
  • 网络booster transformer;booster transformer,BT
  1. 针对吸流变压器(BT)供电方式(或直接供电方式),和自耦变压器(AT)供电方式,本文设计了不同的系统结构。

    Different structures of cophase supply are designed due to booster transformer ( BT ) supply ( or direct supply ), and auto transformer ( AT ) supply .

  2. 一种没有吸流变压器的T-NF平衡供电接线

    Connection of T-NF Balancing Power Supply System Without Boosting Transformer

  3. 捷接线区段合理设置吸流变压器,可以减少其安装数量,提高其牵引供电系统的供电质量,并达到牵引供电系统的防护要求。

    On the section with short-cut circuit , the reasonable arrangement of BT will decrease the number of BT to be installed , improve the quality of the traction power supply system , and satisfy the protection requirement of the traction power supply system .