
  • 网络anaerobic exercise capacity
  1. 因此说,在越野滑雪比赛中要想取得好成绩就必须具有较高的有氧和无氧运动能力。

    So , to say , in the cross-country ski race in order to achieve good results we must have a high aerobic and anaerobic exercise capacity .

  2. 羟基磷灰石纳米粒子静脉注射后对小鼠无氧运动能力的影响及其机制

    The Influence and the Mechanism in Anaerobic Exercise Capacity of Mice after Intravenous Injection of Hydroxyapatite Nano-particles

  3. 刺五加及其复合药对大鼠无氧运动能力的影响

    Effect of Ciwujia and Combination on Anaerobic Exercise Performance in Rats

  4. 浙江省男子皮艇运动员无氧运动能力各项指标与运动成绩的相关性研究

    The Correlation between Male Kayak Canoeist 's Performance and Anaerobic Capacity Indices

  5. 无氧运动能力的提高无疑会促进越野滑雪成绩的改善。

    Anaerobic capabilities will undoubtedly promote the improvement of cross-country skiing performance .

  6. 龙岩学院部分入学新生无氧运动能力和身体成分的研究

    Study on Aerobic Exercise Performance and Body Composition of Some Freshmen in Longyan University

  7. 沙滩足球训练与传统足球训练对足球运动员有氧及无氧运动能力影响的比较研究

    Effect of beach soccer training and traditional football training on football players ' aerobic and anaerobic capacity

  8. 11.武术套路运动员表现出良好的有氧和无氧运动能力,随增龄有较大提升。

    The Chinese Wushu Routines players generally have the excellent aerobic and anaerobic sports abilities , and their aerobic and anaerobic sports abilities will greatly increase with their age .

  9. 研究结果显示:033高能饮料和多维电解质泡腾片的复合饮料,以及高能速力饮料,对提高运动员无氧运动能力都有较为明显的效果,但对有氧能力的促进作用均不理想;

    The research results show : 033 energy beverage , multidimensional electrolyte effervescence compound beverage and energy fast - reactivate beverage have obvious effect to improve triathletes ' non aerobic sports ability , but with little promotion to the aerobics ;

  10. 研究主要目的:(1)对运动员的部分生理生化指标进行分析,评定运动员的有氧和无氧专项运动能力,对运动员的体能进行综合评定。

    Objective : In this study we want to ( 1 ) analyze physiological and biochemistry variables from rowers , assess rowers ' aerobic and anaerobic rowing special ability and to assess their physical ability ;

  11. 提高无氧、有氧运动能力,有利于疲劳的恢复。

    It can improve sport power , and in favor of recovery of the fatigue caused by sporting .

  12. 因此,本文采用大鼠游泳实验,系统地研究了以刺五加为主要组方的单味及复合药对无氧训练大鼠运动能力的影响。

    The effect of Ciwujia and combination on improving the physical performance of anaerobic training rats by weight carrying swimming test .

  13. 方法:选用96只昆明雄性小鼠,建立间歇无氧运动模型,观察运动后脑、心肌、骨骼肌SOD活性、T-AOC能力及MDA含量的变化及间歇性无氧运动对小鼠行为能力的影响。

    Methods : Selected 96 male Kunming mice , setting up anaerobic training model , the changes in SOD activity and T-AOC and MDA contents were measured .