
  • 网络Absorption efficiency;Uptake efficiency;Nutrient resorption efficiency;NAE
  1. 随施N量增加,吸收效率和N效率显著下降,利用效率则变化不大。

    With increased N application , N uptake efficiency and N use efficiency decreased significantly , whereas N utilization efficiency almost the same .

  2. 吸收效率的差异主要是由于根系全N量的不同所致(图3),而根系全N量的差异主要是由于根系大小不同(表1)。

    The difference of uptake efficiency of the five lines resulted from the difference in total root N content ( Fig3 ), which was caused by root size ( Tab1 ) .

  3. 吸收剂罐结构对CO2吸收剂吸收效率的影响

    Influence of different structure scrubber on CO_2 absorption capacity

  4. 光致等离子体对提高PCB激光吸收效率的研究

    The Practical Research of Improve PCB Laser Absorptivity by Use Photo-Plasma

  5. 气体流速大,SO2吸收效率低;

    The absorption efficiency is lowed for higher flow-rate gas ;

  6. 不同农作物N素利用效率基因型差异主要与N素吸收效率和生理利用效率有关。

    Genotype differences for nitrogen use efficiency have been found in cereal crops , including rice , wheat , and corn , et al .

  7. E组刺参的吸收效率出现负值,但刺参生长效果明显。

    The absorption efficiency of the sea cucumber in group E was minus , but the growth of it was remarkable relatively .

  8. 污泥对SO2的吸收效率会受到温度、流速和浓度的影响。

    Efficiency of desulfurization will be affected by temperature , velocity and concentration .

  9. 在实验条件下,对SO2的吸收效率接近100%。

    At the condition of the experiment SO2 absorbing rate is almost 100 % .

  10. 综合分析表明,干旱胁迫引起麻疯树幼苗水分亏缺,降低了光合效率和养分吸收效率,从而抑制了麻疯树幼苗的生长、生物量积累及C、N和P的积累。

    Drought stress caused water deficiency of J. curcas seedlings , decreased photosynthetic and nutrient uptake efficiency , therefore inhibited the growth , biomass accumulation , C , N and P accumulation of seedlings .

  11. SSP可提高植株的磷吸收效率,CMP对提高植株的磷利用效率更有效。

    However SSP is good at improving phosphorus uptake efficiency , and CMP at utilization efficiency .

  12. 氨水溶液捕集CO2工艺由于吸收效率高、再生能耗低等优点已成为CO2减排技术领域的研究热点。

    The absorption of CO2 by ammonia solution with the advantages of high efficiency and low regeneration energy has recently become a hotspot in the area of CO2 reduction .

  13. 拜耳赤泥作为SO2的吸收剂,具有吸收效率高、吸硫量大、流程简单等优点。

    Bayer red mud acts as absorbent has the advantage of high absorption efficiency , large absorption capacity , simply process and so on .

  14. 考察了脂质体粒径、表面电荷、表面PEG修饰对淋巴吸收效率影响。

    The factors that influence the lymphatic uptake of liposomes , such as particle size , surface charge and surface modification with PEG , were investigated .

  15. 低磷条件下,APA增加,且与磷吸收效率呈极显著正相关关系。

    Under the low phosphorus condition , APA raised and had a most significant correlation relation with phosphorus efficiency .

  16. 结合了Ag粒子的TiO2纳米带不仅增加了TiO2的光吸收效率,而且有利于光生电荷的分离。

    The combination of Ag clusters with TiO2 nanoribbons not only increases the optical absorption efficiency of TiO2 , but also facilitates the separation of the photo-generated charges .

  17. 在各种水分条件下增加N肥施用量显著降低了N利用效率,却提高N吸收效率;干旱条件下NL和NM处理降低了P利用效率,但增加了植株P吸收效率。

    Under the same water condition , increasing nitrogen application rate significantly decreased the N use efficiency and increased P uptake efficiency . NL and NM treatment under drought stress decreased P use efficiency , but increased P uptake efficiency .

