
  • BLISTER;PVC;vacuum forming
  1. 广州市锐致广告招牌制品厂(简称:锐致标识)是一家以大型LED广告招牌工程、大型霓虹灯招牌工程、精工金属招牌及吸塑灯箱为主的大型终端生产厂家。

    Guangzhou Ruizhi Ad Sign Production Factory is a manufacturer that excels in the production of large scale LED , Neon advertising signs , precision metal signs and blister light boxes .

  2. 各类精密元器件的托盘:相机配件、镜片、电子零件等;各类高科技吸塑产品导电和防静电PS、PVC、PP、PET、吸塑托盘。

    We produce PS , PVC , PP and PET conductive or anti-static blister trays for containing camera and electronic components , lens and other high tech products .

  3. PVC制品成型加工的真空吸塑机的研发

    Development of PVC product vacuum forming machine

  4. ABS树脂真空吸塑成型

    Vacuum snap - back thermoforming of ABS resin

  5. 消除摩托车ABS塑料件的龟裂弊病ABS吸塑件在客车上的应用

    Checking Elimination of ABS Plastic Parts for Motorcycles The application of ABS parts on bus

  6. ABS吸塑件在客车上的应用吸扫式路面清扫车电气控制系统

    The application of ABS parts on bus Electrical Control System of Absorber and Sweeper Trucks

  7. 迪比亚塑胶制品有限公司于2005年成立于广东,公司专注于PP,PS,ABS以及复合板材和吸塑产品的研发。

    Dibiya Plastic Products Co. , Ltd was established in Canton in2005 , specialized in manufacturing PP , PS , ABS and Compund Sheet and absorbing products .

  8. 而目前国内对冰箱吸塑模的设计、制造还主要是基于CAD二维制图,传统加工并辅以数控加工。

    At present , the design and manufacture of refrigerator vacuum forming mould in china , is mainly base on 2D CAD two drawing , manually controlled machining , assistant with NC machining .

  9. 介绍了ABS树脂的真空吸塑成型技术,详细阐述了真空吸塑工艺,并探讨了原料、设备、模具对工艺的影响及成型工艺条件的控制。

    The vacuum snap-back thermoforming techniques of ABS resin , and the vacuum snap-back thermoforming technology , materials , equipments , molds and process charts are described in detail .

  10. 苏州市金澳威包装制品有限公司专业生产PP、PS防静电、导电、PVC、环保PET、PE、植绒及折边、折盒等吸塑包装制品及中空板周转箱。

    Our company specializes in producing PP , PS anti-static , conductive , PVC , green PET , PE , flocking and fold , folding boxes and blister packaging products hollow board turnover box .

  11. 软质PVC可以用来做成真空吸塑薄膜,用于各类面板表层包装,装饰膜,附胶膜,应用于建材,包装,医药等诸多行业。

    Can be used to make soft PVC vacuum film for packaging various types of panel surface , decorative film , with film , used in building materials , packaging , pharmaceutical and many other industries .

  12. 探讨了基于UGⅡ软件的冰箱吸塑模的用户特征库的建立,并给出了建库的几个实例。

    The method of generating user final feature lib used in refrigerator mould based on UG II was also discuss in this paper , several examples for lib creation was given as an illustration .

  13. 为此,作者从冰箱吸塑模的实际设计、制造要求出发,对冰箱吸塑模的关键结构设计、CAD/CAM应用等方面进行了研究。

    Based on the above reason , the paper will mainly study approach to design the key structure of refrigerator vacuum forming mould , detailed treatise that refrigerator vacuum forming mould , as well as the CAD / CAM application in mould development .

  14. 并根据该算法设计了一套基于C8051F005的控制系统,用于对吸塑机监控的温度变化和工作状态进行监控检测。

    Then a control system based on C8051F005 was designed according to the algorithm , which could monitor the temperature change and the working of the packing machine .

  15. 注射器法腹部脂肪抽吸塑形术的手术效果评价

    Evaluation of therapeutic effectiveness of liposuction from abdominal wall with injector

  16. 冰箱门内壳吸塑模设计

    The Design of Compression Mould of Inner Shell for Refrigerator Door

  17. 药片的真空吸塑包装可能对儿童有害;

    That blister packaging for tablets may not be child resistant ;

  18. 自动真空吸塑成型机的研究开发

    The Development of Automatic Plastics - sucking Machine with Vacuum - molding

  19. 基于新型免涂装复合塑料板材的吸塑成型汽车零件技术

    Technique Sucking Forming Auto Part Based on New Non-spraying Compound Plastic Sheet

  20. 热塑性成型工艺中一个重要部分是真空吸塑成型工艺。

    Vacuum forming process is an important part in thermoplastic molding process .

  21. 研究主要包括实验研究以及真空吸塑成型模拟研究。

    The Research including experimental research , and plastics sucking molding simulation .

  22. 吸塑模;数值模拟;成型工艺;

    Vacuum forming mould ; Numerical simulation ; Forming technology ;

  23. 金澳威包装拥有先进的吸塑机械设备和丰富的生产经验。

    Blister has advanced mechanical equipment and a wealth of production experience .

  24. 上海吸塑灯箱采用立体发光字加工技术。

    Shanghai plastic boxes with solid light processing technology .

  25. 吸塑模型腔的锌基合金液态模锻

    Liquid Die Forging of Zn-base Alloys for the Cavity of Vacuum Forming Mould

  26. 冰箱冷柜门胆真空吸塑模设计

    Design of the Vacuum Plastics-Absorption Mould for the Door Temperature-Preserving Liner of Refrigerators

  27. 改性聚丙烯吸塑薄片的生产技术

    Production technology of modified PP sheets for Vaccum moulding

  28. 金澳威包装集吸塑模具设计、生产于一体。

    Plastic Mold Set design , production in one .

  29. 冰箱吸塑模设计及CAD/CAM技术的应用研究

    A Study on Design and CAD / CAM Application for Refrigerator Vacuum Forming Mould

  30. 冰箱内壳真空吸塑模抽芯机构设计

    Design of the Core-Pulling Structures for the Vacuum Forming Mould for Refrigerator Inner Shells