例均因无痛性颈部肿块入院。

    Results All complaints on admission of eight patients were painless thyroid enlargement .

  9. 眼睑皮下无痛性圆形肿块、大小不一。

    Palpebral subcutaneous anodynia round mass with different sizes .

  10. 绝大部分患者以无痛性乳腺肿块就诊,15例(46.9%)患者肿块位于乳腺外上象限。

    Most patients presented breast mass without pain . The majority of tumors were found in the upper outer quadrant ( 46.9 % ) of breast .

  11. 结果患者女性,48岁,发现左乳无痛性结节状肿块1年。

    Results The patient was a 48-year-old woman , presenting with a painless left breast swelling .

  12. 临床均以无痛性可移动肿块为主,但无乳头回缩、皮肤水肿、卫星结节及血性乳头溢液等改变。

    All of the cases almost presented with a painless mass which was movable , but there was no nipple retraction , hydroderma , satellite nodules and bloody nipple discharge , etc.