
fáng léi
  • lightning protection
防雷[fáng léi]
  1. 学习和引用IEC建筑物防雷规范中值得商榷的几个问题

    Some Discussions about Learning and Utilizing IEC Lightning Protection Standards of Buildings

  2. 线路用MOA防雷效果分析及注意事项

    The Effect of Lightning Protection with MOA on Transmission Line

  3. 线路热备用断路器防雷探讨电子线路CAD

    Research on the Lightning Protection for Standby Line Circuit Breaker An Approach to CAD in Electronic Circutis

  4. 全固态PDM中波发射机的防雷保护

    Lightning - arresting Protection for All-solid PDM Medium Wave Transmitter

  5. 此发生器适合于对低压防雷器(SPD)等进行检测试验。

    So the combination wave generator is suitable to detect SPD .

  6. SPD在综合防雷中的应用

    Application of SPD in the comprehensive protection of lightning strikes

  7. 本文详细介绍了半导体少长针消雷装置(SLE)的防雷原理,并与传统的避雷针相比较,结合贵冶采用该装置后的收益进行分析。

    This article makes a detailed description on thunder-proof principle of SLE and analyzes the efficiency compared with the traditional thunder-proof device .

  8. 并对计算机网络防雷中网络接地、网络布线及过电压保护设计进行了初探,认为室内计算机与通讯设备的位置与建筑物外墙应保持1.5m的距离。

    The computer grid grounding , wiring and over-voltage protection facilities were approached .

  9. 根据雷电波的特点,在电源装置前加装电源防雷吸收装置,通过对其进行ATP仿真,表明该装置对雷电波有较好的削波效果。

    A surge absorbing device was installed in front of power supply device , which showed a good surge - chipping effect at ATP simulation .

  10. 500kV紧凑型输电线路防雷性能研究

    Study on Anti-lightning Performance of the 500 kV Compact Transmission Line

  11. 变电所35kV架空线路侧防雷的探讨

    Discussion on Lightning Protection of 35 kV Transmission Lines of Substation

  12. 10kV配电线路防雷措施研究与应用

    Research on Protection Measures against Lightning for 10 kV Distribution Line and Its Application

  13. 本文对PHC桩基础防雷接地装置施工中存在的若干问题及其改进方法进行探讨,并结合工程实际经验提出了建议意见。

    This article discusses some issues unsolved about lightning protection grounding device of PHC piles and provides some correction suggestions based on the construction experience .

  14. 220kV线路防雷技术探讨

    Discussion on Lightning Protection for 220 kV Transmission Line

  15. 广西110~220kV输电线路防雷调查研究

    The Research about Lightning Protection for 110 ~ 220 kV Transmission Lines in Guangxi

  16. OPGW架空复合地线是一种集防雷和通讯功能于一体的新型产品,近几年被逐渐广泛应用;

    Composite fiber optic overhead ground wire ( OPGW ) is a new product applied widely in recent years which incorporates lightning protection with communication .

  17. 关于Szasz型算子的线性组合此发生器适合于对低压防雷器(SPD)等进行检测试验。

    On the linear combination of Szasz - type operators So the combination wave generator is suitable to detect SPD .

  18. 在重庆地区和贵州地区的试验表明,这种新型中性点运行方式对减低山区35kV电网雷击跳闸率,提高其防雷运行水平是有效和可行的。

    Simulation indicates that new neutral operation method can improve lightning withstand level and decrease trip-out rate of grids .

  19. 防雷用电压敏电阻器线路避雷器在110kV荔茂线60~杆防雷中的应用

    Application of Line Surge Arrester to Lightning Protection on the 60 ~ # Pole of 110 kV Li-Mao Transmission Line

  20. 平果500kV变电站弱电设备防雷研究弱电设备的雷害分析及防护

    Study about Lightning Protection on Weak Current Device in Ping-guo 500 kV Substation Analysis and Defense on Lightning Disturbance to Weak Current Equipment

  21. 吉林省66kV及220kV输电线路防雷措施及应用效果分析

    Analysis of Lightning Protection Measures and Application Effect at 66 kV and 220 kV Transmission Lines of Jilin Province

  22. ESE避雷针在我国防雷标准中并未被采纳,但有多种产品在国内已经有一定数量的应用。

    The ESE air terminal has not been accepted by our national lightning protection standards . But some products of the ESE air terminal have been employed in practical projects with remarkable amount .

  23. 结合大量的光纤复合架空地线复合光缆(OPGW)工程设计实践,对于110~500kV架空线路中的2条良导体地线,为了防雷逐塔接地所带来的电能损耗值得关注。

    Combined with many practices of OPGW project designing , this paper proposes that the electric energy loss of two good conductor ground wires on 110 kV to 500 kV OPGW is worth concern .

  24. 信息系统防雷工程中降低N-PE电压的常用方法

    Common Methods for Reducing N-PE Voltage for Lightning Protection Engineering of Information Systems

  25. 指出了低压防雷的主要产品&低压电涌保护器(SPD)在检测时,应注意合理选择防雷标准和雷电波形参数。

    It is pointed out that for testing surge protection device ( SPD ), the main lightning protection device in low voltage circuit , proper parameter for lightning protection and lightning wave-shape shall be selected .

  26. 因此研究提高35kV输电线路防雷性能新技术和新措施是十分必要的。

    Therefore , it is necessary to study new methods and measurements to prevent transmission lines from lightning fault for improving lightning withstand capacity of 35 kV lines .

  27. 输电线路应用避雷针防雷符合传统防雷理论,但对35kV架空输电线路而言有其局限性。

    Using lightning rod on transmission line for protection against lightning accords with the traditional theory of protection against lightning , but there are limitations on 35 kV overhead transmission line .

  28. 最后计算分析了晋东南GIS变电所和荆门HGIS变电所站的雷电侵入波并根据两个变电所各自的特点提出相应的MOA布置方案及其防雷可靠性分析。

    Two types of two substations are considered in the study of lightning invaded wave on substation : Jindongnan GIS substation and Jingmen HGIS substation . The configuration schemes of MOA positions in substation and lightning protection reliability of substation are proposed separately according to their special characteristics .

  29. 用先导发展模型方法作为绝缘闪络判据,计算比较了峡500kV双回同杆并架出线不同方案的防雷性能,并对国外运行经验做了分析讨论,提出推荐方案。

    The leader development model has been adopted as the insulator flashover criterion . The lightning performances of outgoing double circuit line schemes of the Three Gorges Power Station were computed and compared . The foreign operating experience is analyzed , Schemes are proposed .

  30. 现代防雷技术在水厂自动化系统中的应用

    Application of Modern Lightning Protection Technology in Automation System of Waterworks