
xī shēng
  • sound absorption;bondacust
吸声 [xī shēng]
  • [sound absorption] 声的吸收

吸声[xī shēng]
  1. FeCrAl纤维多孔材料梯度结构吸声性能的研究

    Study on sound absorption performance of FeCrAl fibrous porous materials gradient structure

  2. 结果表明,PU泡沫的吸声性能随厚度、空腔厚度的增加而增强,但厚度的增加存在定的限度。

    We found that with the increase of thickness and cavity thickness , sound absorption property of PU foam is improved , the degree of increase is limited .

  3. 橡胶改性PP阻燃泡沫材料吸声性能的研究

    Study on Acoustic Property of Flame Retardant PP Foam Modified with EPR

  4. 该模型改进了NASA用于飞行器地面反射、吸声的传统算法。

    The traditional algorithms used by NASA are improved in this model .

  5. 按照空腔共振结构的微观尺寸对吸声影响的机理,采用发气技术形成这种结构并研制出相应的新型发气剂X。

    In term of the relation between the micro-size and cavity resonance sound absorber , the structure is formed through the gas former techniques .

  6. 高声压级下Voronoi型金属泡沫的吸声性能研究

    Investigation on Sound Absorbing Behavior of Voronoi-type Metal Foam at High Sound Pressure Level

  7. 以PVC树脂、EPR和岩棉为主要原材料用发泡方法制成了一种中低频吸声性能优良的新型泡沫吸声材料。

    A new sound absorbing foamed compound mainly made from PVC resin , EPR and rockwool has been investigated by foaming process .

  8. PDCA循环在大跨度网架吸声体吊件施工质量控制中的应用

    The Applications of PDCA Circulation in the Construction Quality Control of Long-span Wire Frame Sound Absorbent Hangers

  9. 本文利用混响声场吸声系数α、立体角、平均自由程及壁面吸收声能等统计声学概念,用简单方法导出混响声场吸声系数α与统计能量分析(SEA)损耗因子η之间的关系。

    Relation between acoustical absorption coefficient α and loss factor η in reverberant field with statistical energy analysis ( SEA ) was derived using concise statistical acoustical concepts , such as acoustical absorption coefficient α, three-dimension angle , mean free path and surface absorption energy .

  10. 聚氨酯泡沫(polyurethanefoam,PU)是典型的多孔型声学材料,它综合了高分子的材料性能、柔性材料的阻尼功能、多孔材料的吸声功能,是一种很好的吸声材料。

    Polyurethane foam ( polyurethane foam , PU ) is a typical porous acoustic material , which combines the material properties of the polymer and the damping function of a flexible material , is a good sound-absorbing material .

  11. 吸声用烧结FeCrAl纤维多孔材料是金属纤维领域一个新的研究方向。

    Sintered FeCrAl fibrous porous materials used in sound absorption field is a new study orientation in metal fibrous technology area .

  12. 通过研究发现,PP纤维的长度对自身的吸声性能几乎没有影响,但随着纤维样品密度、厚度的增加,样品的吸声性能也随着增加,且中低频吸声性能很好。

    The results show that the length of PP fiber has no influence on sound absorption property , while with the increase of density and thickness of samples , the sound absorption property is improved , and showed better property in medium-low frequency .

  13. 本论文首先对均匀材料的吸声特性做了深入的分析,并详细讨论了WKB微扰摄动法,利用WKB方法计算阻抗过渡结构的吸声系数。

    First , absorptive characteristic of homogeneous material is analyzed thoroughly . Then WKB perturbation means are used to calculate absorption coefficient of the impedance transition structure in this paper .

  14. 本文将物理声学方法(Kirchhoff近似)推广到非硬表面的情况,以解决带有吸声覆盖层的目标的目标强度计算问题。

    In this paper the physical acoustic method ( the Kirchhoff 's approximation ) is extended to treat the scattering of a nonrigid surface in order to estimate the target strength of tar-gets with absorbing coatings .

  15. 结果表明,在玻璃化转变区域材料的吸声系数较高,PEMA和PVC均具有特征吸收频率。

    The results showed that the sound absorption coefficient of the materials exhibited a higher value in its glass transition region due to the more sound energy lost by converting it into the heat energy .

  16. 研究了飞机APU排气噪声的降噪设计,建立了排气管道的微穿孔板吸声结构几何参数、气流参数等与吸声特性参数之间的关联关系,发展了排气管道微穿孔板吸声结构的理论设计方法。

    Based on this theoretical formula , a micro perforated absorber used to reduce ex-haust noise of flow duct was designed and was used in the noise reduction for the airplane MA60 APU .

  17. 发展了一种基于线性粘弹性Kelvin-Voigt模型的二维解析理论,分析声波垂直入射情况下含有周期分布圆柱形空腔的吸声覆盖层的反声和吸声特性。

    A two-dimensional analytic model based on linear viscoelastic Kelvin-Voigt model has been established for analyzing the reflection and absorption from a coating containing periodic cylindrical holes at normal incidence .

  18. 用GT-Power软件对气动马达使用的消声器分3组10种模型进行了建模和仿真,通过对比发现在消声器壳体内壁粘贴吸声材料,且材料密度越大,降噪效果越好;

    10 mufflers of different structure in 3 groups were simulated by GT-Power . To install noise absorption material in the cylindrical muffler enhanced the noise reduction , and the density of the material affects the noise reduction .

  19. 实验中长空间的墙壁为具有不同边界阻抗的吸声材料,实验结果可以看出该模型比基于声线法的软件ODEON的预测结果更接近实验结果。

    In experiments the enclosure walls are lined with different kinds of sound absorption material to simulate different impedance boundaries . It is show that the developed model agrees better with the experimental data than that of the ODEON software .

  20. 应用声有限元素法模拟坐席吸声低谷效应

    Modeling of the seat dip effect using acoustic finite element method

  21. 充水管道中用传递函数法测量吸声材料的声学性能

    The sound-absorbed properties measurement in water-filled tube with transfer function method

  22. 非平面界面的多层高分子复合材料吸声性能

    Sound absorption properties of multilayered polymer composite materials with nonplanar interfaces

  23. 聚氨酯/纳米粒子复合材料的吸声性能的研究

    Studies on the Acoustic Absorption Property of Polyurethane / ZrO Nanocomposites

  24. 混响室中不同试件面积对吸声系数的影响研究

    Influence of Specimen Area on Its Absorption Coefficient in Reverberation Room

  25. 吸声帘幕属于多孔有机纤维吸声材料。

    The acoustic curtain belongs to the porous organic-fiber acoustic material .

  26. 人仄易远的吸声便是上帝的声音。

    The voice of the people is the voice of God .

  27. 水溶性高分子梯度溶液吸声机理的研究

    Study on the sound absorption mechanism in gradient water-soluble polymer solution

  28. 宽频带复合吸声结构在汽轮发电机组噪声控制中的应用

    Application of Wide-Frequency Compound Sound-Absorbing Structure in Noise Control of Turbo-Generator

  29. 新型声学结构的吸声特性研究

    Research on Sound Absorption Characteristics of the New Acoustic Structure

  30. 高效纤维-石膏功能复合吸声材料的研制

    Developments of efficient sound absorption of fiber-gypsum functional composite materials