
wú fú shè
  • No radiation;nonradiative;radiationless
无辐射[wú fú shè]
  1. SBN晶体中Eu~(3+)激发态~5D0的无辐射跃迁

    Radiationless transition of Eu ~ ( 3 + ) excited state ~ 5D_0 in SBN crystal

  2. 激光染料无辐射过程的分子轨道研究&π电子成环效应的HMO研究

    Molecular Orbital Study of the Radiationless process of laser Dyes & HMO Study of π - election Loop Rule

  3. 据分析,LED的特点非常明显,寿命长、光效高、无辐射与低功耗。

    According to the analysis , the characteristics of LED is clearly evident , long service life , high efficiency and low consumption and no radiation .

  4. CsCl中FH(CN)~-缺陷中心的吸收光谱及无辐射过程理论研究

    A theoretical study of absorption properties and nonradiative process of f_h ( cn ) - defect pair in CSCL crystal

  5. 无辐射弛豫的Mott激活能为1147cm~(-1),并导出了此晶体发光量子效率随温度的变化关系式。

    Mott activation energy is 1147 cm ~ ( - 1 ) .

  6. MRI空间分辨率强无辐射,但由于不适于检查如心脏起搏器介入的心脏病患者而限制其应用。

    MRI has higher spatial resolution intensity without any radiation , but its application was limited because it is not suitable for checking heart disease patients who has underwent heart pacemaker intervention operation .

  7. 传统的笨重、高辐射、高污染的CRT显示器正日益被轻巧、节能、环保、无辐射、无闪烁的液晶显示器所代替,同时视频显示器-计算机之间的基本接口也将从模拟向全数字化转变。

    The traditional heavy CRT displays with high radiation and pollution are gradually replaced by light LCD which are energy saving , non-radiation and non-radiance .

  8. 超声引导的HIFU治疗系统以其无损,无辐射,价格相对低廉等独特的优点,在肿瘤临床治疗中有着广阔的发展前景。

    With its advantages of non-invasive , no radiation and low cost , ultrasound guided HIFU is supposed to be a promising therapy method for tumor .

  9. 研究结果表明,纳米银对表面吸附FL的荧光作用与FL分子附近局域电磁场增强和分子到金属表面无辐射跃迁能量转移过程决定并与纳米银的浓度、尺寸及电解质等密切相关。

    The results suggest that the effect of metal-enhanced fluorescence is strongly affected by the local field enhancement , the size and concentration of silver nanoparticles and electrolyte .

  10. 通过减小原子两基态间的无辐射衰减速率γ12,可以极大地增强交叉Kerr非线性效应。

    By decreasing the nonradiative decay rate γ _12 between the two ground states of the atoms , the Kerr nonlinear refractive index for cross-phase modulation can be significantly enhanced .

  11. 荧光光谱行为与有效质量理论计算研究表明,Al原子在异质结界面的扩散在离子注入过程中已基本完成,而热退火作用主要是去除无辐射复合中心。

    The results of the PL spectra and the calculation based on effective mass approximation theory show that the proton implantation is the dominate process for Al diffusion across the heterointerfaces . The main effect of rapid thermal annealing is to remove the non-radiative centre .

  12. 对通道化无辐射介质波导(NRD)的耦合特性进行了分析,给出了精确耦合方程。

    The coupling characteristics of the channelized nonradiative dielectric guide ( NRD-guide ) are analyzed and the precise coupling equations are given .

  13. fMRI的特点是空间、时间分辨率高,可在活体上重复进行检测且对人体无辐射损伤,在脑功能研究和临床诊断中被广泛应用。

    Because of its advantages of higher resolution on time and space , being able to be tested repeatedly in vivo and having no radiation damage , fMRI has been widely used in brain research and clinical diagnosis .

  14. TFT-LCD以其低功耗、低工作电压、无辐射、易于实现大规模集成化生产、轻巧等一系列特点,已经被广泛应用于手机、PDA等由电池驱动的便携式电子仪器中。

    Thin Film Transistor Liquid Crystal Display has been widely used in portable electronic devices such as mobile phone and PDA , which are supplied power by battery for advantage of low power , low driving-voltage , non-emissive and portable .