  18. 根据Mie散射理论计算了多种直径红磷烟幕粒子对不同波长红外的吸收效率因子、散射效率因子和消光效率因子。

    The absorption , mattering and extinction efficiency factors of red phosphorus smoke with different diameters to infrared at different wavelengths were calculated according to Mie scattering theory .

  19. 研究表明,雾滴初始粒径、SO2入口浓度、喷雾反应段长度、液气比是影响吸收效率的重要因素,而雾滴初始速度、烟气入口温度对吸收效率的影响不大。

    Result shows the initial diameter of spray droplets , inlet SO_2 concentration , length of the spray reaction segment , liquid gas ratio are important parameters that affect absorption efficiency . absorption efficiency .

  20. 用NaOH溶液处理CaO生成的改性石灰在350~760℃温度段对HCl气体吸收效率较原始石灰有显著的提高。

    When CaO is treated by NaOH solution modified lime was obtained and its retention capabilities for gaseous HC1 were enhanced as compared to the original lime within a temperature range of 350-760 # .

  21. 小麦氮效率(NUE)可分解为吸收效率(UPE)和利用效率(UTE)。

    Wheat N use efficiency can be divided into uptake efficiency ( UPE ) and utilization efficiency ( UTE ) .

  22. 根据Mie散射理论用数值法研究了沙尘粒子对大气红外辐射的散射、消光和吸收效率,揭示了不同粒径的沙尘粒子在不同红外辐射波段消光和吸收的特点。

    In this paper , the scattering , extinction and absorption efficiency of sand dust is investigated for the infrared radiation in atmosphere on the basis of the Mie theory .

  23. 试验结果表明,HTV塔板保持了F1型浮阀塔板结构简单等优点,但其雾沫夹带量和泄漏量小,氧气解吸效率和氨气吸收效率均较F1板高出约5%。

    The experimental results indicate that the construc-ture of HTV tray is as simple as F1 tray . It possesses less entrainment and leakage than F1 tray , and mass transfer efficiency has increased by 5 % .

  24. 研究了波能吸收效率与OWC腔室内振荡气体压强的幅值、相位的关系。

    The relationship of the wave energy extraction efficiency with the amplitude and phase of the oscillating air pressure in the air-chamber was investigated .

  25. 数值计算的结果表明:消反射状态下,OWC的波能吸收效率比传统形式的OWC高很多。

    The numerical results showed that the wave energy extraction efficiency of the OWC under anti-reflection condition was much higher than that of the traditional OWC .

  26. 在目前已有的设计、运行经验基础上,根据烟气的SO2进口浓度、要求的吸收效率等来确定喷淋塔容积。

    According to the design and operation experiences , the volume of a spray scrubber can be decided by SO_2 concentration at the entrance and the needed absorbing efficiency when the volume absorbing load is chosen in a recommended range .

  27. 由于单磁场线圈微波电子回旋共振化学气相沉积(MWECRCVD)系统设备相对简单,对微波吸收效率不高。

    Because of the simplification design of single coil divergent field microwave electron-cyclotron-resonance chemical vapor deposition ( MWECR CVD ) system , its absorption efficiency of microwave power is not good .

  28. 为了使CaS∶Eu对外界激发光的吸收效率增强,通过添加几种廉价的添加剂,对传统的高温固相法进行了改进,制得了发光性能优异的CaS∶Eu磷光体;

    In order to enhance the absorption efficiency of CaS ∶ Eu phosphor to the excitation light , the conventional high temperature solid-state method is improved by adding some low-cost additives . CaS ∶ Eu phosphor powders , which have excellent luminescence properties , are prepared through this improved method .

  29. 氮素的吸收效率和氮肥的农艺利用率各肥力条件下均是在施氮量为135kg·hm-2处理上最高。

    When nitrogen application rate was 135kg · hm-2 , absorption efficiency of nitrogen and agricultural utilization ratio of the nitrogen were both the highest under every fertility condition .

  30. 与对照相比,EAN提高了氮流效率和吸收效率,但以拔节前处理最为明显。

    All EAN treatments increased nitrogen flow efficiency ( NFE ) and nitrogen recovery efficiency ( NRE ), compared with single NO - 3 , but EAN treatments before jointing had significant effects on increasing nitrogen utilization .