
  • 网络Inhalation;inhalation administration
  1. 方法采用HPLC法测定不同时间点兔血浆和肺组织中羟基喜树碱浓度,分析雾化吸入给药后的组织分布特点,并对雾化吸入给药后的肺器官中药物浓度数据进行了药物动力学分析。

    Methods RP-HPLC was used to determine the concentration of HCPT in different tissues and plasma of rabbits . The concentrations in lung at different time after nebulized inhalation were analyzed and estimated for pharmacokinetic parameters .

  2. 内源性药物干粉吸入给药的研究进展

    The study advance of the endogenesis drug xerium inhalation administration

  3. 雾化吸入给药后的绝对生物利用度为7.38%。

    The absolute bioavailability of HCPT after aerosol inhalation was 7 . 38 % .

  4. 复方四季青提取物雾化吸入给药的药效学研究

    Pharmacodynamic study of extract of compound Chinese holly leaf after aerosol inhalation in rats

  5. 药理毒理研究的吸入给药实验方法学研究进展

    Recent development in experiment methodology for studies of inhaled drugs in pharmacology and toxicology

  6. 吸入给药肺沉积的研究进展

    Recent development in lung deposition of inhaled drugs

  7. 结论喷雾冷冻干燥法可以制备超低密度的适于吸入给药的蛋白粉末。

    CONCLUSION Spray freeze drying produce protein particles with ultra low density suitable for inhalation .

  8. 目的探讨压缩雾化吸入给药在激素依赖性哮喘中的作用。

    Objective To evaluate the role of compression nebulized inhalation in the treatment of steroids-dependent asthma .

  9. 结论:复方四季青提取物雾化吸入给药是提高疗效的有效途径之一。

    CONCLUSION : Aerosol inhalation can improve the therapeutic effect of the compound Chinese holly leaf .

  10. 肺部吸入给药作为一种新型的给药方式凭借其特有的优势越来越受到人们的关注。

    Pulmonary drug delivery , as a new-style administration , has been paid more and more attention by people because of its inherent advantages .

  11. 目的研究重组人白介素2吸入给药对小鼠克雷伯肺炎感染的保护作用。

    Aim To determine the protective effect of recombinant human interleukin-2 ( rhIL-2 ) in inhalant form on experimental respiratory tract infection with Klebsiella pneumoniae in mice .

  12. 结论:雾化吸入HCPT给药对于黑色素瘤肺转移癌症的治疗效果明显,具有一定的应用前景和深入研究的潜力。

    Conclusion : The results suggested that aerosol delivery of HCPT demonstrated powerful antitumor activity and was useful for melanoma lung metastasis by aerosol delivery treatment .

  13. 结论5FU雾化吸入途径给药可使呼吸系统组织中5FU浓度高,血清中浓度低,因而能减轻毒性反应,是一种安全有效的化疗途径。

    Conclusion The 5 FU concentration was significantly higher in respiratory system and lower in serum by nebulization than by injection . Nebulization can lessen the toxic reaction and offer a safe and effective route for chemotherapy .

  14. 方法:静式染毒柜小鼠吸入接触给药。

    METHODS : Drugs were administered to the mice through the respiratory tract by a static intoxication equipment .

  15. 本文对吗啡雾化吸入呼吸道给药的药物代谢动力学和药效学以及临床应用的研究进展进行综述。

    This review will summarize recent literature on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of inhaled morphine as well as the utility in clinic .

  16. 结论向肺组织施以13-cis-RA可以对肺RAR起到强刺激作用,表明用异维甲酸吸入法肺部给药是增量调节异维甲酸受体的更有效的方法,可能取得更好的化学预防效果。

    Conclusion 13-cis - RA delivered to lung tissue is a potent stimulant of lung . These data support the concept that epithelial delivery of chemopreventive retinoic acid to lung tissue is a more efficacious way to attain up-regulation of the retinoid receptors and possibly to achieve chemoprevention .

  17. 这种药物通常是以吸入的方式给药的,但是该患者的肺里有太多的液体,让这种药物无法这样起作用。

    The drug is usually administered by an inhaler but the patient 's lungs had too much fluid for the drug to work this way .

  18. 目的制备适合粉末吸入肺部定位给药的环丙沙星白蛋白缓释微球,探讨热变性对微球体外释药的调节机制。

    OBJECTIVE To prepare the dry powder inhaled sustained release albumin microspheres for lung specific delivery of ciprofloxacin . To investigate the mechanism of the modification of thermal denaturation on drug release in vitro .

  19. 比较雾化吸入和静脉注射给药后的组织分布特点与血药浓度。

    The tissue distribution of HCPT after aerosol inhalation or iv administration was compared .

  20. 药物的使用法有口服、肛门塞剂、皮下注射、肌肉注射、静脉注射和吸入等。常用给药途径为动脉注射和静脉滴注。

    " Drugs may be given by mouth , by injection , by inhalation , rectally , or through the skin . " Commonly used for administration of arterial injection and intravenous drip .