  15. 本文分析表明:在TPE下,该分子跃迁到激发态S2,经历了无辐射弛豫到达OPE的同一荧光能级,呈现激发Q带所产生的正常的荧光发射;

    These results suggest that the excited state S_2 populated by TPE or OPE may relax via radiationless process to the fluorescence state induced by OPE of Q band , and then show a normal fluorescence emission behavior .

  16. 光学相干层析成像技术(OpticalCoherencetomography,简称OCT)作为一种全新的光学断层成像技术,以其无辐射、非侵入、高分辨率及高探测灵敏度等特点,在临床医学领域具有巨大的发展潜力。

    Optical coherence tomography ( OCT ) is a novel optical tomography technique which has many advantages , such as non-contact and non-invasion detection , high resolution , high sensitivity for the imaging of living biological tissue . It has been possessed of great development potential application in clinical medicine .

  17. 在300~600K之间,测定了无辐射弛豫速率对温度的关系,并分析了由水所引进的无辐射弛豫过程的性质。

    Temperature dependence of the nonradiative relaxation rates in the range of 300-600K has been measured and the characteristics of the nonradiative relaxation have been analyzed .

  18. 在R-G理论的基础上,考虑了无辐射弛豫过程对位相信号的影响,推导出新的位相公式。

    Based on the R-Gtheory of the photoacoustic effect , a new formula on the PAphase was presented while the phase caused by non-radiative relaxation processes was considered .

  19. 这是特殊的Jahn-Teller效应,它包含定域离域跃迁,这跃迁可以采用和黄昆的多声子无辐射跃迁理论以及Johansson的铈的Yα相变理论等类似的观点来讨论。

    This is a particular type of Jahn-Teller mechanism including a localization-delocalization transition which could be discussed in the similar terms as Huang did for the multiphonon non-radiative transitions and Johansson did for the γ & α transition in cerium .

  20. 本文利用本征函数展开法推导了无辐射介质(NRD)波导中的并矢格林函数,给出了其中电型并矢格林函数的完备形式。

    In this paper , The dyadic Green 's function for nonradiative dielectric ( NRD ) waveguide is derived by the eigenfunction expansion method . The complete electric dyadic Green 's function for this guide is given .

  21. 基于电学敏感原理的电阻层析成像技术(ERT),由于可视化、无辐射、低成本等优点,在两相流动参数的检测中具有很广阔的发展前景。

    Electrical resistance tomography ( ERT ) is a kind of process tomography technique based on the principle of electrical sensitivity . The technique has an expansive developing foreground in two-phase flow parameter measurement because of its advantages such as visualization , non-radiation , and low cost .

  22. 小儿膀胱输尿管反流无辐射诊断技术的研究进展

    The Development of Radiation-Free Diagnostic Methods of Vesicoureteral Reflux in Children

  23. 无辐射介质波导传输特性的谐振测量法

    A Resonance Measurement Method of Propagation Characteristics of Nonradiative Dielectric Waveguides

  24. 黄-李斯因子及温度对多声子无辐射跃迁的影响

    The Effect of Temperature Huang - Rhys in the Multiphonon Nonradiative Transitions

  25. 光学层析成像技术近年来发展迅速,以其无辐射性、费用低廉正得到越来越多的重视。

    Optical tomography is a non-radioactive and low-cost imaging technique .

  26. 有无辐射的方法,来代替核压力测试吗?

    Ask the doctor : Are there noninvasive alternatives to a nuclear stress test ?

  27. 各向异性电介质波导无辐射介质波导漏波天线的实验研究

    Experimental Study of a Leaky Wave Antenna for Millimeter Waves Using Nonradiative Dielectric Waveguide

  28. 多声子无辐射弛豫速率的理论研究

    Theoretical study of multiphonon radiationless relaxation rate

  29. 多声子无辐射跃迁几率和声子几率因子温度关系的比较

    Comparison of Temperature Dependences between Non-Radiative Transition Probability and Phonon Probability Factor in Multiphonon Transition

  30. 本文结果提示高放射性~(111)In&oxine对血小板功能无辐射损伤效应。

    The results indicate that high radioactivity of 111In-oxine does not impair the platelet function .